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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. I'm happy things turned out well. St Joe's, Emory, and yes, Piedmont too, are the leading heart hospitals that I know of in this area. I have not had a bad experience with Piedmont, my husband was seriously ill, heart issues too, and they managed to save his life three times in a week, so I have a lot of respect for them and I owe a lot of gratitude to them; the doctors and nurses were all wonderful and I just can't find anything bad to say about them, I'm just sorry your experience wasn't better as it's hard having a family member ill and then having a bad experience on top of it. Heart problems and the causes or solutions to the problems are not an easy thing to understand, just keep asking questions, and when you think you understand something, ask again and you'll find out something else. Best of luck to your mama, and to you, with your wedding, what an exciting time for you and your mama..hey, maybe she's just a *teeny bit* stressed out, having her babygurl getting married..I know I was a WRECK when my babygurl got married, that happens with us mamas you know..best of luck to you both!

  2. HI, thanks Nanny for asking this question - I needed the information too! Now I have a few more questions for those that posted some of the comments:


    Regarding the Fire pits: what do you burn in the fire pits..regular wood, charcoal..something else the keeps the buggers away..or is it just the heat and smoke that works? I'm wondering cause I'm thinking of getting one for the chillier evenings in the fall but it if helps the buggers now I'll get it now, but I'm wondering what to burn to keep the buggers away?


    Regarding spraying the parameter: what sort of stuff do you spray and where would I get it? Most things I've seen are for lawn applications for other insects, can't say I've seem much in the way of spays.


    Ticki tourches, candles, and all that stuff made by OFF (I should buy stock with them!) - I've got it all and find it all works so-so..the more the better it seems..but I'm always worried using it at dark...are the planes going to think my yard is a landing zone cause it's lit up so much! :blink:


    (edited to correct some typos)

  3. OH NO! I see her on this thread...what have we done..it's tooo early - sho fly, sho..you can't be a fly on the wall in this conversation...


    ...tee hee...are congrats in order already? This is way cool...hope it didn't spoil things though!

  4. Ang, when you say through the middle of Georgia..is that middle as in from the top of Ga to the bottom, or is it middle as in from one side to the other side...just wondering what counties in Ga that fault line goes through.

  5. Also another hint since you are new here and sounds like you are new to the internet in general maybe...do be careful about how much personal info you share on here..this isn't just a local site, it's the internet, and anyone anywhere can access the information you post...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put things together when toooo many details are given and I'd hate to see your hubby be handed your posts by someone on his squad or in his department because I'm sure fireworks would go off then..just be careful is all I'm suggesting.

  6. HI, your hubby is in a stressful job and carries the weight of the world on him every time he answers a call, what I'm trying to say is, it's not a fluff job he's doing out there but if he values his life he better do it well and for that he has to concentrate because the there is no room for error in his line of work. So if he's not answering his phone when you want him to, or not calling you back when you expect him to, think about the job he's doing and realize that maybe he just can't talk at that time. One suggestion is to set up an emergency code between you two that you use "only in an emergency" so he knows that whatever you are calling him about is urgent and he has to call you back as soon as he possibly can, that usually works well, but, only if you use it in a true emergency; if you get to crying wolf by using it all the time for nothing it's not going to work! Being in a cop family can really suck sometimes though...the shift work, the stress, the emotional toll it takes on everyone, the lonliness...yeah, a lot of us have been there and you're not alone, trust me on that! Sorry you are feeling down, there is usually a lot of good topics going on here and they will keep you busy, or, get out there and do something for yourself..just keep busy and it will get better.

  7. hi, so from Tx to Ga and now to Ohio, and still with Delta huh, well good to hear that and I hope it all works out as it's a shakey time for them right now. Sorry can't help you on the house, but good luck!

  8. Yes, we tend to celebrate Memorial day as the beginning of summer...schools out, we head to vacations, maybe the beach or a cruise, maybe stay home and have a cookout, swim in the pool...but it's no vacation for those still fighting for our freedom, it's no vacation for those who returned but now try to escape the mental and pysical wounds they have been left to deal with, and it's certainly no vacation for those that will be missing a loved one that paid the ultimate price, one that will never be here to feel another summer wind blow, never see a flower bloom, and never see a wave crash upon a sandy shore...as you go about your celebrating this weekend, take a moment, give thanks and remember, just simply - remember!

  9. Too hot today? NO WAY - weather.com may be saying it's 85 out right now but the humidity is down and the wind is blowing and it's just gorgeous, outside and in, sure wish it could this sort of hot all summer long instead of that sticky humid cut it with a knife thickness we end up later on.

