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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Everything posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. Actually it's kinda funny because real Satanist don't advertise. LaVey is an idiot and a self promoter...
  2. Unless they're hacking at each other with axes and broad swords, I ain't interested in that kind of stuff anyways. I use to fight in the SCA. The only reason I was in it was the fighting. I've walked onto a battlefield dressed in full armor that could stop a 9mm bullet and a 6 foot piece of rattan, with 5000 other similarly dressed fighter, battled for an hour and was one of only 20 who walked off that field... It was glorious... Even the guys who had to get carried off the field on a strecher weren't sorry they were there...
  3. Mine was more to make a point, people pick and choose their battles. As far as smoking goes, while I personally don't smoke, I have been known to enjoy a good cigar every once in a while... For which I am banished from the house while doing it... My grandfather started smoking cigars on a regular basis when he was 17. The same time he joined the army in WW2 (probably walked into the recuiters office with a cigar in his mouth). He lived well into his 80's. I almost never saw him without a cigar in his mouth. So much did I identify it with him, to this day if I smell certain kinds of ci
  4. See which one kills you first. Smoking in a closed garage or standing in a closed garage with the car engine running...
  5. "I saw my neighbor smoking in his livingroom, he's endangering the health of my child..." ... As the tractor trailer roars by her front porch belching out more toxic fumes ,onto her child playing in the front yard, than her neighbor has in the 20 years he's been smoking...
  6. From the way I understand it, it is currently against the law to discriminate against a person based on a persons genetics, but their are always gonna be exceptions. I have a friend that has a genetic Kidney disorder that is genetic and was denied both health and life insurance by his jobs provider at first, then was later provided health coverage only after his employer raised hell about it. He is still to this day denied life insurance. The insurance provider justified this solely on cost alone, of course, even though at the time he had no illness related to his condition. His father had
  7. I never said there wasn't an advantage to knowing your genetic condition. But that's a double edged sword and it cuts both ways. You can be 20 years old and be denied medical coverage and life insurance simply because the insurance companies and the government found out about Uncle Fred's family's genetics. Like I said, the potential for abuse is huge...
  8. It has the serious chances of being misused on many different levels. On one had, yes, you and your spouse have the information on potential genetic issues with any future off spring and the decision weither or not to have children. B ut on the negative side the potential for genetic discrimination also exist by medical and insurance groups, which is already against the law in most states. Then the ugly specter of Eugenics rears its ugly head with this. There have been many books and articles written on the subject and current medical testing can provide the ability for the construction of
  9. In some cases I'm not convinced of the benifits of raw milk for anything other than the manufacture of Cheese, Yogurt and other specialty products. There is a Swedish dish that I have always wanted to try called Rommegrot that is impossible to make because it requires sour cream made from raw milk. But the history of raw milk itself is not a good one. It takes a very astute dairyman to raise and tend his cows properly and many times he does not make a profit from his milk sales. Here in the US and most of the time in Europe, it's not an issue, but in places like China where government regu
  10. It's a horrible judgement call for anyone to make. But nothing would make a medical professional madder than to give a organ transplant, that are in short supply, to someone and have them die of a such a forseeable illness, not related to the transplant. It's a waste of that medical professional's time and effort, not to mention that probably 3 other people died waiting on a transplant that was given to that someone else that had no chance to begin with. It's a fine line in the medical world that must be tread though, because this will naturally lead to so called "death panels" to decide on
  11. We are communal creatures, food and communal meals are one of the hallmarks of all social animals. Although we here in this day and age seemingly are trending away from it at the family level, food and mealtime is still much a binding part of our lives. Most of us have fond memories of family get togethers and meals and it is those memories we think of all the days of our lives. The food is simply the catilyst for the activity, the activity of a gathered communal meal is something as old as humanity itself. The pity should not be for those who might not have enough on Thanksgiving, it shou
  12. That's my way also. The first year I brined and smoked a turkey, I was suppose to be taking it to my mothers for thanksgiving the next day. It never made it out of the house. I had smoked the turkey the day before and brought it in the house to wrap it up and put it in the fridge for the next day. It set on the cabinet for 5 minutes before the family had surrounded it (it had to have been the best turkey I had ever cooked), and my son finally said "you know this thing ain't making it out of the house?", so we had turkey before thanksgiving and I ended up having to get up at 6am the next mo
  13. Tighty Whities on a little tight, tonight??? :unsure:
  14. We have friends over there and they're saying it's terrible. Whole villages have been washed out to sea with no way of accounting for the numbers of the missing. Philippino sources are saying the death toll could easily triple...
