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Everything posted by bluebonnet

  1. I would not "punish" him for getting a tattoo by turning off his phone. Whether to make him pay for his phone or not would be dependent on many factors...........such as, does he have a job? is he in school? is it a hardship for you? The main problem here is that your husband hasn't enforced his own rule up to now....so why start now? Because you are mad about a tattoo? Not a good reason. If you want to breed responsibility, you need to be responsible about enforcing rules. I would let your husband handle it, but he should sit down with his son and explain that as of next month ( or
  2. Food Lion also has a great little organic foods section. I was so surprised the first time I shopped there. My one disappointment was the meat section. Not because there was anything wrong.............with all the other organic foods, I expected them to have beef without hormones/antibiotics, but they didn't. Probably not much way of stopping the closing if all of them are being shut down. Sad.
  3. I have been in mediation once. Our party met in a separate room from the other party. The mediator went back and forth. Maybe depends on the likelihood of bloodshed.
  4. I haven't been to the Catfish Den in a long time, but will try it now. As for the prices, I looked at the menu and didn't think the prices were bad.........that is if the food is good. I don't care how inexpensive a meal is....if it's bad food, it's not a bargain. Actually, I think the prices are in line with other dine in restaurants in the area. Good luck CD!
  5. I wonder............I'm not from up north, so don't know much about Italian, but we moved here from Texas years ago and was astounded by what was served in "Mexican" restaurants here. It was horrible! It's better now in a lot of local Mexican places, but still not the real deal. Which leads to my question.....I wonder if the local restaurant owners adapt their recipes to the local tastes. Like the real deal Tex-Mex might be just perfect to me, but not to someone from GA who thinks Taco Bell is real Mexican. Maybe the same goes for Italian?
  6. I also love the TUL. They do have a plastic cover on the tip that you have to pull off. They won't write until you remove it.
  7. dallas-hiram.patch.com/articles/two-arrested-on-felony-murder-charges
  8. Savannah is beautiful. Tybee has little as far as entertainment.....several quaint bars and some casual restaurants. I agree with everyone else...if you want to get away and relax, Tybee is your place. I walked the beach for hours. Our condo is on the far south end, close to the pier. We could walk to almost everything we wanted to see. You can rent bicycles and get to the north end of the island fairly easily. But if you are going for more than a couple days, make plans to go into Savannah. Read "Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil" first. Definitely do the riverboat
  9. You and me both Laurie. When do we get old enough we can get away with smacking the kid?
  10. So sorry for your loss. I have lost both of my parents and had to travel to take care of arrangements. As to your work, I would think you could get a death certificate and use that as proof of your mother's passing. If you are handling her arrangements, just as a side note, get several copies of the death certificate. Again, so very sorry.
  11. Yup.....I still have a habit of hitting the REPLY ALL and sending the snopes link. And it doesn't matter if it's misinformation from the left...or the right. If I lose friends for spreading truth.....then they not really friends.
  12. I wonder how many kids would choose to not use a condom because they knew they could use Plan B to avoid pregnancy? This choice alone would greatly increase the STD rates.
  13. Lots of people get $5000+ refund becasue they paid in $15,000, but only owed $10,000.
  14. My man is easy. Toys. It don't matter how old they are, they love toys. The first year we were married, I bought him a little TV for the garage. I've bought him things like that for his man cave and ipods and gadgets to go with the toys he already has. I've also scheduled couples massages and overnight trips for just the two of us. And tickets to concerts and some great plays at the Fox. My husband is the easiest person for me.
  15. Nope. Bottle's gone (hic) A real pie! Actually, I have never drank bourbon--kind of figure anything that takes the lining off the inside of your throat should not be ingested--but baking it with chocolate & pecans is divine! If I get out today, I will bring it by. So........is this the BIG ONE?
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY T! I've got you a Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie for your birthday. Shall I bring it over?
  17. I'm really not into technology for the "new" factor. If it can increase efficiency at my office..........or save money, I get interested. With the Kindle, I see the opportunity to purchase books at a good savings, while saving trees and space on my bookcase at the same time. Also, when I travel, half my carry on bag space is taken up with books. And I end up clearing out boxes of books and donating them every year. I was just leary at first about eye strain from another "computer screen". Everyone else seems to love iteir Kindles though, so after a couple years of thinking about it
  18. Rhonda, I'm a purist too. And my Brittney (who has a Lit degree and working on heading to Scotland for a Masters in Medieval Scottish Literature) is a profound purist. She was my guinea pig last year. I bought her a Kindle even though she had said she would never....... Suffice it to say, she loves her Kindle! That's why I'm thinking it will be on my wish list this year. It will make my impulse 3AM shopping much easier. BTW, I need to clear out a few boxes of books. I will try and get up there and bring them to you all. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. The way I see it, I
  19. Accountant talk. Supposedly, most retail stores run "in the red" or at a loss until the day after Thanksgiving. The sales from Friday will put their Profit and Loss Statements "in the black", thus the name, Black Friday.
  20. Thanks. That's what it looked like....so think I will ask Santa for the E-ink one. I am drowning in books and so far, everyone I know who has a Kindle loves it. Even the purists who love their "real" books seem to love their Kindles too.
  21. So...the Kindle is known for it's special screen which is easy on the eyes. The Kindle Fire has a lot of options like movies...but does it have the same screen for reading as the original Kindle? From pics I've seen, it looks more like a regular computer/iPad/iPhone screen. If I get a Kindle, I want the "reading" screen.
  22. Count me in the anti-shopping club! I don't even go out shopping on the weekend the rest of the year. I do my grocery shopping usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning.......you couldn't drag me to a store this Friday. I'll be home finishing off the pies.
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