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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Poogan's porch - it was great food, great service! Do make a reservation if you can, as they stay busy...we got in as a walk in but just by sheer luck!


    Do one of the horse carriage tours, they really are not expensive but sure are lots of fun!


    Oh, yeah, the angel oak - not really Charleston but so close you need to go see it..you will absolutey amazed at that tree..I've got pictures but they just aren't the same as seeing it in front of you! Unbelievable, you won't want to miss it!


    Have a good time, I know you will!!

  2. Hey, the last few days this site has been extremely slow for me - it takes 4EVER to open a post or move around, and it's only this site, everything else I visit, including other boards, is still running at the same fast speed it always has, it's just this site and it's been this way for the last few days..is anyone else experiencing this lately?

  3. well I guess I should add my two cents worth of nothing here...had no idea what someone did or didn't do so I wondered how would I know if it was or wasn't me..then thanks to "Brian's story" (wasn' that a movie? :blink: ) I think I see the light (but it's not the light at the end of the tunnell, thank goodnes for that :o ) - walmart? Who said anything about walmart here (I know, you hate WM! )....but now I really honestly have to admit - it wasn't I either..for as you can see, I really haven't a clue what I'm talking about..but I know I didn't do it! :wacko: :p :wacko:

  4. Blasting? Oh yeah they were earlier, but not when the dogs were howling and barking...they don't howl and bark at the blasting, they just run around like scared rabbits, with their tails tucked way looowww..and hide in the basement if they are inside (hmmm...they must have been a listening to that weather guy when he tells folks during storms to git down in the basement!) :blink: :p :D


    Edited to add: not that the blasting is a storm, but hey, it's loud, the house shakes, they are dogs - what do they know!


    Edited again to add: ok - was it really the Walmart building site blasting earlier, or fess up, who was eating mexican food today out there?? :blink:

  5. Man, my dog is out there in the yard howling again...and the little one is barking along with him..dang those sirens on Dallas hwy and East Paudling...now what's going on - hope it's nothing bad for anyone..it gives me shivers.

  6. I'm over off of East Paulding between 92 and Charles Hardy Pkwy(Dallas hwy), big rumbling slow kaboom and my entire house just shook -again - been doing this on and off latey...anyone else's house just do that??? Is it the blasting over at the new WalMart up the road? Geeezzzz, scare the jeepers out of me and the dog every time it happens!

  7. I owned a condo on the beach on Thomas drive for a few years. My favorite things to do: take a walk on the beach and watch the sunrise..gonna get a little preachy on you here, now I'm not a real churchgoing sort of person, but this I found, was the best time ever to talk to God and have him really listen - he'll clear your head and put you in the best mood ever for the best day ever ahead of you, watching that sunrise while you are out walking on the sore, I can't explain it, but wow, it's awesome...try it at least one day when you are down there, you'll see! The next favorite thing of mine was to sit out late on the beach, watch everyone else run in and change for dinner and whathaveyou, and just enjoy the calm of the near empty beach and watch the sun set...it's beautiful. I didn't get into the touristy things much, being down there as often as I was, but whatever you do, I'm sure it will cost you plenty (the touristy stuff always does)..but it will also be lots of fun and bring you lots of memories, have fun, enjoy, sure wish it was me!!

  8. Hmm...here's a thought I had from the very beginning and more so as things unfolded as they did...did both her AND her fiance have this whole thing 'setup' so that they could get lots of attention and then a book and or movie deal later on..come on - we all know that whatever makes the news in a big way ends up in a book or movie later on, that's a given in our society lately, so I'm figuring these two planned this entire thing long before it even took place. Now that might be a movie woth watching - let's see the real honest story of how the two of them plotted this entire thing, how they communicated through it and pulled it off and how they then proceeded to still lie to all those who know them, getting off with as little fines and criminal charges as possible, all the while lifting their champagne glasses in a toast to one anohter - yeah we did it honey, we fooled them all! Yeah, that one might be worth watching if we didn't already know the story that is!!

