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Everything posted by fastpitchmom

  1. Or on the phone, that has my vote. My daughter was on the her way to pick me up over in D'ville that night. She came up on the accident within minutes of it happening, the police had not gotten there yet. She said she got stopped maybe 4 cars back from the site. A man came down to the cars stopped and said there had been an accident, that someone had hit a girl getting off the bus. When we were talking about it later, she told me she could see the bus' lights from the entrance to the school.
  2. I too have seen Brandy many times. When I heard this, I knew exactly who had been hit. The Channel 2 video shows the car that hit Brandy stopped at the intersection of Dorris & Cedar Mtn. It looks as if the car was traveling down Dorris toward Cedar Mtn. If that's so, how could the driver not have seen the bus? As it would have been facing her and the bus would have been visible from where the entrance to the elementary school is. I know it was dark and raining, but how did she not see those lights?
  3. Is your nephew deployed at this time? Mine got back from Afghanistan about 3 weeks ago. Happy Birthday to all our Marines.
  4. Unless you have unlimited calling, you can put up to 10 numbers on Friends & Family. Landline or cell. Calls to those numbers are free.
  5. Hiram City Council voted to put the Sunday sales on the Nov ballot. We shall see.
  6. Since there is so much controversy, commute his sentence to life. And move Brian Nichols to the head of the line to take his place on Wednesday night.
  7. If I were to use the round or sirloin, would one pound be enough?
  8. I add some paprika to this receipe, about half a teaspoon. Have made it using both of the soups (not at the same time though) Both are good. Try serving it over rice instead of noodles. Good that way too.
  9. Nor should it forget Dec 7, 1941, but many people do not know what happened that day. I believe more people will remember the Sept 11th attacks 60 years from now because of the television coverage. If you were watching it live, you actually saw the towers fall.
  10. Did anyone see the show Rising: Rebuilding Ground Zero on Discovery last night? 3 one hour shows, shown back to back. They showed how the new Tower One is being built and the museum. I cried when Ladder 3 truck was being placed into the museum There were no commercial interruptions. All three were great. There are 3 more next Thursday.
  11. What are college students going to have to do in January?
  12. DD was tickted in 2006 for following too close. Fine would have been $185 if charges had not been dismissed. I'm certain it has gone up since then.
  13. Mine was around $250.00. I am on the levelized billing plan. I will pay $123.00 this month.
  14. How high was that curb? Love the USMC....
  15. At least he is now food for the fishes....
  16. For the South Paulding folks, GRTA also runs buses out of Douglasville to Downtown and Midtown. I work in Midtown, if I take the last bus leaving at 7:55, I get to work about 8:45 to 9:00 depending on traffic.
  17. My nephew is a Marine. He is home for the next 3 days then deploying to Afganistan when he returns to Camp Pendleton. Keep him in your prayers.
  18. Any updates from Ridge Road/Bakers Bridge area?
  19. I have decided from now on the only time I want to see anything white on the ground, it had better be the sand on a beach. Preferably at temps above 80 degrees.
  20. No, haven't put one up yet. Hubby lost his mom earlier this year and has not been in the Christmas spirt until Saturday. Several years ago, his mom gave us a beautiful 2ft tall ceramic tree with lights. This morning, he asked me to put that up instead of our large tree.
  21. Lip injections make them look like someone beat the crap out of them.
  22. My daughter's graduated, but I remember every year there's a big to do about these tests. I also think it's one of the best decisions they've made. I understand the science test was the one most of the kids would fail and have trouble passing on retakes.
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