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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. ...ah, so THAT'S what that employee was laughing so hard at as they were taking him away in that tight white coat that was all tied up....and he had a remote of some sort in his hand.. and in between the hysterical laughter he kept mumbling 'I got another one, they just keep going in an out, in and out'... (JK)

  2. HI, I just posted under another post on this topic..I think this is WAY COOL that someone from DALLAS GA won and that DALLAS GA got mentioned on the show..I don't even know her and I'm just so darn excited for her, this is just so cool! Congrats!!!

  3. HI, my daughter just called and told me she saw/heard this on that show this morning so I came here to see if it was posted - isn't this cool...she said she was a stay at home mom with 3 kids - she sounds like she could use this trip! HOW COOL, a winner from right here in DALLAS GA..and now eveyone watching that show knows there IS a Dallas GA! :))

  4. DAVE's Fence did mine...He's in the phone book, he's out of Hiram I think it was, and I actually heard of him from this site last year, and like that post last year said, when you call you actually talk to DAVE or to his wife! Now I got LOTS of estimates, and Dave's came in so low that I was sort of leary...you know the saying, ya get what ya pay for. Well, I even actually asked him if what he was writing up was right and he went back over his measurments and checked his figures again, and said "yep, that's right", and then I there I figured he had to be pretty honest cause he could have jacked it up right then and there. Anyhow, the saying about getting what you pay for proved WRONG in this case, cause he did a GREAT job, for LOTS less than anyone else would have, and the fence has held perfectly, through my 80 pound dog jumping on one end of it while a few other dogs jump at him from the other side of it, through the flooding and monsoons this past month, not a problem at all with it. I don't know if he goes to Austell, but it would be well worth your time to get an estimate from him if he does.

  5. I'm in East Paulding, I should have known thunder was coming tonight when at 7:45PM my dog went out, sniffed the air, and then did a half spin, tail down, and bolted back in the back door and with a leap was down the steps into the basement! It was after 9 when it really started here but dang if he didn't sniff it out earlier...someone on here once said their dog knew when a storm hit the Alabama/Georiga line, and I tell you, my dog must be related to his!

  6. I'm glad to be working from home and not in that as I'd be right smack in the middle of it all if I had went to the office. It is such a hot and hazy day for all those firefighter and police to be out there in that too, I'm sure they will be coughing their lungs out all night..and those in the wreck..what can I say about them...just thoughts and prayers to all, if involved, fighting and clearing it, or sitting in it.

  7. Ah, I'm a Maple..ya know I've always liked maple..syrup,yum..those maple choc-o-late things - what were they called, bun bars (okay, okay - not THOSE buns, keep your mind on the candy now!!)...and 'specially those maple choc-o-late covered things in the Whitman assortments...okay, I digress...but I AM imaginative so yeah, I guess I am a true maple..got to go find me some cho-o-late now. ... :p

  8. HI All from sunny California..I flew out on a business trip Sunday afternoon just as Dennis was starting his wrath on the Atlanta area...all I can say is - WOW - Georgia is making the news here as much as Florida is, I saw Douglas county, hwy 278 around Thornton Road flooded (the car dealer and thrift store area) and I could not believe that was the same road I traveled to the airport on Sunday afternoon! I'm told I have water in my basement, I'm sure many of you do too I have not been able to read the posts on here yet due to my business mtgs, hope you all are staying as dry as you can be - be back soon...not sure if I'll be able to make it down camp creek/thornton - guess I'll see when I get there.

  9. Is anyone even watching the news? Did anyone SEE the damage that Ivan did last year?? Does anyone even remember OPAL in PCB in '95 and the destruction it caused??? From the looks of several posts in that people are saying they are going down there no matter what, I would reckon the answer to all 3 of my questions must be NO. Hmmm...peoples lives, homes, businesses - all at risk - and all we can think about is that we have a weeks vacation and must get to the beach...well good luck to you all, I hope everyone that is so eager to go does go, and while you are at it - I hope you pick up a broom, a ladder, a shovel, break a sweat and pitch in and help clean it up too..if you get through the public safety roadblocks I'm sure they will be glad to see you and they sure will be able to use your help! Enjoy your vacation! :D

  10. If Dennis hits anywhere near the Pensacola area PLEASE stay home and don't try to go to PCB next week as it will be chaos there too and the last thing the public safety people need is to deal with tourists...they have enough to deal with dealing with the locals and the out of state property owners. Please CALL your

    hotels/motels or rental agencies before starting out - if they answer, they'll tell you if you should come or not..if they don't answer - take the hint, and DON'T GO!

    Yes, I know you only have a weeks vacation - if you just really have to go to the beach, try the Hilton Head or Savanah area this time around..it won't be the same but it will make you appreciate PCB next year that much more! :)

  11. Well I feel a LOT better knowing those 3 kids aren't sitting around in a hot car during the days this summer, that's for sure! So, he has an apartment, eh? And the kids are off for the summer with their mother, eh? Looks like there is a lot more to this story than you let on! I'm not really seeing a concern here at all now -he's working, got an apartment, and sure, he took his kids to work with him..better than leaving them home alone which he could have done! If you still feel a need, report it to DFCS and let it alone - then move on and stay away from him.

  12. hmm...so how about you step back, and not take into account anything that happened WHILE he was married, going through divorce or living with you but let's look at what the issue is now: 1) he's living out of his car, with the kids of course, and 2) he's working, but he is taking the kids to work with him on his night job and they sleep on the floor. Okay, so bottom line - he's working, but he's homeless, with 3 kids! So marriage, divorce and lies aside - this is the situation - working, homeless and has 3 kids - that's what needs addressing here..not the issues of what he said/she said or anything else. So if you know where his car is parked during the day, and I'm guessing here that the kids must be cooped up in it while he sleeps enough to go to work that night - not a sight I can even imagine in this time of year with the heat setting in - then get someone in authority to go out and talk with him, get him some help. There HAS to be family shelter that can step in and help this guy..I know there are homeless families all over Georgia but maybe a shelter has room for one more, if someone asks.

  13. I'm not sure I understand the post above about Hiram and 911 stand alone service, what exactly does that mean? In reading it I'm thinking it means delays in getting response for anyone in Hiram that dials 911 for an emergency, but then I wonder, as big as Hiram is now (with all the major shopping and restaurants the now exist out there), how can that be; are we as citizens of this county at risk every time we cross into the Hiram? We tend to rely on 911 for emergency service, but should we all memorize the Hiram police number instead for when we frequent that area and forget about 911 when there? Hopefully I'm misunderstanding this, and even more, hopefully I'll never need to know the answer to this, but just in case - if I ever should run into an emergency situation while in Hiram - what number should I dial??

  14. well my thing is this: they are worried about their tourism, right? Well HELLO! Maybe it's their justice system they should be more worried about and their tourism trade would take care of itself! For one, like heck if I'm ever going to go there now that I know that I could be picked up and locked away for almost 4 months BEFORE anyone decides to tell me what I'm charged with - not that I'd be doing anything to get locked up for, but to me it sounds like, over there you don't have to be doing anything - if they feel like locking you up, they lock you up and tell you why later!

  15. HI, my 7 month old grandson has to have surgery for a blocked tear duct soon.

    Now given all the things this could have been I'm relieved that this is all it is, and they say it's minor and nothing to worry about, and actually kind of common, so I was wondering if anyone else out there went through this and has any words of wisdom on this?

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