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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. http://www.11alive.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=68187


    Couple Vanishes on Trip Home


    An elderly couple who left their daughter's house in Paulding County on Aug. 15 never showed up at their home in Florence, Ala., just six hours away, police said.


    The daughter, Kathy Burk, advised police that no one has heard from her parents since they left her home at 1 p.m. Raymond Donald Unruh and Gloria Unruh bought gas in nearby Cartersville at 5:45 p.m., police determined.


    Detectives from Georgia said they have contacted police in Florence, Ala. and in Flatwoods, Tenn., where the Unruh's have another home and asked them to be on the lookout for the couple.


    The couple is driving their 1989 Winnebago bearing Tennessee tag 278 LJX. They are described as follows:



    Raymond Unruh, 81, is approximately 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighing 117 pounds with gray hair and brown eyes.



    Gloria Unruh, 79, is approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall, 71 pounds, with gray hair and green eyes.


    Both wear eye glasses. Anyone who thinks they may have seen the couple should contact local police or the Paulding County Sheriff's Office at 770-443-3015 or 770-445-2117.

  2. Ok, you got to be around Dallas hwy and 120/East Paudling, right? Becuase I had one going round and round over here too just a bit ago. I thought maybe it was for Josh...maybe military or news getting their route set...

  3. Are you sure it's a cold and not just allergies...mine were bad this weekend, as were my hubby's..somethings in the air out there...but...even if it is a cold, if going is important enough for you to ask, then my opinion is that you take some daytime cold medince and go because everyone comes into contact with someone that has a cold at one time or another, maybe just avoid shaking hands or coughing/sneezing w/o covering your mouth/nose, which probably goes without saying as I'm sure you do those things anyhow.

  4. I've asked if anyone is going to line the streets in the CARPOOL thread, but it doesn't look like any of the readers of that thread know, do you know: is anyone lining up before the serive, after, or both? Do you know the route? I want to be out there but don't want to show any disrespect to the family so I wanted to check first if it was okay and where to be...will they be passing EPD and 92?


    Edited: never mind, got my answer, thanks.

  5. Oh my, a bat in the HOUSE? Ugh! I wouldn't have had to post that on here 'cause all of PC would have heard me as I would have been screamen so much! She did real good keepin it to herself. We see lots of them flying around in the late evenings outside, but they usually stay high in the trees, except that they used to swoop down at me when I walked the road - good enough reason to give up excersizing if you ask me!

  6. HI, I may have missed this in another post, and if so, sorry for asking to repeat here: are we doing a line the processsion route tomorrow (I'm totally assuming here that they are going from the funeral home to the church tomorrow)? I know you all did one the other night, but I know where PMBC is on hwy 92 and I'm wondering if they will be going down 92 and passing by East Paulding drive, does anyone know?

  7. HI, I don't know where Brooks -Rackly -Holland roads are, but I'm off of East Paulding Drive, between 92 and Dallas hwy, and it sure smelled like a house fire around here yesterday on the 18th, between 5:30Pm and 7Pm...I was outside and the smell kept coming and going...I thought maybe they was buring things up where they are putting the new WalMart in, but this is the first time it smelled like that and they've been buidling a long time now! The haze though, it has been hazey a lot and that I figure is the smog, between the smog and the humidity, yeah, the haze I'm not surprised about but that burning smell..it was like what a fireman smells like after a bad busy shift..it's not a bon fire smell that's for sure!!

  8. I just caught some of the noon ch2news and I saw a report about the Woodstock Officer who is shipping out overseas with the National Guard, and his wife is a Holly Springs Officer. I thank them them both for the tough job they do keeping the peace here at home, and now him for serving our country and keeping the peace over there -God be with both of you! Now come on Paulding, post your support for these Officers, show Holly Springs and Woodstock what Paulding is made of!

  9. Hmm..you might want to reconsider that handle then..you know advertising is everything and if you get asked all the time if your handle is SLIME or SLIM..is it really good advertising for folks to even think a realtor's handle is SLIME?!?! :blink:

  10. Kaysar-- BLAAAAAHHHH...I think he is such a creep! I hope they do get him out again, this time for good! Actually, I didn't much care for this twist that the network came up with, bringing someone back, they were out they should have stayed out, that's my opinion! Actually, I'm not really thrilled about any of the players this time around, I don't know why, but they just don't gel well or something's just off about the group this time around, but I just don't find the show as interesting this time around.

  11. Yeah, mine is about the same! Now, since you mention mushrooms, I recall a thread months back where someone said their dog got really really ill after eating some 'rooms in their yard and since we all seem to be sprouting the things as of late I guess if you have dogs you might want to watch that they don't eat them. Me, I've decided that I'm going to give the weeds exotic names so I can pretend they are supposed to be there - they are the only thing surviving this mold and mildew...I'm giving up on real plants - I never thought I'd see a summer where my plants got TO much water!


