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Everything posted by Momstradamus

  1. I have no idea where this is but this link might help... http://www.georgia-navigator.com/closures
  2. Four of my friends have quit using it. I didn't have any bad side effects and only one of my friends said that it made them feel like they were on speed. My husband takes 13 different medications after his stroke so we have no idea which side effect goes with which drug.
  3. I took it for 2 years after my husband's stroke. My husband took it to assist in recovery from a stroke. Many people I know have taken it for different reasons especially to stop smoking. I haven't had any complaints nor had anyone tell me they didn't like it.
  4. My oldest child and I never see eye to eye. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>&rel=1"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
  5. Yea, it is kind of odd to wear my Brooking jersey on game day with no Brooking!!!! GO FALCONS!!!
  6. I was thinking about you both this past weekend. Trey and I were in Chattanooga and I took this picture and thought of you both as soon as I saw the Froggy. I hope you both are doing well. We miss you!
  7. We live off Ridge Road in south Paulding and we heard one earlier but I can't remember what time it was.
  8. You need to call me for this one. I don't want to spill it here first.
  9. I'm feeling MUCH better but I still look really funny! I didn't go to work today! (BAD ME) I have NEWS!!!
  10. I'm still awake... I should be in bed but I'm not. :\
  11. Is it still closed? I came through there right after the accident. (If it is the same one.) There was what looked to be a head on between a pickup and a crown west of Austin Middle school. That was at 1:30.
  12. Community Food Security Coalition (I didn't look too deep in this one but there are some examples of successful projects.) This is an example of something that might work for leads. That is the hard part, finding a grant that matches the need. It takes lots of research. Often the other real issue is finding matching funds. I'll try and look some tomorrow and see if I can find something.
  13. I do. If someone finds one, I have grant writing (and award) experience. It is limited and very specific to higher education. I wouldn't mind helping.
  14. Have you (or has anyone) identified a specific grant that would meet the need?
  15. Don't let Dallard see this she will be up all night!
  16. My 16 year old is still sitting here talking my ear off. He says he is going to go to bed at 10 but I'm thinking he will still be awake at midnight!
  17. They put in a "new" road. What they didn't do was coordinate with Marietta Power to get the pole moved before the finished the road. They are paving the road around it.
  18. Can someone say construction project management?
  19. I might just have to change my signature to say... "I'm a whale"
  20. For last night you owe the FAT TAX police about $6. Since we will be having hot dogs with chili and chips tonight you will owe $4 to the FAT TAX police. But if you immediately go to the gym and have a FAT TAX police officer watch you walk 5 miles on a treadmill you can get a rebate at the end of the month! Tithing tax? Who is going to decide which churches to tax... MORE JOBS! /sarcasm
  21. Nope... Weigh stations at the checkouts!!! They can TAX us on EVERYTHING!!!!
  22. We will need a driver if we go anywhere!!! Rent a skinny person to drive you through the drive thru!!!! We could start our own business in which we could TAX the people trying to avoid the FAT TAX! The underweight or normal weight people will have to do the grocery shopping so the twinkies don't cost as much! Then you create more government jobs for those individuals to police the fat people who are scamming the government out of their FAT TAX! Then you need overseers of that red tape! LOOK JOBS!!! McDonald's new menu McFAT TAX MENU Big Mac Value Meal BMI Prices
  23. My question was more ... has the one on the MS page been changed? I did listen to it again and with someone in my office who said... "Who is that?" "Wow, I like that!"
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