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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. The most major issues I've had is giving me the wrong prescription.....and that's happened more than once. They are overworked and understaffed and are not allowed to hire any more due to cut backs. You just need to be cautious in knowing what your supposed to be getting, the color of it, the mg., amount, etc. Or change pharmacies~ It's scary.
  2. Dropped them years ago for all reasons mentioned plus some....
  3. This is a long over due "shout out" for this company. Eric replaced a huge arched insulated window over my foyer....the seal had broken & the old window looked nasty. Anyway, he did a wonderful job and in short order. Very professional. So, if anyone needs "glass work" done, please at least give Eric the opportunity to bid on the job. I contacted him because of his ad on PCOM~ Thanks Eric. He has a wonderful wife and I apologize for not remembering her name. BTW, they both put me onto watching American Pickers on the history channel. Great program.
  4. Fluffy


    Well, I still have a question.....anyone familiar with 61 south and Dallas-Nebo on the left??? There are a bunch of yellow stripes that a car can easily fit in prior to the opening of the left turn lane onto Dallas-Nebo....Often times, I have gotten over, driving on the yellow lines with turn indicator on and shortly into the actual turn lane due to the heavy traffic on 61 south.....So, what I've been doing is illegal????? I've never heard of this "gore" and from this thread, I think I should take another driver's test....it's only been 50 years~
  5. The times I've taken Vistaril were for allergic reactions to particular drugs.....it relieved the itching~ side effect would be sleepiness.
  6. I've never heard of these....where do you purchase them??? These may be an answer for me~
  7. Sorry forgot to answer the question--Dr. J.R. Graham,50 Plaza Way, Marietta--by Kennestone Hospital. Thanks for the info.....I don't have dental insurance now.....I really hope you keep your toothe. Treat yourself....I had no choice in pulling my molar and due to previous dental surgeries, I'm not a candidate for an implant so my choice is a bridge and I feel fortunate....an implant would be wonderful.....pricey but wonderful.
  8. Personally, save that toothe~ You may need it some day to use as an anchor toothe. Anytime you can save a toothe, especially a molar, give it thorough thought before pulling. I had to have the toothe next to it pulled but now, I can have a bridge made because I still have that back tootheto use as an anchor. I'd love to know where you go to only pay $425 for a crown. Most dentists charge $750 - $850 +.......... Good luck!
  9. You said it....and I totally agree. They kept saying his performance would be one to remember.....I really don't want to remember it.....and I was a big fan too until last night.
  10. We had Atlanta Roofing Specialists - 770-419-2222. www.atlantaroofingspecialists.com They DO NOT require a deposit before starting work. Very professional. Anyone who requires a down payment, I would stay away from them.....
  11. I've got a question.....Will you ever prepare "Salt Risen bread?" Ever since Rhodes Bakery in Atlanta closed, I cannot find it anywhere. I've compiled several recipes to make the bread myself but I would rather just go purchase it...
  12. It's situations like this that I simply "don't get" Gods ways/reasonings~ I understand we're not suppose to question but I still do and I'm still praying...
  13. I just wanted to compliment Tammy & Rodney.....I attended a catered birthday party Saturday evening and the food was out standing along with the service~ If y'all ever need a celebration catered, food wise, consult with Tammy or Rodney.....they know how to deliver.
  14. I finally called Marc....when my car started collecting feathers along with all the bird poop,....I knew it was time. Marc, you did a really great job. It's amazing how much a "clean & waxed" vehicle can make you feel special plus your vehicle goes faster~ Thanks again!
  15. When you are on Dallas Nebo going toward Ridge road, after you cross over, it's Bakers Bridge.
  16. Gosh, evidently somebody was arrested. In one day, yesterday, I had 2 stray large dogs on my large upper deck. Drinking water from a fountain. When I opened the deck door a little, both dogs (at separate times) were agressive. I don't know if they are mean dogs or just thirsty and wanted me to just leave them alone so they could drink. And I let them! Anyway, because of these dogs one of which has been in the front yard before, it really makes me antsy to go outside and sit or walk around. Life shouldn't be this way! Isn't Paulding County a little large to have only 2 AC people
  17. Yeah Pubby...I tried that website GAnews.com and it didn't work. What is it anyway?
  18. Thank you for the suspension Pubby. I wish the suspension was longer. Most everyone has already stated the rest of my feelings. Get to feeling better!
  19. Good post 1stimemom. Thank you. I too have been thinking about Brenda and her family. Just a little over a week ago. Anf I've also been thinking about Lady Raider and all of the other ladies who worked with her. I hope Brenda realized how much she was loved before she called home. I can't help but wonder the "why" to all of this happening to her. So,... so young! I pray for the Lord to embrace her family tightly. There are many people hurting because of her passing.
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