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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. My bills said they put in a new 'billing system' and to be patient with them..yeah..some new billing system, huh, wow, double everyone's bill, yeah, that works to increase revenue! Hot dog wait until OTHER county departments get this swift new 'billing system', maybe we can go STATE WIDE with it even, or better yet, get the FED involved, quick, someone sell this thing to Bush or Kerry, there you go, solve all the tax issues! I'm so excited, oh wait, downside here, they probably would have someone TECHNICAL to figure out that it's got a BUG in it, whereas the PC water department obviously don't even know what the word TECHNICAL means much less the word BUG, in fact, I'm surprised they even know what new billing system means, oh wait, I finally get it, THEY DON"T KNOW what new billing system means!!!

  2. K-9 cop, I have typed and retyped messages here but nothing seems appropriate, there are no words that seem adequate, so I will simply say I am humbled by the work you and all your fellow officers in all the counties do, thank you to all on whatever force you may be on for making the world a little better place. God be with each and every one of you!

  3. HI Baby Taz, sorry you are so lonely. I read on another post that you went to school in Illinois; I know it must be hard to move to another State and start over as young as you are. I'm way older than you so I won't be much help to you as you are looking for friends your age but since you live by EPHS try looking into things going on at MT Tabor Park. If you don't know where that is, it's on East Paulding Drive, past the HS (going away from hwy 92) and you will come to a stop sign (Mt Tablor road), and just past the stop sign is the park on the left (it's accross from the dragstip, if you know where that is?). I know they have a big gym, and they offer a lot of classes there, maybe you'll find someone your age in one of those. Good luck to you, and keep coming back here, this is a great place to chat with folks.

  4. First let me say that I understand the 'if my kid hurts I hurt' thing as I am the parent of grown EPHS students from years back (yes, it has been around awhile now), and yes, parking was always an issue but I don't recall it being as bad as it sounds now but the school population is also larger now and it sounds as if less children car pool these days, but that not being so much the fault of the children as much as because of safely concerns these days.


    Now, second, let me say that you're probably not going to like what Im about to say, so sit back and hold on. It seems that we are all mad at the schools for not providing parking for OUR children who have activies of their OWN to attend to? Hmm..was that a school board member in that labor room when you gave birth? How on earth do WE as parents think we have a right to be mad at or blame anyone because we can't take care of our OWN children because we are too busy working and running our own lives? Come on folks we CHOSE our lifestyles! If this was a gripe about a child not getting a space which they needed so they could get to work to help support a family that was barely eeking by due to health or disability issues, then I'd have more sympathy - and yes, I DO believe that those students should be in the front of the line! I also believe it is sad that we have to teach our children such a sour lesson in life so early on in their adolesence, that work comes before family! However, in this society that is what we have reduced ourselves to. Now don't tell me about the bills to be paid, again, we CHOSE our lifestyle and everything that goes with it - the bills come from that choice!


    So, go ahead, blast me now, but before you do, know this: I am the parent of GROWN EPHS students from years back and I can speak from experience when I say that FAMILY is way more imprtant than WORK, I only wish I realized that when they were growing up! My children are wonderful and I am extremely proud of them, it's me that I'm not so proud of now that I look back at it all. I don't really expect to change anyone from this post, I know I wouldn't have listened years ago either, but on the far chance that this may cause someone to rearrange even an hour or two of their day even once or twice a week to be there for their child, well, I can hope.

  5. PLEASE give me more information, I haven't seen the AJC article and I can't find it on their website, when was this in the AJC? If Georgia is involved in the lawsuit I bet it's more than just PC involved in buying from this company. Did it say/does anyone know how long before they start to deteriorate? Heat and humidty, great, two of what Georgia is known for, but how fast do these two break it down? Did it say/does anyone know how to id the bad ones from the good ones or are they ALL bad ones from this company? Did it say/does anyone know WHY they breakdown in these conditions? Please I need details, how can I find out more???

  6. Missing Bear in Paulding County you're thinking? Darn Right - BEARNAPPED right from his home! My estimates place him at about 8 inches in height, in a sitting postion, with a smile on his face and a very colorful cap, made out of ceramic or something of that sort. He resided on a bench in the trees overlooking the SCT at the rest stop at MM# 27.46. I dont know from where he came, but he WAS there Tuesday night at around 19:00 HRS when I rode through and he was GONE on Wednesday night when I rode through around 18:00 hrs; now all that remains is the sad little empty bench with "Silver Comet Trail" painted on it that still has the clump of GLUE left behind when someone YANKED THE BEAR RIGHT OFF OF IT! Certainly no rider of the trail would do such a despicable thing as to bearnap an innocent SCT bear? If you happen to locate the bear or find it wandering the trail elsewhere, now know where his home is!

  7. Hey, it's probably from the new virus that hit everywhere hard today - MYDOOM.M, the M being the newest threat. I read that it comes with a variety of attachments, .PIF being one that was mentioned, and ZIP files being another big one going around, and I was warned not to open ANY zip files even if I thought they were legit, so be careful out there! The AVS firms didn't even have a catch for this earlier today, sure they do now, my live update ran earlier. Anyhow see the other post on this virus too, you'll see that it's a little stronger/worse than the others before it, could be this sender (XMAN..) is just innocent of his PC taking over but you could call PEOPLEPC.COM and check it out, I found the customer service # for you - 1-888-587-9669, M to F 9-9 EST. (and be careful what you do with that disk, if it IS the virus you stored on it, that could be trouble waiting to happen)

  8. oh, again? You are not the first! I hear it has to do with a not so secret mission of that government property over on Hiram Lithia Springs road, they plot and plan and make their move after the newspapers are delivered and the driver way out of sight, they say 3Am is the only time those pesky neighborhood kids (now in what, their 30's, 40's and even 50's - do they every grow up?) stop watching the place with their binoculars, they say those property people are tired of the pizza they've been eating 3 and 4 times a week and need a change in their diet, they say Sunday editions read a lot into the taste and your's was 'specially wordy this week of their no so secret mission. Beware of the MiB!

