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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Snakes? You should have been in MY yard a little while ago..I went out on my lunch hour to empty the pool skimmer of all the leaves that are coming down everywhere (is it fall already??) and as I was putting the basket back in this 12 inch black with some sort of stipes thing (baby black racer maybe) poked his head up right next to my hand looking around like he was wondering where he was and where "I" came from - hmm - and here "I" was wondering just where "HE" came from!! I have no idea how he got in the skimmer but he had survived that and so I hadn't the heart to kill him - I picked him up *YUK*, if you knew how much I hate bugs and snakes and creepy things, this was a big YUK, but I hoisted him into the shrubbery..hoping he dug in b4 the dogs find him later. That was my good deed for today, wow, that one ought to last me a few days!!

  2. so I'm not sure I understood what they said last night as I was in and out of the room...something about a 3part HOH? From what I saw, all three went round and round as the show ended, and you have shown us the first one that fell out (thanks!), and now the other two continue to go round and round until one last person of the 3 is left and thus the winner, and this being part 1 right? So then what? Who competes in part 2, is it the 2 that lost in part 1, and then the final part 3 is the winner from part 1 and the winner from part 2 agaisnt each other for one final real HOH winner? That's what I thought they meant, but that seemed pretty wierd.


    edited to add: I was posting b4 you posted the actual winner of this round the round thing, so thanks for that too!


    edited again: yeah, I figured it couldn't be all 3 in part 2 because that wouldn't make any sense...after I wrote it out and read it I guess it sort of clicked what they meant! One of my DUH moments!! :)

  3. oh my, how sad! 2 or 3 they think, he should be able to talk I would think, and from the picture he looks like he could be hispanic so I wonder if they got an intrepreter in there to see if he knew and understood Spanish, guess that's worth a try if they haven't already done so. I also wonder if he's a flood victim from the coastal area somewhere, perhaps someone snatched him up on their way out of town and then dumped him, hopefully the authorities have thought to check the websites that have listed missing family members, IF he still has any family that is!

  4. I am so proud of them for going, for EVERYONE that has gone without a thought and thus put themselves in that situation not knowing what ill affect those unsanitary (to put it nicely) conditions will cause days, months, years down the road - risking themselves to help another! Way to go, and I'm sorry if the help wasn't needed after all...coordination and planning isn't one of the strong points happening now, but neverless, the fact that so many are volunteering to help shows what this great nation is made of - God Bless the U.S.A!!!!

  5. HI, we just got back to last weekend to! We left soon after the hurricane hit the coast and the tornados hit here, spent some time in FortLauderdale then went on a 5 day RC cruise. It was great, sure felt good to try to forget about life for awhile! My only regret is that reality hits you like a ton of bricks after a vacation, and this time, I guess I can't say I really forgot about life this time as it was hard having a good time knowing what others were going through, seeing all that food and knowing a lot of it is wasted when so many were hungry just such a short distance away. Oh, people did party, don't get me wrong, but I did feel it was a lot more subdued than a usual cruise, like there was always a crowd around the TV in the bar watching the recovery efforts and normally you wouldn't even see the news while you're on a ship...I couldn't help but wonder what it must have been like for folks that had bookings around 09/11/2001..guess I'm just a little wierd thinking of all that when I 'm supposed to be having fun. But all in all it was still good to get away and can't wait to next year when I can do it again.

  6. oh wow, I've heard the lines are due to the scare of GA running out of gas in the next few days. Do you think we'll get to rationing, did they ration here in the 70's? I live in Illinois back then and I remember the LONG lines waiting to get what little gas they let you get back then. I've got a house and dog sitter coming and I've got to go to Ft Lauderdale later so I hope I can get back next week, wish me luck!

  7. OMG - not that I'm not taking your post seriously, but I am ROFL at the thought of you waking your hubby up and then the thing jumping on the bed at him - oh wow - that is just too hysterical this morning! (I"m sure it wasn't to him!) :D

  8. If you need gas, expect lines this morning! My SIL just left for work, he's over by 61 and 278 area, said there are LONG LINES at every gas station he passed this morning and it took him a lot longer to get anywhere due to the exra traffic out there and everyone stopped in the streets at the gas stations. So just FYI here.

