In year's past, some times it can be kind of crazy. So, we haven't been in a while. We didn't go at all last year. But was thinking about trying it in the morning. Has anyone gone this Summer?
I'm in the market for a new phone. I'm a Sprint/Nextel customer. My choices are the Palm Pre, Blackberry or Samsung Rant. Trying to decide since I don't upgrade that often.
The bad part about pumpkins is the 4 days. So, you are losing points time. But, it's great if you don't want to play all the time. What really bites is I just lost a WHOLE farm of sunflowers and onions.
My husband just saw some in the free section of Craigslist. Also, make sure you are planting the same varieties.
How much do you need? I probably have some extra.
Call my 9 yo son. It's his passion. He thinks he's going to grow up to be a professional fisherman. So far I've been able to convince him he'll still need college to manage his money.