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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. So they tell us not to panic, but then they just reported on CH46 news at 4 that gas prices likely will go to - $5.00 a gallon - because of Rita shutting down the Texas refineries. Come on, $5.00 a gallon, hearing that, who's NOT going to panic! I'm still hyperventilating over the $3.00 a gallon price, haven't even gotten used to thinking of $4.00 - but now - $5.00?!?! Geez, this is just insane!

  2. Hi, you might want to review the dept of labor link on the FMLA policy, because if what you are saying is true than something doesn't sound right as to why he's being allowed to take it. I would expect that Lockheed requires some sort of certification from a health care provider. My company does, and my company even retains the right to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion of their own choosing if they suspect or disagree with the one presented from the employee. Further, my company retains the right to recertification throughout the leave period at their demand (I suspect this was put in to prevent misuse). Another thing I thought of, is this one of the things that happen when people are unionized..that because of union laws they get away with stuff like this? I dunno, just came to mind when I think of all the strikes I see go on there and I'm wondering how Lockheed would/could let this happen.




    edited to add: my post above crossed with the few above it...I support the documentation that Lockheed is requiring and they should have required it previously. That is the only way to prevent misuse of the FMLA like you are describing ocurred here. So don't consider it a hasstle, consider it saving you from heartburn over another situation like this guys.

  3. Yeah, everyone has a question of some sort for them..usually it's while they are on duty and they are eating their lunch or dinner and then they don't get to eat at all because their time is up and it's back to playing with the bad guys...or it's at a social event when someone didn't know they were a cop and just finds out...or it's the spouses coworkers calling with "I know you're a cop so can you tell me..."....so yeah you have a question and you're not alone that's for sure...hope you get someone answering you and if/when you do - remember to say THANKS because they don't hear that word often enough!

  4. The write of this obviously doe not pay attention to detail! If he did, he'd have heard over and over from countless witnesses at the scene that Clark had a gun and raised it first, thus Roberts acted in self defense to protect his own life. Clark made his own decision in that moment to either keep running and try to get away, or to fight - he choose to fight and he lost. Maybe he was even playing the suicide card, as so many chicken sh*t criminals play the suicide by someone else card when they get in a tight spot, I don't know but that's what it appears like to me as I can't see how this thug thought he'd actually get away from this. I'm just thankful that Roberts HAD a gun with him and chose to use it, that he chose to get involved, and it takes more people to get involved more often to stop crime - the police can't be everywhere, we as citizens need to step up and when something's not right, say dang it, we're not going to take it anymore!

  5. HI, I just came back from the Klassy Klutter thrift store on 61 and 278 - as mentioned on another post, they are having a 50cent sale on all clothes today and you got to go check this out!! I was suprised that I was the only one in there when I was there, where are all the garage salers today?!? This is better than any garage sale - 50Cent clothes, what a bargain, you are sure to find something!! Anyone have a baby girl? They have the cutest baby girl onesies (or however you spell that), even some stuff that looks like it just came in so you get first dibs at it! Go, go fast, check it out!!!

  6. Aw, how sad - we have an owl in my area too (off EPD between Dallas hwy and 92), I've seen him in the trees several times, hope it wasn't the same one! We also have several hawks that have come back..were here in the spring, gone in the summer, but the last week they've been back...watching my little dog closely, he don't seem to stray to far when they are around, guess he senses he could be lunch!.

  7. I just came home down Dallas Hwy going Eastbound from 278 to EPD, just past hwy 92 I saw a motorcade of Police bikers heading Westbound, and I realized where they were going..I cried all the rest of way home - yeah that was me sitting at the Dallas Hwy and EPD red light bawling my eyes out so those of you that were looking at me in wonder, know you know the rest of the story as to why...may Tara rest in peace.

  8. Just a thought...it sounds like you liked the place, could you not have put in a grievance thorugh the company with HR? And if you let him make you leave like you did, isn't that like - he won then didn't he? And if it wasn't a case of mild disrespect but you feel it was much more, then maybe you have a harrassment case agaisnt this guy, or the company even for letting whatever happen happen? There are all kinds of lawyers out there, I'm sure there are some that handle employment issues so maybe it would be worth your while to talk with one and see if you have a case at all. But good luck with your search, I wish you well.

  9. I'm wondering why people continue to harrass those on this post that are paying condolences and showing respect for those involved in this incident? We all wonder what happened, or how this could happen, but it doesn't change the fact that it did happen and now the rumors, the gossip, and the fighting on here certainly don't solve anything - Tara is gone, and though I did not know her I have learned of her now from so many (my own son included!) and some of what I have learned is that she was young, she was bright, she was enthusiastic, she was everything an up and coming officer should hope to be but now she is gone; and another officer, someone I do know and I can't begin to imagine what he is going through, a man who has dedicated his life, a lot more years in than just the 10 he spent in training, to serving, protecting, helping - well he's gone too, maybe not like Tara, but this is not something he'll just walk away from. He has family, Tara has family - ALL are affected immensly by this. Then you have to consider the other recruits/officers in the room that day, and all their families, all the lives touched by this tragedy; all the lives that need our support - and the rumors, gossip and fighting do nothing to aid them in their grief. Can we not just let Tara rest in peace, and honor her for who and what she was; Can we not just let those investigating the incident do their job without all the armchair quarterbacking going on? I'm begging you all - please, please, please - stop, think, and show a little respect, please.

  10. So, I'm still wondering where this is at - I'm thinking it may be off of 278, the road by where the firefighter billboard was at...so if I go down the road with the gas station that never was, I'll find it down there somewhere, is that right? Oh my gosh, I'm getting directions by 'thinngs' becuase I don't know the street names..yep, ya might be a redneck if....

  11. Yeah, today it's trade, then tomorrow it's jobs...so looking into the future let's see

    how it will work: the US outsources the job to Mexico, Mexico will then outsource the job to China, China will then outsource the job to India and India will turn the job - no matter what it is - into a gas station combo convienient store back in the US!! :wacko:

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