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Everything posted by CreativeOne

  1. I generally try to stay out of these things as they usually come to no good .... but .... This whole thing is so vague and really isn't libel by any real legal definition. I know you feel harmed but please just step back and breath as it isn't worth it. Bring suit on this isn't really going to get you no where and you will be ending up with a huge legal bill and still no satisfaction. I would just suck it up to you that don't like RM and just put her on ignore, go have a nice glass of wine (or 3) and please do let go and breath. Don't ever post if she does, I'm sure she will do in kind
  2. :::POSITIVETHOUGHTS::: just remember that all cancer treatments have come a long way and most are treatable. look into alternative medicines for helping to deal with symptoms and into a nutritionist for helping as well. both help during and after treatments (radiation and/or chemo) :::POSITIVETHOUGHTS:::
  3. ^ good advice. boiled chicken & rice is really good. I have also used baby food to get food into dogs (and cats). Get the protein ones, with or without veggies. Don't get all veggie ones.
  4. You can use an eye dropper as well to squeeze water into the mouth. You do not want to give too much water or very fast, but a little bit every so often will keep fluid in. Just remember to take outside once in a while or OOOPPPSSS in the house. Hope she feels better really soon!
  5. ^ well said ..... RIP Chico, you did good! .... and many thoughts to his family with Sergeant Hurst, may their memories ease some pain of the loss.
  6. How fantastic you are getting your uncle's purple heart. I know you will treasure it always! CONGRATULATIONS!
  7. Great find! Wonder if I can suggest a few people I'd like to see go on that mission to live there?
  8. when I did it, the rentee paid the fee. at that time I used a very large real estate company to find me a good apartment and I didn't pay them a dime
  9. she is adorable! hope you find a home soon. FYI ... shelter has not been taking in any cats. It probably will be Monday 7/27 before they will be able to. They have been in a quarantine - but call first (770-445-1511).
  10. contact a real estate company or C.Mark Willix ... they should be able to help screen apartments and find a sutible place. yes, they can get commission on apartments (the apartment place pays) like they get on homes -- I did this when I moved to atlanta good luck!
  11. ^ agree. Just need to send them people who can help if you can't. yea right .... like they would make a TON of $$$s at Ingles in Dallas especially with some around here who would just ignore them than to find them help.
  12. I would vote for you but then I'd have to do FB GOOD LUCK!
  13. thanks for the update .... good news for sure! :::positivehealingthoughtscontinuing:::
  14. Got a bunch of rain, almost an inch in the last hour .... WOW! Got 1.2 inches yesterday. nope, no loss of power - I'm a couple of miles south of you.
  15. Thanks for letting me (us) know .... I'm going to go look through that catalog just a little bit harder now!
  16. Believe it or not, they actually send me a catalog to my house! I look at it & it does have some nice stuff. Don't know if I have actually bought anything or not ......
  17. seems to have been an interesting character .....
  18. I hope today is a little better and tomorrow is even better than today. :::positivehealingthoughtswithreducedpain:::
  19. you mean he should have said "no comment' when first asked (yes I think it was a set up but he completely jumped in)? lots of people supported him with their purchases to go against gays and now he says he will silently support gays so they give him $$$$$$ to his business? hmmmmmm
  20. DR recommended Vitamen E 400U to help a little with the hot flashes - lessens them (intensity, frequency) but not makes them go away for everybody. I do know some women who swear but it not everyone. It does help a little. and it is also heart healthy
  21. Sending :::goodpositivehealingthoughts::: for you, Blondie!
  22. nope -- problem here as well. glad to be back
  23. of course .... foxnews .... alarmists. college tuition has continued to rise for decades. glad to hear it is now due on schools who are "addicted to federal aid". do you know of a college who doesn't get federal aid?
  24. Insurance rates have been rising for 30+ years with decreases with what you get and what the employer pays -- nothing.new. All this report probably stating is that state employees and teachers are now being required to pay a portion of their insurance. I've been doing that for forever. I'm happy to report by rates have dropped and the increases in deductables/co-pay are about the same
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