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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/more-sports/ioc-gives-russia-major-punishment-for-winter-olympics/ar-BBGgPJm
  2. Ordered a baby swing from Walmart on the 28th, was supposed to arrive on the 30th and was finally delivered yesterday for in-store pickup. Same thing, tracking was all over the place. It started out in Atlanta, then went to South Carolina, then back to Atlanta, in transit several times, etc.
  3. Open one gift on Christmas Eve which now are jammies. All other gifts and stocking Christmas morning. Hugs I think some of us can relate to not so great holiday memories. Won't go in to mine, but suffice to say that hopefully my son and his will only remember good things.
  4. I Know!!!!! But this year is not my usual.
  5. Leaning that way, but I hate it. Love the smell of a fresh tree, picking the perfect one, etc. This year just seems to be demanding other things.
  6. Christmas trees. I have had both, and have issues with both. But, coming down to the wire here and torn as to what to do this year.
  7. Trump was warned by both Obama and Sally Yates to stay away from the guy. Jared and Ivanka pushed for him. There's a lot left to come out I'm guessing. Pretty sure Flynn gave Mueller some very, very juicy red meat.
  8. If it was during the campaign, then it was before the election. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/01/flynn-to-testify-trump-ordered-him-to-contact-russians-reports.html
  9. And now Gomer can tell Aunt Bea "hey" in Heaven himself.
  10. http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/jim-nabors-the-cheerful-gomer-pyle-on-two-tv-series-dies-at-87/ar-BBFYpPb?li=BBnbfcL&OCID=AVRES000
  11. Garrison Keillor too. Heard this earlier today. http://www.twincities.com/2017/11/29/garrison-keillor-says-hes-been-fired-by-mpr-over-allegations-of-inappropriate-behavior/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark
  12. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/nbc-news-fires-matt-lauer-alleged-inappropriate-sexual/story?id=51454652
  13. We usually go to our friends' cabin at Carter's Lake. If we stay home I like watching the Twilight Zone marathon on SciFi. It's an annual New Year's tradition along with Hoppin' John, greens and pork chops.
  14. I hate this news. I now have all of his songs in my head.
  15. You know what all these men have in common?.....................................
  16. And Ted Bundy was a member of The Young Republicans. There are, always have been and will be crazies on both sides. Manson was a monster, as well as Bundy.
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