    (edited for typos)

  12. Hey ok, I went to the site but really, our vote won't help as it needs to be Cobb County residents voicing their support, since it's a Cobb County funded initative. What I mean is that your intention was good, but for a petition to matter it has to be Cobb County residents to sign the petition, join the soapbox, etc., then, if it becomes a reality, we can use it too..just as we can use any park in any county.

  13. You want to talk about HIGH gas prices? I went to Racetrack earlier tonight, and my DEBIT card wouldn't work..and I just got PAID today so GEEZ, even a half months pay isn't enough to fill my SUV up!! :blink: Ok, I'm reallly hoping it was just a glitch or something, I'm on empty but decided to wait until tomorrow to try again, that may be a bad decision on my part if gas goes up again between tonight and tomorrow!


    And speaking of owning an SUV, yes I do, a 1997 model - I got it years ago, and in all those years it's come in real handy...taking my Marine son back and forth between various bases (geez, they have a ton of stuff to haul around); hauling things, LOTS of things, to a vacation beach home and then back again once it was sold; bringing various pieces of furniture home; helping the son move home, then out, and then repeat that a few times; bringing daughters wedding dress home from the store AND getting it to the wedding unwrinkled; bringing gifts home from said wedding; hauling baby furniture..and OH MY GOSH, this is just some of what it was usefull for and I just realized how much me and that silly SUV have been through (tears going down my face about now, silly me!)...and yet...with the price of gas I'd trade it if I could but it's reliable and it's paid for and I can't get another car without having a car payment and I can't afford a car payment so I'm stuck with what I have - high gas and all! So just don't knock everyone driving an SUV, some of us have had 'em long b4 gas prices went so high and we never thought we'd be paying an entire paycheck to fill er up!

  14. If it's like the one at crossroads, I'll hate it! Give me the good ol' HIRAM store anyday!! I don't find them dirty at all, it's an old store, yes, so it shows it's age, but what ol' gal doesn't! :) At least at HIRAM, I know where things are, they have what I want, and there prices are great! I was shocked at how high some of the stuff was at the crossroads store...I know stores set their prices depending on the area, and crossroads must be setting there's based on those high end subbies down on that end so I won't be going back there again! HIRAM, keep up the good work, I hope you make it through all these moderizations coming along!!

  15. HI, I think it's dangerous to post your name, address and phone number out here for anyone to see (those are on the copy of the resume you posted on here) as this is a public board open to everyone and anyone everywhere...you may want to reconsider and post only a po box address, or your email address, as someone can still contact you that way. Good luck with your search, I wish you well, just want to see you safe too!

  16. The new Wall Mart on Dallas hwy is just West of the Cobb County/Paulding County line...right by Citizens Square - which is just west of East Paulding drive (Used to be called "Dragstrip road')..if you have been out that way at all within the last few months you would have noticed all the clearing on the BIG HILL over there, yep, that's it.

  17. Sorry, but this struck a nerve, I'm for the bikers on this one! First of all, the silver comet trail is great if one is biking for biking's sake, but it's not very good for one getting to and from home to work and back again, that is unless you're a squirell who lives and works in one of the trees off the trail! So if you are seeing bikers on main roads during working hours they are likely doing the same thing you are - going to and from work. That being said, it's pretty D smart of them if you ask me - they ain't griping about the price of gas now are they, and they sure are getting a good dose of excercise to and from work which if more of us did then maybe our health insurance wouldn't be skyrocketing like it is from a society of couch potatoes that most of us are, and not to mention they likely are a lot more stress free than most of the working USA is after sitting in gridlock time and time again (well, maybe not the guy who gave you the finger, but I don't know what was up with that - there's two sides to every story). So my gripe isn't about the bikers, it's about why we keep putting up highway after highyway, road improvement after road improvement, and yet we don't give bikers any road right of way. I was in California a few weeks back and in many places bikers have their own lanes, and where they don't, they actually ride along in the SAME lanes as the cars - yeah - that's right, I saw it myself, more than once - car, car, bike, car, van, truck, bike, car, car...etc...all flowing, turning, moving along with the flow as if one and the same...maybe we ought to try THAT instead of putting bikers on the sides and treating them like they are some nuisance to be done away with!! Oh and by the way, I always wonder, what is the hurry anyhow that so many of us are in when we get in a car...try slowing down when you're following a biker..enjoy the scenery around you, relect on your day about to start or what you just ended, where you're going, what's ahead, breathe in, breathe out, take it a little s-l-o-w-e-r...yo might see that it's not really so bad following one of them...maybe you'll be a little more stress free instead of being all po'd.

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