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ridge rd retiree

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Everything posted by ridge rd retiree

  1. I am sorry to hear of this tragedy, my thought and prayers go out to all parties involved
  2. sorry , i haven't been on in a while , i have been in the tunnels(along with T-bar) trying to resolve the labor disputes. as previously posted labor unions and special interests are creating havoc and delaying progress-
  3. if same one i heard on scanner, he ended up at hospital after his unsuccessful attempt at the sally port
  4. i am looking forward to watching this movie
  5. you are right. i believe they will be starting the paving this week
  6. didn't make it last week ,i hope to get there tomorrow- 5:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m., is that correct ?
  7. my headache, stuffy nose and sore throat started on saturday .i blamed the yard work-allergies as the cause.
  8. consider the agl pass through charges every month -mine averaged 28.00 for each month and the customer service fee- 5.00$ and up each month, . if i could do it over i would have went total electric .
  9. i am saddened to hear this, my prayers go out to the families involved
  10. They did away with my voting spot at the church and moved my precinct to hiram high school . I decided to vote early, no crowds
  11. diagnosed around 15 yrs ago. I live with it. so far everyone has given you "right on" advise that i agree with. i go to chiropractor , get adusted when needed.
  12. where is it located? i may try to get hubby to take me there.
  13. no he doesn't but a neighbor up the street does.
  14. check the manufacturers web site-some washers were recalled for this problem
  15. The sheriffs office also posts their list of offenders in the DALLAS NEW ERA. My issue this week has the complete list.-should you want a printed list.
  16. i was working for southern bell, in east point, at that time, they arranged a taxi to take several of us home.had no power ,so hubby and kids went to stay with family in riverdale , they had power.
  17. i know how you feel. i caught the bug while in gatlinburg last friday night. i still have nausea and heartburn, but "old montezumas' revenge" is under control. i had hubby go to grocery store and get me some yogurt,I need to get good bacteria back in my digestive tgract.
  18. I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for gods healing powers and fro his suffering to be eased.
  19. don't want to panic you but is she a young terrier dog? they(terriers) can inherit a tendency to develop painful swollen jaws that make it hard for them to open their mouth .it is called mandibular ostepathy. bufferin can be used as a pain reliver-10-25 mg per2.2lbs- two to three times a day. The aspirin can be dangerous for her if she is dehydrated,if given too long it can upset her tummy also. You might feed her meat baby foods , and crush her medicine and mix the powder in a bit of milk for her to lap up. DO NOT USE BUFFERIN for a cat. i hope she does not have the mandibular ostepathy
  20. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. please allow yourself ample time to grieve.
  21. My prayers go out to TBAR and his family.
  22. rip rap is what it is called . last time i bought any it was at contract services company in hiram . the phone number is 770-943-5108
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