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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Those Trump boys should really rethink re taking their families on big game hunts. .https://www.romper.com/p/does-donald-trump-hunt-he-defended-his-sons-big-game-hunting-14760
  2. Or they could reinstate his stay of removal for humanitarian reasons.
  3. https://splinternews.com/ice-to-deport-a-father-whose-5-year-old-son-is-fighting-1822908259
  4. https://www.afp.com/en/news/826/suspected-poacher-eaten-lions-south-africa-doc-zj25k1?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark
  5. Ok, speed skating is on. As a youngin' living up north with frozen ponds, my ankles couldn't help my desire/wish to ice skate.
  6. Husband has it on in the family room. I'll watch from time to time. Love the ice skating/dancing. He loves the ski jumping. And when you look at what these kids are doing......heck, I'd break my neck in any of any Olympic sports. Good for all of them!
  7. https://www.bustle.com/p/video-of-donald-trumps-hair-appears-to-show-the-emperor-is-kinda-bald-8147894
  8. That's the only reason I watch unless the Falcons are playing, and how often is that? Do love the National Anthem at SB, and the half time show. Prince was the best singing Purple Rain in actual rain. But, other than that, give me silly puppies, kitties, etc.
  9. Me too. SB for the commercials and Justin Timberlake and PB, well puppies and kitties and a chicken pecking out the National Anthem on a piano. Is it pretty obvious that I'm not a huge football fan? I only care re local teams, and then I'm tepid. But great commercials, Justin Timberlake, puppies, kittens, piano playing chicken? Well, there you are.
  10. DIL who is a 5th grade teacher at a local elementary school in Paulding texted me this morning and said that 10 kids in her homeroom were out. I asked re other classes, and of those she teaches, along with a couple of other teacher close to her classroom, the total came to 72 kids. I've gotten the flu shot for the last 3 years, never used to, but I gave in. I've normally gotten the shot mid Oct/Nov. The illness I've gotten the last two years has hit me in Jan/Feb. Horrible fatigue, like mono, which I've never had but friends and family have. Doubt the flu shot takes 3 to 4 month
  11. Where will Bath and Body be? I work just over the line in Cobb just up the street from The Avenue. I tend to shop more in Cobb than Paulding except for the Walmart on Dallas Hwy. and the Publix in New Hope (both close). I avoid Hiram as much as I possibly can re shopping and decent meals. If I'm not mistaken there's an Ulta in the new complex where Sprouts is. Paulding, please catch up!
  12. http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/neil-diamond-announces-retirement-from-touring-after-parkinson%e2%80%99s-disease-diagnosis/ar-AAv2SC3?OCID=AVRES000
  13. I use them quite often. Love the flavor.
  14. What year were you in grade school? What year were you born? HR Puff N Stuff (sp)?, when it was a Sat. morning thing on TV, and then a feature at the ice rink at the Omni which, I guess may not be there anymore. You know what, people are people. We're not defined by politics, or some of us aren't. Have a good night, and from what I'm hearing, tomorrow night may be brutal>
  15. OK......all politics aside, anyone my age (old) remember in elementary school doing the duck and cover in the hallways to protect us from a nuclear bomb? As if LOL. Saw side by side pictures today of Hiroshima............duck and cover wouldn't even have saved us from a tornado, much less nuclear fall out, no matter who was president. Just saying.
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