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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Next time don't argue a point I'm not making and things will be much easier. You made an assumption and was flat out wrong. Next time take the time to READ what I said instead of jumping to a conclusion.
  2. I don't think you're too in tune with what is going on nor can you comprehend this very well. The topic is about the abuse of the strip search. That is clearly stated in the article. You didn't get that and argued a point I was not making. Please get some sleep because you obviously are not functioning very well.
  3. Not wrong. The point was what was gas price before it started tanking in 2008. In 2007 it was still going up. 2008 was $4.
  4. And THAT is the whole point I was making and the point of the experts I was quoting.
  5. That's not what I said. I said it has to be reasonable. I said there are other ways to do it. I said there are problems with it being reasonable on every arrest. At least 10 states, the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the US Marshals Service disagree with your version. Let's hope they keep the common sense. If you're going to disagree, please let it be on my position and not on one you just make up.
  6. If you disagree with the experts, take it up with them. My Link
  7. That's not the topic. If you want to discuss that, please start your own thread. I'm looking forward to your report tomorrow from the Supreme Court and how they said this ruling can be abused.
  8. And the answer is almost $4 a gallon. Just saying.
  9. Because worldwide demand was down with the worldwide economy slumping. Demand is now way up. So are prices. Supply and demand.
  10. And using something other than lead would be such a terrible thing. The wildlife rehabilitator knows so little about this, I'm sure. If we don't like what the experts say, we just dismiss what them. Never mind we've already banned lead for water fowl.
  11. That's not the topic. The topic is about how easy it is to abuse the search in the name of "safety." If we give up liberty in the name of safety, we have neither. The point is that for non-violent offenders for minor offenses, there are other ways to accomplish the need. Even the justices ruling in the majority that AGREE with you admit there is a propensity for the state to abuse this ruling.
  12. So you're saying the Supreme Court justices that wrote in the MAJORITY don't know what they are talking about when they warn that their ruling can be used in the wrong way? Gotcha. You should call them tomorrow and inform them how wrong they are on how they are applying the Constitution.
  13. Eagles are now the centerpiece of the debate to ban lead in ammunition. My Link
  14. Those were hacks, too. The president doesn't control gas prices.
  15. They said it then, too. Only partisan hacks would try to blame it on a president.
  16. The experts I'm reading are saying gas will drop over the summer barring something political in the Middle East or another disaster like the Japanese tsumnami or another hurricane like Katrina. They say it has nothing to do with politics.
  17. I'm just repeating what the experts say. I'm sure you know so much more about the Constitution than the experts. They warned of the dangers of the ruling, including the justices in the majority. But what do I know, right? I just read a lot.
  18. You took it waaaaaaayyyyyyyy out of context without even mentioning the very next line or the context of the entire piece. I fire employees for doing that. It is called misrepresentation.
  19. Except that the facts don't support that. US production is up but the price of gas has gone up too. Even the WSJ newspaper itself doesn’t buy this nonsense (see Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal and Koch-Fueled Cato Agree: “It’s Not Obama’s Fault That Crude Oil Prices Have Increased”). Nor does the public (see Poll: 66% Blame Big Oil and MidEast Countries For High Gas Prices, 23% Blame Obama).
  20. This has been a Butt-Load of work. Can't wait for the thing to be finished so I can get back to a life. You. Ain't. Lying. No. That's not in the initial plan. Prepared for eventually, yes. Initial build out, no.
  21. You are completely correct. It is supply and demand. That is what the experts said and it is why drilling her won't have but a very small impact on gas prices. The extra supply won't even begin to compare to the exploding demand in the emerging world. That's why US consumption is down but world wide demand is up. My LInk 1 My Link 2 My LInk 3 Emerging markets demand has doubled world oil consumption in five years.
  22. I am certain you know so much more about world economics than the experts. Please call them and explain why they are wrong. I'm certain they would love to have your input, seeing as how you are credentialed and all. My link
  23. Employers abuse the system too. There are good and bad in both. Demonizing the poor is as bad as demonizing the wealthy. Good for your SIL. He did the right thing even if hte employer was a jerk. Here's to hoping he finds a GREAT job soon!
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