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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. I remember back in the stone age when I was a little girl living in TN, I was told by a wise older woman to never plant, or start your garden until Good Friday. Of course, Good Friday and Easter never fall on the same days every year. I would guess maybe after this week would be a good time for cooler weather plants, not the warm weather tender ones. March 13th 1993 - blizzard, big time.
  2. I've added our phone numbers (home phone, his cell and mine)to the Federal Do Not Call List many times. It ain't working. I try to now let any number I don't recognize just be answered by voicemail. If it's important (usually not) whomever will leave a message. When they started using my area code and phone prefix I would answer. No longer.
  3. The song "Feel It Still". I thought it was just a great song to move to until I read the lyrics.
  4. Just because.... Have you ever enjoyed a song because you just liked the background music but never actually listened or read the lyrics? I have a few in mind but just found another one. Please add.
  5. http://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/teacher-in-custody-after-shots-fired-school-on-lockdown/85-524092553
  6. I hope they have plans for the traffic jams on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
  7. I attended one in Memphis in 1969 or 1970 when I was a kid.
  8. I'm not pointing fingers at you. Other than this site, how do I ask the mods to close this topic?
  9. I asked for this thread to be closed as the OP because it's turning into personal attacks back and forth. And even after I asked that the back and forth continues.
  10. I started this thread because, as a parent, this huge story was breaking and breaking my heart. Now it's come down to personal attacks. Mods, please close this.
  11. Maybe not this one, but what about the next one. Why lessen regulations.
  12. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-signs-bill-revoking-obama-era-gun-checks-people-mental-n727221
  13. As with this, and Columbine, and all the other tragic school shootings, as a parent I just can't imagine being told to gather at a location to collect your child and then you're sitting there when your child doesn't show. And then you realize....And you're child's body is in that school and it's a crime scene, so you can't go in. That thought makes me cry. I can't even imagine....
  14. Be fair. He needs to wait until his advisers - Sean and Fox and Friends - give him his talking points. Anyway, as a parent, all these incidents break my heart and make me sick.
  15. It just breaks my heart. My son was in high school when Columbine happened. I'm not for a total ban on guns, we own guns. But there needs to be better safeguards/control.
  16. Would have thought this would have been addressed by now. This is so freaking tragic. WTF!
  17. I'd climb mountains to get back to my family. He's been here since he was a year old. This is the only "home" he's ever known. https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-go-from-a-dreamer-person-with-DACA-permit-to-a-citizen From what I gather he qualifies/qualified as a Dreamer, and the path for them is hard or next to impossible. So, deport him, and his American wife, critically ill American son and all their other American born children have to go on the public dole because their working dad broke the law by being brought here by parents who wanted a better life for their child a
  18. How in the heck does getting mad at his parents remedy this situation that he was told was a non issue a year and a half ago re his deportation status? And as a one year old who was not yet actually talking he was supposed to tell them "Hey Mom and Dad, don't do this". I am in no way in favor of illegal immigration. It absolutely needs to be stopped, but I do have a heart and compassion for people like this.
  19. So much this! Not to mention he's the sole bread winner for the family including a 5 year old with leukemia.
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