  10. not meaning to highjack this thread, but I've missed something - Diehard - last I remember you took a job and were moving to Washington...now you are in Houston? Wow, that's what I get for not logging on here more often! Chiropractic care, yeah, it's great - and if you got kids go see Dr Roberto just a bit over the Paulding line....on Dallas Hwy and Lost Mountain Road..just past the MickeyD's...he is great, with both adults and kids.


    Now for the original topic here...swimming and water aerobics...there are lots of places and being summer- good time to start! For indoor pools try one of the Cobb aquatic centers (the closest being West Cobb aquatic center over on Macland road), they don't require a membership just a daily fee and I think you can even buy a monthly pass; try Wellstar HEALTHPLACE over by Kennestone Hospital but I think a membership is required though, call them and ask; try the pool over in Hiram but heck if I can remember the name, saw adds for it a few times - swimming, parties, lessons, etc (I'm sure someone on here can furnish the name of that place); look and call the different YMCA's, I know there is one in West Cobb over on Mars Hill by Stilesboro that has water aerobic classes. Now for outdoor pools during the summer - start calling some of the bigger subdivisions that have pools in them because some of them will offer classes to those that don't live in the subdivsion, for a fee of course..I know Brookstone on Mars hill was doing that a few years ago so they may still do and I bet others caught on to the idea of suplementing their upkeep this way. Where ever you go, just go! Get started - water aerobics is so easy on the joints - will be great for your feet if you do deep water - and it's so much fun with such big results and you won't even feel like you worked out! Good luck to you!!

  11. ok, who are they kidding in this article, as the first paragraph says: "...Adult carpenter bees are inch-long, black insects with yellowish hairs mostly on the thorax. Their abdomens are shiny black with no hairs on top which distinguish them from bumble bees which are similar in size and coloration but have yellowish hairs on top of their abdomens."


    ....not tell me - does anyone REALLY get close enough to any bee flying around to see IF or IF NOT it has hair on it's abdomen and what color that hair is IF it has hair?!?!? And if so, can you come over and look at the abs on the bees in MY yard so I know which ones these nuisances are because you know, I did try to see the abs, I even asked a few of them to hoover and flex a bit, but they wasn't cooperating, guess they had to get home to their honey! :blink: :p :blink:

  12. I'm happy for him and his family, and I hope he continues to recover. But oh my, the last ten years? The first thing that comes to my mind immediately is Sept 11 2001..how does someone even begin to explain that to him when so many of us that experienced it then still can't begin to understand it ourselves!

  13. The child abduction alert, yeah, I remember that too and I've got no problem with that at all no matter what it interupts - TV is the least important thing when it comes to getting a child home - so if helps flush out those sickos that are doing this - family members or not - then they need to do those alerts more often...maybe if they find they can run but they can't hide then it will happen less and less....we can only hope anyhow!


    As for the weather alerts on the other hand I'm with you on that - put a ticker tape at the bottom of the screen and let me read it rather than interupt me...oh wait...there goes another one right now...on the TV...upstairs....that I'm not watching..aha, but I do hear it....so it's probably because of people like me, multitasking, that they put it on loud and clear so one can hear it wherever they may be, even if not watching.

  14. Oh my, so young and so much stress...the stress itself needs to be controlled cause it's a monster of it's own and won't help the other ailment you are facing, try to find an outlet, and feel free to vent away on here when you need to as there are plenty of folk to help you cope..and hang in there, it's always darkest before the dawn, you'll get through whatever ails you and you've got a great community here to help.

  15. wow, where did you get this from? So where were the checks and balances in this company - unwise and unfortunate I'll say - someone's head should roll over this! Scarier even than this incident is that this company, that apparently lacks checks and balances to prevent this sort of thing, even HAS this virus in their stockpile...who knows if they sent it out before or done who knows what else with or to it...I'm sure there is so much out there going on like this that our heads would roll too if we only knew it all...we may be our own worst enemy it seems.

  16. HI, so sorry about this all, but keep the chin up - things, houses, they can be replaced, people can't and so it's a good thing no one was seriously hurt, I hope Nathan is able to get over this and you all are able to put this behind you soon.

  17. Hey my son has one of those at his place and he says it works..I know when I've used it I got sore too so I figured it must be doing something! I really wanted to get one, but then, it's where to put it - maybe in the basement, next to that treadmill that I swore I was going to use 'every day' and now it's got inches of dust on it and who would want to put footprints in that now..or maybe next to that power rider that the infomercial said I just had to have, but even that's long been moved out to the garage, which is where all things come to rest before their final journey, like the weight machine recently did, at the dump! So needeless to say, I have talked my self out of getting the ab lounder...or at least until I move the treadmill to the garage! :D :p :D

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