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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Hey SP, I agree that there is a lot of negative stuff on here, and being a county based site I guess one would expect to see more county related topics on here, but isn't it pretty much divided out everywhere, I mean, from what I've read I don't think the County seems to have a monopoly on complaints on here so they probably shouldn't feel any worse then the next guy that's getting complained on.

    Not that I'm saying it's right, but it just seems to be part of the cycle of life...people like to gripe and complain and it sure gets more attention than postive stuff it seems, sad as that is...take a look at any news station or pick up a newspaper, it's the bad negative stuff that gets most of the attention ...and to the ones doing the griping on here, in their mind, they are right, not that I'm saying they are, but THEY think they are..and if they are getting responses, well then, there must be a gripers united club out there or something...mabye the anser lies in ignoring those posts so the poster can see that no one is interested.

  2. Hey, I just read an alert that said the lady reporting the incident lied, that she was the mom all along and made up the story because she didn't want to care for the child...so it looks like this child was never tossed out a window at all, that's the good part, the sad part is that this is just yet another desperate sage in the stories that make up our world today.

  3. For the few people that posted negative replies to Chris, maybe you need to go back and read Chris's post again - Chris titled his topic "NEED TO VENT..." and no where in his post did he ASK FOR AN OPINION from anyone, he was as his topic stated "venting" about something he felt a need to vent about. Yes, venting IS complaining, but this post was easily identified as such in the title, so, if you didn't want to hear complaining - then why read the post - you could just as easily have skipped it. If it is "Chris" that you have an issue with, then don't read his posts at all, but if you do read them, don't put him down for VENTING when that's what the majority of the posts on this website are - and yes - I AM VENTING HERE TOO! :angry:


    EDIT, ADDITON: Ok, he DID mention in his later post about asking for an opinion, but, he didn't say that in his original post and his original post was not written as 'opinion requested' material...I did not take it as he was asking for an opinion as much as I took it that he was expressin his.

  4. Did ya'll catch how the neighbor said she thought it was other neighbors she'd had run in with...hmmm...and then did you catch that she was home with HER 18yr old dtr...her dtr probably didn't get INVITED to the other party so she didn't have to 'choose' to turn it down like these two cookie baking 17 and 18 yr old girls did...maybe some jealousy thing going on there that may be behind this entire thing, you think...but yeah, if the offer was made to pay the medical bills then why take it to court, it's obvious she wasn't concerned about the medical bills, she was out for much more - and glad to know that after the lawyer and taxes she'll get LESS than she would have had she settled for the medical payments to be paid OUT of court, serves her right, and now, I hope SHE'S learned HER lesson. As for the rest of the town, I think they just found their prime "prank" location, come on, she just asked for it now, man, I wouldn't want to be on that Sheriff's dept, writing report after report after report...

  5. Since we are speaking of cable here, what's up with the new channel/menu or actually I don't know what you call it but it's the thing that comes up at the bottom when you change channels...I've got digital Comcast and somethings been different this last week, did that happen to anyone else? I'm still trying to get used to it...I hate when they make changs w/o telling me - they put that annoying red light message thing on to tell me about things they want me to BUY, like those fights one has to pay for, so why can't they put out a message when they are going to change something, duh. ....and what's this ad about 'on demand', it says digital subscribers go to channel one but one doesn't come up on my tv....

  6. IDK, but a thought...think of all the strange weather patterns we've had everywhere, and even here, think of what's been going on in the last month...we had warm weather, than cold, then warm again, and then cold and the ice storm...the birds are probably confused wondering just what the H is going on in the world...where they should go and what they should do...just what season IS it anyhow....

  7. The issue as I read it isn't with smoking at work, it's with smoking anywhere..that's a little different than being told what to wear to work...they aren't telling you that you have to wear a suit 24/7.


    IMO, I don't really like the idea, but I do think a Company has a right to choose the rules they wish to enforce - at work and out of work - BUT - that should go into effect for any new employee they hire on, that is, a new employee coming into the company would need to be fully aware of the company rule as a condition for employment, and if they so choose not to abide by the rule (in this case not to smoke) then that would negate their chances at employment with this company. I would expect any large sized company would require a legal contract of some sort to recognize consent and reduce liability issues. I have seen plenty of employment adds requiring applicants to be 'non smoking only' so I don't believe this is the only company doing this.


    However, seeing as this was a NEW RULE that this company implemented, then I believe there should have been a grandfather clause for any existing employees that excluded them from mandatory participation as this was not a condition of employment when they hired on.


    Further, to improve morale then there could have been an 'incentive' program put in place to 'encourage' the already existing employees to follow the new rule, and those employees choosing to accept the incentive would thereby be waiving any future rights under the grandfather clause and would be required to follow the rules just as a new employee would. They would still not have received 100% particiation in the incentive program, but, I bet a good enough incentive would have bought them a lot of loyalty.


    Next, rather than fire long term employees, they could have then stepped up HC premiums for the existing employees that refused the incentive, regardless if they were a smoker or not, I think they could probably get away with implementing a 'smokers surcharge' on the HC premiums, much like life insurance already has. Attrition would also play a role in ridding the company of these workers as time went on.