  15. You don't wanna party on that mushroom, I promise. I haven't ever heard of anybody dying from a Blue Gym, but I'm sure you'll never get out of the psych ward after that mushroom trip...
  16. Pick one for me and take another pic of the gills and stem, also when you pic it, see if a liquid comes out, if the liquid is blue, that's an Indigo Milkcap and I want to see it. If it doesn't have any liquid it's probably a Blue Gym. The Indigo's are edible but not much of a taste, it's just cool because of the color. The Blue Gyms are a type of Pislocybin containing mushrooms but at very high levels, not a good mushroom to go tripping on. But once again I'd have to get a better look at it. There are not many blue fungi that occur here in Georgia...
  17. They are all Fungi. But they can be divided into different groups for identification purposes. Agarics and Boletes are what most people think of when they say Mushrooms. But they're all fungi... It's Puffball season and I ate some Puffballs just last week. They have to be absolutely white inside, no other colors involved and have to be about the size of your fist or larger. I fried them in some butter. They taste kind of like fresh white bread and egg whites with a button mushroom background. Not a meaty texture like button mushrooms or Chanterelles, once again they had a texture of
  18. I need to see the underside of them. There are not many blue mushrooms or fungus. Do they have gills, pores or are they solid looking underneath. I'm looking for my big book o' mushrooms and fungus right now so I'll let you know in a bit. They almost look like what's called a Blue Gym. But I'll let you know more shortly, I may have you go get it out of the yard and put it in a bag for me to come and look at...
  19. It is still a very relative governing document. Most of the countries on this planet have adapted their governing formats based on our Constitution. Even the states like China, North Korea and Iran have twisted forms of the Constitution worked into their governments simply because its a good template for running a country. A governing document provides a structure for a government to adhere to and follow, not subject to the whims of a ruling royal monarchy. Sure it has it's origins in English Law and its ruling documents that limit the power of a ruling class, but its still an original ide
  20. That's strange, I was up in Dalton and Atlanta not to long ago with work. I don't see the massive amounts of homeless people in Dalton that I see in Atlanta. In fact I did not see any homeless on the streets of Dalton, but maybe they were hiding in the woods like they do in Atlanta. I saw a huge encampment of homeless down near Hollywood Rd a few months ago. I was told the City was planning to bulldoze the place and ship them elsewhere into surrounding counties. What you read in the mainstream media and what you see with your own eyes can truly be mind boggling and make one realize what a
  21. Your right, but why should a person HAVE to ask when Trick or Treat is? Why would a person assume Trick or Treat or Halloween officially be at any other time BUT on October 31st? This kind of question was never asked when I was a kid. If you belonged to a Church that was running a Trunk or Treat, you knew when it was. Parties, get-togethers, you knew what the day was. But you also knew WHEN Trick or Treat was. You knew WHEN Halloween was celebrated. You never HAD TO ASK. But now days, politics stick their nose into everything. And since Religion and Politics walk hand in hand, a Hallow
  22. Unless, of course, Halloween happens to fall on a Sunday. Then it will be up to the Local Government to appease the religious voters block, that keep them in power, to decide when "beggars night" should be. But we're going to fix their little bible thumping red wagon the next time it falls on a Sunday. We're going to get sponsors and be giving away $1000 or more (as much as we can get sponsors to give) on that October 31st that happens to fall on that Sunday. It will be randomly distributed in candy containers only given to children in costume who come Trick or Treating on that October 31s
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