  9. ok, I'll bite, let's discuss it - so what exactly IS a 'fender skirt' as I can't say that I recognize that term, some of the others I know, but this one eludes me?!? Someone care to explain, or is it one of those things you have to see to understand?

  10. Get them off the road - especially 278 and 92! At certain time the sun is in the drivers eyes and you can't barely see the car in front of you, less someone on the side or someone darting out in front of you...I know...I happened to be going westbound one day, trying to get to hwy 92, and the sun was so bad even sunglasses weren't helping and there were adults and children scampering out into the road from the middle aisle and the sides...I'm amazed that no one has gotten hit yet -it sure was nervewracking being a driver trying to get through that, you know the feeling, your heart starts to beat so fast you think it's a drumroll...someone's going to get hurt - either by being hit or a driver having a heart attack from the stress, one or the other.

  11. TAKE THE JOB!! If you don't, you'll always wonder what could have been! As for the drive to Marietta - for gosh sakes, it's only Marietta, not like you're having to go to downtown Atlanta, or the Perimeter mall area, or up 400 to the Alpharetta area, or up 85 to Norcross..see..there ARE a lot worse things than driving to Marietta! Really, go for it, from the details you posted it sure sounds a lot better than what you are in now.

  12. What I found was SB133:




    ..you will see that SB133 changes the description of 'fireworks' , spelling out what 'is not' considered fireworks from what still is considered 'fireworks'. This is what it says about what is now "not considered fireworks" "


    " (B) As used in this chapter, the term 'fireworks' shall not include:

    (1) Model rockets and model rocket engines, designed, sold, and used for the purpose of propelling recoverable aero models, toy pistol paper caps in which the explosive content averages 0.25 grains or less of explosive mixture per paper cap or toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes, toy guns, or other devices using such paper caps; nor shall the term 'fireworks' include ammunition consumed by weapons used for sporting and hunting purposes; and

    (2) Wire or wood sparklers of 100 grams or less of mixture per item; other sparkling items which are nonexplosive and nonaerial and contain 75 grams or less of chemical compound per tube or a total of 200 grams or less for multiple tubes; snake and glow worms; trick noise makers which include paper streamers, party poppers, string poppers, snappers, and drop pops each consisting of 0.25 grains or less of explosive mixture.∀ "


    ..thus, they have described and added the 'sparkler' thing as 'not a firework'.


    Further, it states what a retailer can sell,and spells out that they can't sell the things listed in (2) above to anyone under 18:


    .. now this is really wierd, because this would mean that a retailer can't sell sparklers, snakes, snappers or party poppers to anyone under 18..and it seems bizarre that some of those things would be limited to those over 18.


    ..and of course, SB133 wasn't 'law' until the Governor signed it! I hardly think the big name retailers would be out 'knowingly violating' this and facing the fine it mentions for each sale, so it still leaves me wondering how they can be selling things that go UP and go BOOM...hmmm.....

  13. There seems to be much confusion in this new law, see this article, posted just this week:



    ...and pay particular attention to this part in the article:


    " State Sen. George Hooks, D-Americus, said the sparkler law passed by a large margin in the state Senate. Hooks, who voted for the bill, said a sparkler is a low-grade incendiary device and it was hard for law enforcement officers to deter people from using sparklers in the first place. “How do you stop people from using sparklers on a birthday cake?” Hooks asked.


    Hooks said Georgia’s current fireworks laws were passed in the 1950s and were designed to protect people from dangerous and powerful fireworks. Hooks doesn’t think sparklers fall into this category. He said state retailers must only sell sparklers and not try to take advantage of the new law.


    He said state lawmakers might have to reevaluate the issue if retailers try to take advantage of the new law.


    Now, instead of making summertime trips to the nearest state line for holiday sparklers, Georgians can load up at home. And it's not just the simple wire sticks with a small flame that are now allowed. Any small-charge sparkling fountain, as long as it doesn't shoot in the air, is now legal. "



    :blink: :huh:

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