    Now all this being said, this is about smoking, and yes, this leads to all sorts of other social habits, drinking, overeating, undereating (like many of us have THAT problem!), stress management, even cussing if you want to go to extremes...but I do believe that a company has the right to implement their own rules, not that I like it, but as long as an employee knows up front when they are hiring on what the rules of the company are then there should not be an issue, it's their choice to abide by the rules and accept employment, or go somewhere else (if they can find something else these days).

  8. HI, now I'm taking offense to this because I'm one of those yankee folk you're talkin about and yet I'M RIGHT THERE WITH YOU ON THIS ONE...so don't 'generalize' about us yankees cause it's not ALL of us...there may be some ignorent folk out there and some surely are from the North, but we know we have enough of those kinds from everywhere - the North, the South, the East, and the West - ignorence holds no boundry.


    Now, let me tell you a thing or two about clearing of the roads...where I was from the roads didn't get cleared either until maybe days, or weeks later - the only reason they did clear them THEN was cause they wasn't lucky enough to have it melt in a few days like we have here and life did have to go on..can't be shut down for months. There, people just drove on it, ice/snow/whatever...stupid? Yeah, no more than the folks that are out in it here..some going/coming to work, jobs that have to be done - police, fire, medical, etc - or emergencies, yes those have no choice, but others, out in it - why, no reason to be! Not here, not there either.


    I remember years ago, driving home around 1Am from my restaurant job that I had at that time, slip sliding around and even going off the road a time or two in a bad ice storm that started while I was there (just like those stuck at a job last night)...we wrecked more than one car over the years, so no, we can't drive on it either! And I also remember a neighbor and I going in together to hire a snow plow to come plow my suburban street up to a main road, and our drives, so we could get out, or get an ambulence in even, as we were both 9 months pregnant and had to make it to the hospital should we go into labor...the county we lived in had told us to figure our own way out...so it's not always sugarplums up there either...just so you know...some just like to make you 'think' it is!


    So yeah, I'm right there with you on this one - stay home folks, enjoy it while it lasts!!!

  9. So I'm curious, where exactly was that first and the one and only red light back in the day? BTW, I love to read these posts..keep em coming...it's really interesting hearing about PC back then.

  10. Why is someone here saying KROGER will be sued for the injuries, they had nothing to do with this...it was a WALMART incident that spilled over to the 'parking lot' in front of the Kroger store...and Kroger doesn't 'own' the parking lot anyhow, so if anyone was to get sued because of the 'parking lot' that this happend in, then that would be the 'owner' of the strip mall AND the parking lot...leave KROGER out of this because they are out of this! :angry:

  11. yeah, it sort of makes more sense...but now I think you need to take this up with YOUR bank because after reading your latest response it sounds as if your bank made the error in their analysis here - futher complicating things is that with the new federal ck21 regulations 'real checks' are not presented anymore, just images go through( it's hard to grasp even for those IN the industy, so tust me, don't even try!)- but I still think both cks - (3459 and 3499) - be they real or images - ended up going through your bank, and your bank rtnd one (3459) as 'stop pay' to your car co and hence your car co got hit with the return fee and passing it on to you..the copy you have of 3459 is likely the image copy before it went through the return process - it does not show on your statement so it was not cashed...if this is the first time this has happened with you and this car co they should be graciuos enough to wave the fee - and the bank needs to give you the letter saying 3459 had a stop pay on it - they HAD to process the stop pay on it for your car co to get hit with the return fee - that's the bottom line here (I think!) :)

  12. part five (and final I hope -so sorry for all the ind posts):

    *Disclaimer: I can not nor would ever attempt to give you legal advice but I can give you my own opinion*....


    If this is what happened, that is, if ck#3499 was the number used as the phone/electronic check item AND you sent them a paper copy of ck#3499 for your January payment...that you will need to check with you bank about - I do know of cases where the same check# has gone through twice (different months), so that may not be an issue...but check with your bank to be certain that they will process the check#3499 again if it is presented - because if not, then they will return it to the company and you will face another return item fee and be late with your January payment on top of it! Sorry so long, I can only post one parag at a time it seesm...hope this helps some....again, not attempting legal advice here, just giving you my opinion on what may have occurred.

  13. Part four:

    *Disclaimer: I can not nor would ever attempt to give you legal advice but I can give you my own opinion*....


    The way I see it the bank should have TWO items they negotiated - check # 3459 AND check# 3499...3459 they returned to the company as a 'stop payment' and should provide you the backup you requested, and 3499 they paid to the company...because you discussed the lost check with the company - and I'm going to assume here you TOLD them it was check # 3459 that was lost??? - then the company will have that in comment log and know that is why they got the item returned as a stop payment...however...with some companies you may still be liable for the $25 return fee...a good honest company will usually waive this fee the first time this happens to a customer on a good faith basis...it's customers that are repeat offenders that do not get the fee waived, again, depends on the company you are dealing with though.

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