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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Archie usually ended up having a heart, thanks to Edith, Gloria and Mike.
  2. How the heck are they going to get these kids back with their parents? I can't even imagine that there were good plans in place, especially since policy has flipped, again, willy nilly. This is beyond heart wrenching and despicable.
  3. Question for all the expert legal minds here. Isn't it a federal crime to kidnap a child and transport them across state lines?
  4. That was a pretty tone-deaf choice of attire re this trip, but at least she got off her butt and went. You would think that her staff would have pointed it out to her. But, she went. Sigh.................................
  5. Good for her. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/21/first-lady-melania-trump-visits-child-detention-center-in-texas-amid-controversy-over-family-separation-policy.html
  6. I think it's the wording that is causing the confusion.
  7. https://www.npr.org/2018/06/21/622160278/koko-the-gorilla-dies-redrew-the-lines-of-animal-human-communication?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark
  8. Yes, that was it! Only reason this family went to "downtown" Dallas. There is nothing there. To bad.
  9. Yep, on that we can agree. It will come down to compassionate people who find this inhumane while certain people sit in their Ivory Towers and they're worth billions if you can believe what they say..
  10. And Trump is the clean guy!? Most politicians are dirty, starting at the top!, and it's getting so much worse. Republicans control all the branches of government currently. They are in control. Not the Dems, in the state of GA, not the Dems, Republicans.
  11. What? He bowed to public and fellow Republican outcry! The real truth is babies/kids being taken from their parents. What Democratic bluff?
  12. All fine and good, but his EO at least put a brake on anymore babies being separated from their Mothers/Fathers. He could have done this 1 to 2 thousand families ago.
  13. About time. He could have done this days ago, but he kept stating that his hands were tied, it was the Dems' fault and it was up to Congress to fix it. Now, I hope and pray they can reunite those kids/babies back with their families quickly, but I'm afraid there is not a plan in place. All in all, this whole thing has been an inhumane clusterfark.
  14. I still miss the Mexican restaurant that was downtown. Can't remember the name, but it was really good. Seems like they wanted to be able to have outdoor seating, were denied and were gone not long after that. When they were open, that was the only time we went to downtown Dallas in the evening.
  15. Mountain Biscuits had the advantage of location, scenery, traffic (people going to/ back re "The Mountain") Their biscuits were good, but the old Huddle House location doesn't offer any charm. Best of luck to them!
  16. There's was talk on here about one going in on Dallas Hwy. somewhere.
  17. Church members rebuke Sessions: http://s3.amazonaws.com/Website_Properties/news-media/documents/A_Complaint_regarding_Jefferson_Sessions.pdf?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark
  18. Huddle House for as long as I remember and we moved here in 1991,
  19. Any news on Mountain Biscuits? They were supposed to be relocating to Dallas, old Huddle House, eta sometime in June.
  20. People in parking lots who honk at me when I'm halfway out of my parking space and they're driving through the lane well after I've been backing out. Sorry, you saw I was backing out. I wasn't about to hit you. You can't just stop for 2 seconds and let me out? No, you have to honk at me because, why, you have the right of way? GRRRRRR
  21. When I let someone over or pull out in traffic and they don't wave thanks.
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