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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. A garderner, great, I have a question. I usually plant plants, but I bought a bunch of bulbs this year, hostas which were easy to plant because they had the plant part sticking up and I knew which end went up :blink: but I planted caladiums and it said 'plant pointed end up' and if you asked me, both ends looked the same...so I guessed...but...how does a real garderner know a pointed end from the not so pointed end??? :blink: . :blink: I have never planted as much as I have these last few months -dozens of shrubs, junipers, and bulbs...I had a full dug up yard due to a recent project so I had LOTS of mud to get rid of...and STILL trying to figure out what to put where in some spots...ay ya ya....garderners earn every penny of their pay, that's for sure! ...now I just hope the stuff grows...me and HGTV.com have become real good friends!

  2. Yeah, feeling a little anxiety on this end too but I keep hoping they are just sensationalizing this entire storm thing a little more than it really needs to be, have you noticed how lately they just go on and on and on about them? I mean, we've had storms before, and they've had hail and tornados and damage before, but lately, it's hours and hours of coverage every time we have a storm come in...have we all turned into meteorologist wannabees I wonder. Not meaning to start a war here, just an observation I had as the last several storms rolled in and through.

  3. ok, I got a better one - last weekend my hubby and I had just left Kohl's and as he started to back his truck out of the parking spot a small car zipped into the empty spot next to my side of the truck and as we both looked down at it he just stopped dead and I gasped - the driver was a young thing and was cradling a tiny tiny baby in her arms...she had a car seat in the back seat but she was HOLDING this tiny baby and driving - and I do mean tiny, little, looked to be somewhere between newborn and a few months old - and worse, the way it was cradled, it looked as if she may have been breast feeding too! I was spitting and swearing all the way OUT of that shopping center - STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, how can people be so STUPID!!

  4. HI Yung Wah, moving to another country can be quite a culture shock, as well as scary and lonely while you try to get used to a new way of life. If you have friends or relatives here in Ga, or in Dallas, I suggest you locate near to them so that you have a support network; then once you have settled in you can always move around later. As for your other questions, just read the posts on this site and you'll get lots of information. Best of luck to you in your travels, and if they do bring you to Dallas Ga, please keep in touch with us.

  5. Which one you talking about closing, the newer Uncle Buds or the old one? I used to drive by there all the time...some while back the old one that is on South Cobb turned into Aunt Vernas or Aunt Vera's or something like that and then a new Uncle Bud's sprang up around the corner, where the Ryans used to be (now I'm just spec-u-lating here but from someone going by it all the time it sure looked like Aunt V got the joint in the big D, but maybe you know what really happened)..anyhow last time I went that ways was over a month ago and then the Aunt V's place looked to be closed up, but I thought the Uncle B's place was still open..his place always looked packed, even in the new location, but I never did get to eat at either one.

  6. Oh wow, thanks, great information! Not sure I'll be able to make it to the show, but I've got a lot of appreciation for the air ambulance choppers..my husband would probably not be here today - with me, with my children, with my grandson - if not for their service, so my heart goes out to them! And for the other departments listed here, well you ALL do a mighty fine job but let's just say that I'm particuarly partial to the Cobb Police! ;) Hope all that go enjoy the displays.

  7. If you or someone you know has any GRACO BABY ITEMS, please read this!


    WSBTV had a news report at 5 and again at 6 today about GRACO baby item recalls...I went to the WSBTV website after the report and here's the link to the CPSC items involved in the recall:




    The toddler bed is a new recall I believe, the others are older ones, but still, better warned than mourned!


    Be safe!

  8. I'm coming into this a little late...is there only 1 Dallas contender on it? I heard the Rome station, 107, talking this morning about a guy from Dallas...no...they weren't talking - they were gushing that is - about how great he was and how the crowd went wild for him... but I didn't catch the name and I didn't catch the show...so what HS did he grad from and what year?

  9. Thanks...Pine Valley...is that the road that Travis lives off of - the road that goes over to the six corners where Paulding, Douglas, and Cobb meet (or used to anyhow)? I haven't been that way since the late 80's but if I recall right, that was Pine Valley (it was before Travis days, the ranch belonged to that Chiropractor back then)...and I don't recall a fire station but I bet a lots changed on that road since the late 80's...am I even talking about the same road? Thanks again.

  10. so someone thinks or wants to stop dogs in P/ups cause it's dangerous to the dogs huh? Well sure, but really, why stop there, I think we should get rid of birds in the sky too, cause they crap on your windshield when you're driving and that's way dangerous, scares the H out of the driver not to mention the bird when the crash happens..and squirels, well heck, those things aren't good for anything so hey, here's an idea, let's put Squirels in the back of the P/ups, yeah, we'll leave the dog at home and take a squirel with instead...oh wait, they did that, it was the beverly hillbillies wasn't it...

  11. Hey B21, yeah, it was a good crowd...a little weak at first, not like the line to get in at McEachern last year, but it did pick up and turned out pretty good...but the best part was - the enforcers won this time around :D :D

  12. ok, I'm getting the feeling back in my toes and I finally got a brush through my hair - man it was windy and cold out there tonight! So now that I'm warmed up and calmed down, I have to do the 'fairs fair' thing cause I wouldn't feel right if I didn't, so, both teams played a good game and both teams deserve a big hand for volunteering their time for practices and the game (CLAP-CLAP-CLAP!)....it was all for charity (and a big trophy :D ) ...and now everyone's got to go back and work with one another and get along...so to the Firestorm, good job, to the Enforcers - you RULE, enjoy the victory!

  13. Hey B21 - I looked for you but couldn't find you and I didn't see anyone on the Blue team that looked anywheres near old...and from the way BLUE played tonight you all proved you've STILL GOT IT....now say hi to and be nice to #6 for me will ya...gotta take care of our own ya know!! GOOD JOB out there tonight!

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