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Everything posted by surepip

  1. Double Speak. Steps to "repair" this disaster will primarily be time. 25 years or more. The economic magnitude of this disaster will not be measured in costs to contain and stop the leak, or to attempt to clean it up. These will be measured by the thousands and thousands put out of work from Louisiana to the Florida Keys. Again, this is a clear example showing the directions we need to take are towards alternative energy sources and to reduce our economic dependence on oil. There is no political agenda. Deep Sea offshore drilling operations are too dangerous and risky to justify their
  2. I started visiting the Panama City Beach area as a youngster in the 1950s, and thoroughly enjoyed the many weeks I spent from PCB all the way to Destin. In college, I spent a Mini-Mester all of January and part of February in the Florida Keys diving, doing research, and helping a professor put together a book on the fauna and marine life of the Florida Keys. I have continued over the years to visit the keys and the panhandle fishing, swimming, diving, snorkling, and being a tourist. From a scientific viewpoint I am familiar with how fragile our coastal estuaries are. They are alrea
  3. But, but, but ? It is my RIGHT as an american to be able to drive whatever small tank I want and it is the government's job to provide me with cheap-cheap-cheap gasoline so I can continue to do so. No matter what, that is my right. So what if we wipe out the beaches of Mississippi/Alabama/and Northwest Florida. They can go somewhere else to catch their shrimp and oysters and the Redneck Riviera around Panama City Beach was getting to tacky anyway. And I really don't care as long as I can get my cheap gasoline. It is not my problem.
  4. Bad news for y'all: The 3 BOE positions are all un-opposed. The only incumbent on the BOC is Tommie Graham who has stepped up to the plate big time the past 2 years breathing a lot of fresh air into the BOC. Powell and Kirby are not running for relection.
  5. About 2 to 2-1/2 miles east of the Brushy Mountain Tunnel, or 6 to 6-1/2 miles west of Rambo's, the Silver Comet crosses Raccoon Creek. At that point the trail is on a dike about 100 feet above the creek. You park your bike on the North side of the trail, and follow the old logging roadbed down to the creek. Back upstream right where the creek comes under the trail is a large pool, 2-4 feet deep and probably 100' x 50'. As I understand the regulations, you can camp along the trail, but the trail itself closes at dark and re-opens at sun up. The place the DNR actually stocks the fish
  6. And the Posse keeps true to its roots. Regardless of ideology, if you do not have an "R" next to your name then your are just a big turd. I have NEVER agreed to play partisian politics, but I have some bad feelings about how bad the "R's are going to get their collective butts kicked this November. But, possibly afterwards, some of the scores which the "R"s feel they need to settle, from the past 100+ years will fall by the wayside.
  7. No, but I can steer you to Raccoon Creek where it goes under the Silver Comet Trail. It is a long bike ride though.
  8. I would not waste my time jousting with the Posse. Hell would freeze over solid, and if they had a choice of voting for someone with a "D" next to their name or Satan himself [of course with an "R"] they would vote for Satan, and carefully explain why. I look forward to seeing what kind of a candidate Will can be. Age wise he is the same as Stout, the previous "Annointed One" until the Posse found out he had some rather embarrassing familial skeletons in his closet which he failed to mention when he signed up for the job.
  9. Thanks! I guess I am an old Hippie as well, but when it was time to enter the business world I lost the pony tail although I did keep the beard, which I keep trimmed. I am glad to know Will is realizing the strategies he will require if he has a chance. I also agree that it would be nice to have a choice come November if the July primary puts an "R" in who I can't support. It has been several years now since I voted in district 19 for anyone other than writing in Mickey Mouse, and I could care less what letter is after his name on the ballot. Does he have an ex-mother in law ?
  10. I lost count, but it is a few more than that. What was amazing when I looked was how many ministers, real estate brokers, and Insurance agents. I am just kind of burned out on lawyers and bankers.
  11. You have to bear in mind when the last county SPLOST was voted for, we were in great financial shape and looking to the SPLOST to make up what we DON'T have in industrial/commercial tax base. So a shopping list was made in 2004 and it included new parks, redoing the ball fields, etc. That money is committed to those projects and by law they cannot use it for anything else unless the Legislature changes the rules, and that won't happen before next year as the Legislature is over for 2010. Some prudence may be required to modify the current shopping lists, but the short story on the litt
  12. I understood that he was in Grad School at West Georgia and his wife is a teacher at North Paulding. I think a moderate Dem, who is in Grad School could possibly be a pretty good legislator. He has not had the time and opportunity to get jaded and twisted by the Powers that Be. And folks like him tend to think outside the box, which can be good. But at the same time, without being too corny, I think if you are going to take a serious stab at an elected office that you might want to take a very close look at your physical appearance and how you dress. Kind of a "Walk the walk and talk
  13. You may want to consider shifting to the Florida East coast this year, and possibly next year as well. Unless BP can pull a rabbit out of their hat in the next couple of days, it will take years before the sugar sands of the Redneck Riviera are white and pristine again. Right now this oil leak is in the process of exceeding the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska years ago. And there is no end in sight yet.