  9. You know, not to long in the near past I too thought that we were stressing to much over storm things too, I mean, hours and hours of news coverage that there is a storm here, or a storm there, and I thought come on folks, move on!


    However, my view has changed because over the course of the last few months this is what I've noticed: hurricanes everywhere and earlier in the season than normal; rain, rain, and more rain; flooding where flooding never happened before; in every storm there seems to be lightning strikes starting major house fires, several house fires, and even hitting people that were outside more often than not; trees coming down in abundance on houses cars and people; tornadoes hitting closer than I want them to be, and well, this is just in the States, then there was the the Tsunami, need I say more!


    Now I'm not certain where this weather is coming from as I don't pretend to be an expert on these things, but just observation shows it's been getting worse over the course of the last several months, so stressing, yeah, I'm stressing with the best of them now! Better warned than mourned!

  10. Not sure what ruffled their rumps, cause I can CLEARLY read that you said it was your own personal opinion when you made your statement and your post has not been edited so that was your original statement. But don't sweat it, life is too short, just turn your back and walk away and make a note of who to stay away from in the future! :D

  11. C2 may not have shown pics but they have talked about it, I've heard Paulding Cty coming over the tv from the other room, around 7:30ish they had a reporter give a report of what she saw at Marshall Fuller rd and some other rds around there (I don't remember the street names).

  12. They said yesterday it was going to go up today but then it didn't, and yes, it IS going to go up - hurricane or no hurricane - the one thing we can count on lately is gas IS going to go up..but .47cents in one jump, just wondering where you heard that figure..is the news putting that out or do you work at a station and have an insdie scoop?

  13. 8 yrs old and he said THAT to you? Oh my, I wonder if he even knows what the word even means ! Either way, I would have had to look him in the eye and say "Hmmm...you must think you're somewhere else, because in here, we don't have games that do THAT so I can't help you, maybe you better go ask your mom the same question you asked me"! Then of course the mom would come up all huffy and I'd explain "Oh, he wants to BOWL, well of course, now if he only asked me that, but well he said 'F'g game' and like I told him, our games don't do that in here! After all, if they did, they may spawn something evil like YOUR SON LADY!"! (and of course that's where I'd be fired!) :D :p :D

  14. This is what you posted :

    9:45 a.m.: Homeowner Says Water Rising

    Chris Robinson says the water is rising in his New Orleans-area home, but he's "holding off on breaking through the roof" to escape. Robinson is keeping a hammer, ax and crowbar at the ready, though. He spoke by cellphone as water sent by Hurricane Katrina flooded parts of the city.


    Ths is what I read on 11Alive's coverage:


    I'm not doing too good right now," Chris Robinson said via cellphone from his home east of the city's downtown. "The water's rising pretty fast. I got a hammer and an ax and a crowbar, but I'm holding off on breaking through the roof until the last minute. Tell someone to come get me please. I want to live."


    SAY WHAT?!?! DUH, like did he have a death wish prior to the water coming in, or was he in a cave the last few days and so he didn't listen to the news and the warnings to GET OUT before it came! It just burns me up that people stay put and then expet someone ELSE to risk their lives by getting out in it to 'come get them'. My opinion, if they stay put, then let them stay put until it's good and done and safe for someone else to get out in it - maybe that way there would be less and less staying put when they have experts telling them to get out. Geez!

  15. Hmmm..did you catch THIS part of the article, Douglas being the Doctor's attorney:


    "Terry's an old-fashioned doctor who will see anybody if they have money or not, or if they are on Medicaid. He's the last independent doctor not owned by a hospital in Strafford County. He's not going to roll over on this, he is going to fight," Douglas said.



    So, in my opinion there is more to this investigation than what he said to the lady, but that's certainly a good front that the New Hampshire Board of Medicine and Attorney General are working under..they can't get him to join them so big brother is going to oust him instead!

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