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Everything posted by surepip

  1. Absolutely, including the BOC having spent now more than $1MILLION Dollars to keep us and our lawsuits against them and one of their developer buddies out of the courtroom. That's right.....more than $1 Million Dollars just to try to prevent us from getting our day in court. We are waiting on the judge to rule on the oral arguments from March 17th,
  2. I drive a 26 year old car with more than 300,000 miles on it. I get the premium AAA coverage for the 5 free tows of up to 99 miles per year. And I try never to drive my old Benze more then 99 miles from home I had 1 tow left last fall before renewal and used it for son's car. When I am in a rental car and something goes awry in the middle of nowhere, it is nice to know I can dial that 800 number and someone will be there shortly to help be at no additional fee. I can't complain.
  3. I place it on a rack so air can circulate under and around it. DO NOT COVER IT. The blood is what goes bad first in a sealed package of meat. Liberally apply kosher salt [table salt will NOT work....has to be kosher salt] and fresh ground [very finely ground....I used an old fashioned hand-cranked coffee mill to rough grind and then a Japanese "Suribachi" to grind it very fine] all over the roast. And I flip it over every 2-3 days. Steaks I might do for 24-48 hours; roasts, leg of lambs, etc. I will do for a week to 10 days. Before cooking I slather on some olive oil. The aging
  4. I fried 3 Sunday. Finished putting all the remaining meat in vacuum sealed freezer bags last night. I see a turkey pot pie coming in the next week or 2.
  5. If we ever move, it will be to a 1 level house.....no stairs. I go up the steps to get _____, and when I get up there, I have forgotten what I came to get. When I get back to the bottom step I remember. When I get back to the top step, I have forgotten again. It is something to do with the change in elevation. That's my story and I am sticking to it.
  6. A real nice looking Standing Rib Roast. It has been aging in the extra fridge for a week now and is getting good and gnarly looking. I will do a red wine reduction sauce and some horseradish sauce as well. Twice baked potatoes Fresh Asparagus Salad with onion, bacon, artichoke, mushrooms, feta cheese and a Caesar dressing Crusty baggette Beaujalais red wine
  7. Get a map and spend time walking and riding the metro. It is a great city for walking. And compared to Rome, the Spanish will actually stop and let you cross the street and we never had a bad experience with any shop keeper, waiter, etc. The weather should be pretty good as well. I looked on my other computer, and the time went to Sitges, and when we took the kids, I was shooting with a 35 instead of my digital, so the pictures are in an album, not on line.
  8. Who came from the county to "resurvey"? When we had our dispute [still on going] because their pin placement was out 5 to 13 feet, we had to PAY a surveyor $1500 to come out and verify the pins were exactly where we said they were all along. And the developer still simply moved the road onto our property.
  9. Last time we went, we took the kids and rented a flat near Las Ramblas, the big avenue with a park in the middle of it where the locals take their daily strolls. We were there for 10 days. MrsSurepip and I used to attend the big agricultural [poultry] show their- Expoaviga every other year and fell in love with Catalunya and Barcelona. They are a separate culture from the rest of Spain. We would fly from the UK or Holland on Air Europa [Europe's version of AirTrans] for $100 bucks but would have to stay 7 nights. So we would do the show for 2 days, them bum around for 5 more. Gaudi's vario
  10. We have lots of left over fried turkey from yesterday which I will be putting up in vacuum freezer bags tonight, plus a spiral sliced ham. I fried 3 turkeys. 1 we traded to Nojobtoosmall for the peanut oil to fry them in. And I made stock from the backs, giblets, necks and wing tips from those 3 turkeys plus 3 out of the freezer from Christmas. I canned 7 quarts of reduced turkey stock [reduced it from 14-15 quarts down to 7 because I was about our of jars]. I had made goose stock Friday night of which I canned 14 quarts on Saturday evening. Turkey and ham Tossed salad, rice and gi
  11. I can only get the teen shows to play from the past 2 weeks. How do I get the news from Friday April 2nd to play ?
  12. Can you give us a written condensed report before Friday ? Was Fox5 there as well ? They had the original story on the TV news last week.
  13. Thanks. We have had discussions over the years from people in the food service industry about doing that. But with my travel schedule it would be too much of a hit or miss sort of thing. Thanks though...
  14. That is exactly how we served them LPPT. With corn bread, field peas, and cole slaw. They were wonderful.
  15. And you have eaten gizzards where ? Comparing them to liver shows little knowledge of the organ as they, like hearts, are completely different from livers. We enjoy serving them with toothpicks in a bowl as an appetizer to those who are ignorant of them, and then watch the look on their face when they learn what they just ate because they were blown away with how good they are. Fried up plain they are good.....but tough and chewy. Braised/stewed for 4-5 hours they become very tender and have a wonderful flavor. And for $1.00 a pound, they are hard to beat for a bargain dinner.
  16. The rapid temperature change causes the mass of the egg to contract faster than the shell, leaving some room between the shell and the cooked egg. I have pilots on my stove so I let them sit normally for 12 minutes with the pilot providing a less than simmer heat.
  17. One of our favorites....slow braised/stewed chicken gizzards. They have been in a marinade in the freezer and will be "Oh so tender" in a nice rich gravy. And $1 a pound for all meat ain't bad at all. They have been cooking for an hour and smell wonderful. Basmati Rice Canned garden beans Little field peas Cole Slaw Corn bread
  18. For those who are going to color and hide Easter Eggs: Get you eggs now, or hopefully you have already had them for a week or so. Older eggs have better results when boiled. Place in a sufficiently large enough pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a hard boil and turn to simmer for 11-13 minutes, depending on how many you have. Drain the water and pout the eggs into an ice bath. When cracking them next week for egg salad or whatever: Crack the egg gently all the way around and on the ends by tapping them on a hard surface. Hold the egg between the palms of your hands an
  19. This was one of the goldest, largest moon rises I can remember seeing in many years. Really awe insprining.
  20. I am not intending to be "hunting rabbits out of season". I only intend to shoot rabbits who are attempting to trespass in my garden. The signs are posted. Hope they can read.
  21. Tacos! MrsSurepip wanted burgers Saturday. We grind our own meat for burgers and it is good cuts generally from the round and sirloin with fat from rib-eyes, NY strips, and the tenderloin mixed in. Rather nice tasting burgers. But all the packages I had were 4 1/2 pound burgers and we only cooked 2. So I am cooking the rest up tonight for Tacos or nachos. Onion, Jalapenos, Tomatoes, Black Olives, Cheese, Sour Cream and hot sauce. Nice chilled blended red wine and a salad.
  22. We actually used to have roast rabbit for Easter Dinner.....most appropriate don't you think ? We tried trapping before.....waste of time. We found reducing the population by shooting them much more effective. Unfortunately for the rabbits, around our house is the only refuge they have. The developer clear cut and bulldozed everything else. But we invest too much time and money in the vegetable garden to let them have it. I will just have to stop within 50 years of the road, which leaves me plenty of room. We were OK with them on the edge of the woods near the street, but they have be
  23. OK, I have searched and searched paulding.gov codes and ordinances and I cannot locate anything outlining any limitations on discharging a firearm. Does any one know what if any restrictions there are ? I seem to recall there is a minimum distance to the nearest house, but I can't confirm this. This spring we have houses 50 feet from our South property line. Never had that problem before. We have rabbits coming out of the woods on the North side of our land, and they are now being seen early morning-late afternoon evening, within 50 feet or so of our recently planted lettuce, b
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