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Everything posted by katcol

  1. katcol


    I know this is not the answer but maybe It's time to just start serving kids wine at the dinner table. That's the last thing I'd want to do but damn! It's better than the alternative. Then again, countries that do not have a legal drinking age don't seem to have these problems. Anyone know if they have reports of these things going on with teens in countries who allow them to drink? I guess they would then be able to drink themselves to death. What is the answer? Teenage years are the hardest part of life for most. Is it any surprise that they look for an escape, at any cost?
  2. LOL. Maybe they had him weighed. Have you guys tried working with him on the cat issue? Watch or look up episodes of Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan (sp?). I'll bet he has something relating to this. Also, It's Me or the Dog, with Victoria Stillwell has some great tips on behavior. I won't lie...it takes patience. We've had to baby-proof our home due to our 4 big inside dogs. Now everyone is happy.
  3. Glad to hear she is ok! Too bad the decision will stand on the school bus routes!
  4. Maybe they should sentence him to performing two concerts in town. Wow, you like.....read my mind!
  5. Wish I could just pay the guys in Hiram a my $1 to get my ads/coupons and not waste the rest.
  6. Sad to say but I wonder if the visit from Rachel's dad (the first girl killed at Columbine)sparked an interest in pulling pranks like this. I sure hope not because he's doing an amazing thing in his daughter's memory. Adding: I know he visited Austin, not sure about other schools.
  7. Where is Kell? I've never heard of this school. And by South, do you mean South Paulding High?
  8. Hey, if the muslim women are not getting scanned or groped, we could just bring something to put over our heads until we get past security!
  9. Ok. Where is the glow in the dark stuff? Sounds cool.
  10. Just imagine how bad it would be if the BOE had gone through with putting over 300 homes off Bakers Bridge into Hutchins Elementary! You are right. All it would take is having that light cycle through to only allow one side of Bakers Bridge (Dorris Rd) go at a time. The turn light wouldn't have much affect without a turn lane and I don't see that happening in the near future. In the meantime, they could at least cycle the light.
  11. DS has the mattress pad. It's pretty nice!
  12. Exactly. Never hear of violent crimes committed by a stoner. If pot leads to other drugs, could it be that one has to associate with drug dealers to get it? So many people do it anyway, are WAY less violent than people who drink, then end up in our jails for it, which are already overcrowded. I just don't get it. Also, our seniors who may honestly need it for medicinal purposes should be able to grow it with their vegtables instead of being forced to pay outlandish fees to a pharmacy for it. Let whomever grow it. Sell a freaking grow kit and lights and tax that, too. Put the thugs
  13. Hey, would it even put a dent in it if we legalized pot and collected the tax on that?
  14. That should do wonders for the real estate industry.
  15. And you're still not calling the SO?
  16. Also, the only thing that could work against you is if you have lead them to believe that Jennifer still has the dog. If you have told them where the dog is and they are still calling you, shame on you if you don't report them. Nip that crazy in the bud!
  17. I would have the Sheriff's office pay them a visit. You really need to at this point! Did you tell them that the dog has been turned over to the shelter? If so, march your behind up there on Saturday to see if he is still there and adopt him (edited to say...sorry, it was mo2a that said she wanted him...maybe she will go get him on Sat!). It's possible that someone might already have their name on the waiting list for him which would be even better. If the shelter policy is still the same, after three days (may be longer for a stray) you can go and legally adopt him. Then the dog is
  18. This is crazy. I hope he is chipped, so that they can find the real owner. Wonder if these people have shown up at the shelter? Hopefully it's stopped for you but if they called again I would definitely tell them that they are now harrassing you for no reason and that they will only get one verbal warning about harrassment charges.
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