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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. Fluffy


    I've just been texted that there has been six individuals who stabbed a guy close to where I live, in Camden Woods Sub....they are on the run. Anyone know anything about this incident?
  2. She was the MOST amazing woman I've ever had the privilege to know and love. My sympathies to Peggy Alvey, Dale Gulledge, Perry Gulledge and Gary Gulledge along with their families. She is with Him!!
  3. Fluffy

    Fox Alert

    Okay...I hit the Green...where does the "like" show up? And thx again... Ahhh......I see a #1 in the lower right corner in comment section...does everyone see that 1??
  4. Fluffy

    Fox Alert

    I didn't know that but thx for letting me know. For my $30.00 dollars annually, I'll now look for a "like" and "dislike" button....thx again!!
  5. Fluffy

    Fox Alert

    Obviously I've been on FB too much.....found myself going for the "like" button~~~
  6. Stiff, thank you for your input! I knew him to be a hard working, upstanding man~~~Anxious to learn "what really happened". Prayer going!
  7. Big play, thank you for the update on the "box truck"....hopefully he will be okay and maybe we'll get more info soon! This other "happening" sorta overshadowed this accident~~~
  8. He WAS a super nice person and not in good health back when I hired him to haul stuff! So, sooo sad...especially sad IF they resorted to drugs~~~
  9. Did anyone else notice the name on the mailbox? It was either THAT house or next door~~~The name on the mailbox was or still is a member of PCOM. The husband hauled away stuff for me several years ago! Sooo sad....
  10. I'm really happy that I left Wells Fargo several months ago....now with LGE credit union~~~
  11. Are y'all going to carry the line of wind chimes by Music of the Spheres? The previous ACE store had these.....I need another one!
  12. I've stayed there too....wonderful place and worth the expense, especially if you had the huge balcony which I did! I intend to go back soon....
  13. I wish I could attend....don't know the guest speaker but I do know Babbie Mason.....she's an incredible person. Years back, she taught music at East Cobb Middle School. She has an amazing voice!
  14. Could it have been a "sonic boom"????
  15. I heard and felt it too.....off Dallas Nebo
  16. Oh yeah....Ford hook Limassol....love 'em.....
  17. Thanks Pubby....other than being a little car sick now,...just from riding "with" you, it was a good and informative drive---
  18. I live in Camden Woods....no T T on both nights. I'm not going up & down stairs two nights so it's Sunday for me....
  19. Mine's on....I live off Dallas Nebo. It was out for a little while late Wednesday but has been on ever since the storms went through.
  20. I think you nailed part of the problem right there.....the system~
  21. Fluffy


    I almost didn't watch it but now, I'm glad I did. Got a good chuckle~
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