  14. Without an industrial/commercial tax base, if we lose the SPLOST money we might as well plan on shutting down Parks and Rec, forget the Hiram Parkway completely, accept a Sheriff's department using out of date equipment. Parks and Rec will not be able to even keep the ball fields open, let alone complete and maintain the other parks either. We will forfeit the matching grants for roads like the Hiram Parkway bypass. If we don't put up our part, the State won't fund theirs. And the BOE cannot keep their head above water even with their separate SPLOST. And you expect to pull the ex
  15. Ithy it goes without saying you would cut your arm off before voting for someone signed up as a democrat, and would even vote for the devil himself before doing so for a dem. Depending on how Mr Golden shakes out, Avery may be the only choice left for many voters, a lot of whom don't really care if they have an R or a D after their name.
  16. There is another candidate that signed up as a Republican this morning.....Steve Golden. I know of him, but no details. I watched and listened to Avery's video of a speech he presented last month concerning education and he is an articulate speaker who had some very good thoughts. This district is one of the most conservative in the state though, and many will not vote for him no matter what just because he is a Dem. I agree that is cutting off your nose in spite of your face, but that is indeed Paulding County. Mr Avery's physical appearance will not help him out with those voters.
  17. Don't know a thing about Cape Wind. Don't know a thing about the Government picking the winners and losers "Just like Europe". I do know how fragile our coast estuaries are and how devastating an oil spill like this can, and at this point probably will be. I see the Gulf charter fishing industry, tourism, shrimping, etc. getting wiped out for several YEARS because of this spill. As someone with many years of marine biology experience in the Florida Keys and East Coast estruaries I find the potential risk for a disaster of this sort to be entirely to great to justify drilling more well
  18. And those that used to live off real estate closings are doing whatever they can. The worm turns ?
  19. Yes, as someone who spent years diving off the various Florida coasts, I see those pushing for deepsea drilling rigs off our coasts as "anti-environmentalists". I mean hell, why don't we just dump the nuclear waste "where-ever" and not worry about it. Our Gulf coast and Eastern seaboard estuaries are very fragile eco-systems as it is, having to content with the huge amount of organic wastes coming down the watersheds from the Savannah and Chattahoochee basins. Bombarding these eco-systems with oil debris washing in can easily be enough to destroy them. Do you like Shrimp ? If so, and if yo
  20. Yes I want us to be energy independent. Gassification of Biomass products, ethanol from micanthus, cellulous, and other non-food products. Shale oil, nuclear power [do bear in mind virtually every Large ship and all our submarines use nuke powered engines], not to mention solar, wind, and others. Deepwater offshore drilling is risky and we have seen a classic example of just that with this current ecological disaster in the Gulf, not to mention the one off Santa Barbara years ago. It is not worth the consequences when there is a disaster.
  21. That's OK. If you had I would just have had to change my wording to be 4 I could not vote for.
  22. You miss my point dear. Deepsea wells like this are dangerous. That is an accepted fact worldwide, and it is the reason restrictions were put on these types of wells off the California and East Coast years ago. The anti-environmentalists have been screaming "drill baby drill" since it came up in the last presidential election. As a Marine Biology minor in college I am aware of the inherent risks, and to me they are unacceptable. The crime does not pay the fine so to speak when we start looking at the damage to an already fragile ecological system, not to mention the commercial asp
  23. Right not I might have to agree with you concerning Stout and Braddock. There is an awful lot of baggage and impropriety between those two. I checked out Avery's website, and I am afraid we have Curly's grandson from the 3 stooges here. I hope someone will get his attention and get him a haircut and a nice suit.
  24. Why do you guys attempt to twist and turn comments ? Listen closely" In my humble opinion ALL 3 OF THE CURRENT DISTRICT 19 CANDIDATES ARE AS WORTHLESS AS A TEAT ON A BOAR HOG! This is just as bad as Glenn Richardson unopposed. There is no "one is better than another". Clear enough? Paulding has not had any true representation under the dome in 10+ years. And it appears that will continue. Glenn was out for his financial backers and did nothing for Paulding other than outlaw impact fees, make it easy to start up and sell banks, let the residential developers have t
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