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Everything posted by Momstradamus

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXdH6WgFg2w This guy has 50 of these but this is my favorite!!!! Some of us don't drive home until after 7 on Fridays!!!
  2. This sounds like the description of what the doctor described and it is his left ventricle. AND he takes about 5 different blood pressure meds. He has also had a stroke. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Seventy percent of the time, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has a genetic or hereditary link, with other members of the patient's family having the disease as well. The growth of the heart muscle is usually in the left ventricle - that's the one that pumps blood out to most of the body. It shrinks the size of the pumping chamber and doesn't let the muscle relax enough for the heart to fill wit
  3. I'm not sure that this applies but ... My husband has chronic high blood pressure and he has only 60% use of the lower chamber... If I recall correctly when he was diagnosed the doctor called it hardening of his heart. The muscles have had to work very hard for a long time and it causes them to harden.
  4. I know!!!! And we have to wait for a whole week!!!!
  5. I'm going to get them.... And bite your tongue!
  6. OMG...... I can't stand it!!!! I can't believe I just started watching this mid last season.
  7. I guess this is why The General called yesterday while I was sleeping. You really should leave a message. I hope everyone is OK.
  8. I would like it because although I am employed I get leads for jobs all the time based on my connections. I don't have the time to look for all the people who are unemployed and would just like a place to post the things I find as announcements only. These are things I know nothing about I just get information and would like to pass it along.
  9. This post is useless without Blazing Saddles' avatar!!!!
  10. It only took me 20 minutes to find this again!!! I just wanted to hear it again. I hope all is well with your friend Mina!!!
  11. Momstradamus


    My son just called about it. He drove by and doesn't know any details.
  12. I love my iPhone. I have had it since January and really didn't start using the smart phone options at first. I have in the last two months really gotten into the smartphone usage. I don't miss the flash so much. There are so many apps and I use the integrated calendar feature for work and home. I did have it just die... dead... wouldn't turn on nothing... it was dead about 3 weeks ago. I sync it regularly and didn't lose much info. But, Apple replaced it without any problems. I had to go to the Apple store at Lennox to get it done but that was painless. It is apparently a complete hardwa
  13. I just can't stand it!!!! I almost cried!!!
  14. I LOVE TIGER as a GOLF Professional! That nonsense was just tacky and a waste of money! I just watched him Eagle the 15th hole!!! GO Tiger and Mickelson!!!!! As to his personal life... it is his personal life!
  15. I won a $50 gift card to Red Lobster after taking their survey online from the receipt.
  16. I'm just so sad for her. She is at the top of her game and seemed to be so in love with him in her recent acceptance speeches and interviews. Not only is it horrible that he did this to her but I feel like this about any woman that goes after a married man .... SHAME ON HER TOO!!!!! Sandra has gone through a lot with him and trying to keep custody of his kids... It is a horrible way to break up a family!!!! SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!
  17. I stopped in and got a goody box on the way to work and they are almost all gone!!! Yummy!!!! Key lime cupcakes, almond danish, cookies.... yummy!!!!
  18. I have had my iPhone for a couple of months now and I'm so addicted!!!! I didn't think I would like it at first but I can't put it down. I run the battery down almost every day!!!! I can do anything on it. I love the apps.... I find new ones all the time. Just ask The General how happy I was to find the scanner app for 99 cents!!!!!
  19. Why was Farrah Fawcett not in the memorial section?????
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