  9. So is this the government place that one can see from the silver comet trail wehn on is on the trail and just the other side of COPPERMINE road (Sorry, don't know where Hiram Lithia Springs road is)? I was just on the trail tonight, and stopped at the rest area around Coppermine road, mm# 16 I think that is, and I HEARD VOICES ( voice in my head, were YOU out there tonight???) so I looked over and there is a big silver fence with BIG warning signs all over it (never did figure out where the voices came from, maybe too long of a ride!) : GOVERNMENT PROPERY, TRESPESSORS WILL BE SHOT (Er, uh, maybe it said PROSECUTED). Anyhow, a big warehouse of some sort, and lots of BIG road equipment, the kind one uses when making a new road, etc...NOOOOO, I didn't GO UP TO THE BUILDING AND SNOOP AROUND, what do you take me for, after all, I don't want to be shot, er, uh, prosecuted, whatever - anyhow, you can see it plain as day from the trail - I wondered what it was...also, further on the trail, can't recall if it was more towards HIRAM from there or the PC Health Center way, there is more land on the OTHER SIDE of the trail with the SAME SIGNS, but over there it's just woods from what I can tell, no clue what that is either...then of course you have the water department property out theat way also...anyhow, I wondered what the GOVERNMENT signs were all about, and now, as Paul Harey would say, when one reads Paulding.com "NOW YOU KNOW...THE REST OF THE STORY"! Thanks PC.com for the EDUCATION, and without tax dollars, wow!

  10. Well my comment about outsourcing was because it sure doesnt seem like they can do their jobs now so I doubt that restructuring would help - but anything has got to be better than the job they are doing now. I finally got an answer, after 40 mintues of trying, it then went to an endless loop voice mail and finally cut me off...unreal! I'll guess I'll do exactly what I'm sure they expected me to do - I'll pay the dang thing and be done with it - it's not worth my time to keep fighting with them, but it sure is frustrating to know this is how our an agency in our county works.

  11. I don't know the normal shut off time because I'm never late to know..it's not so much the date to me as it is that fact that they even threatened me like this, over THEIR error - the amount is so small that yes I can pay it and that's what I'm sure they figure I'll do - BUT IT"S THE PRINCIPAL here, if I pay it THEY"VE won, if I don't pay it I'VE WON, but, I HAVE NO WATER then...yeah...like I won a lot then, huh! I'm calling them again but I know I'll end up paying it, because the gum smackin person on the other end (if like last time) probably won't do her job again and I can't risk being turned off - sure wish we had recourse against ridiculous govenment stuff like this but what's the little person supposed to do!

  12. And another thought...it seems that EVERYONE runs into the continous busy signal when calling the water dept, now you can't tell me we have THAT many calls for new orders going in to them, so either it's complaints or someones making a lot of outgoing personal calls! And with that many complaints going in to them, do you think they'd get a CLUE about how no service they are? This time, I've been trying non stop for 30 minutes now and still not getting through, hey, maybe it's time our county government looked at OUTSOURCING this, after all, that McDonald's post claims those calls are handled within seconds - you can order a burger and fries two states over within seconds but you can't through to an office a few miles away, unbelievable!

  13. HI, well I was right on my post last night...just got my NEW BILL and sure enough - they DID NOT credit the surchage amount and are threatening to DISCONNECT my service by 08/03 if I don't pay it - THEIR ERROR, that they admitted to - and yet if I don't pay it I GET CUTOFF? Our government at work, go figure. Makes me wonder how well the rest of this county is ran if the water dept is this bad. WHO IS in charge of the water department anyhow, does anyone know who runs that place, or maybe no on does, could that be the problem!

  14. ok, I meant to post a WARNING back in early July when I got my bill...I too had a surcharge and went to the water dept website on the Paulding government page to read what in the world makes it up and (I'm not quoting here, but going on memory) it said that they take Nov through March bills and average them, then they add 30% to that number AND if you use more than that average+30% you get a surcharge!


    Now this made absolutey no sense to me, since I had THREE people living in my house Nov through March and only TWO in June..and the third one used to take several showers a day (young and athletic)...so, I knew that there was NO WAY that us two remaining people used the average of those months + 30% more - unless I had a leak somewhere! Now the surcharge amount wasn't really my concern this time around, as it was very small, but the concern was that it was there at all and if I HAD used that much water I needed to know so I didn't use more next month, or, I needed to stand guard over my outside water spicket with a shotgun to see if my neighbors were using it (okay, just kidding here!)


    So, I called and ONLY AFTER I PRESSED AND PRESSED and insisted that there was no way I used that much water was I told that there "WAS A PROBLEM" in that surcharges had been added to everyones bill (I swear she said everyone's!!) but they were wrong and could be deleted! I wondered how many people would catch this "PROBLEM"! I deleted mine, now watch me have a LATE CHARGE for it on my next bill... :angry:


    Anyhow, CHECK YOUR WATER BILLS CAREFULLY FOR AWHILE, as it looks from this post that I really wasn't the only one, so maybe it really was EVERYONE!

  15. You placed an order at the DRIVE UP and she expected at tip?!? I don't eat at Sonic, is that a regular drive up like MCD's, BK, Wendy's, and the rest, or it it one of those car-hop places where they actually bring your order out to your car? If they bring the food to your car, then yes, I could see them expecting a tip - I'm not saying they deserve one, that's between you and them...but it is the concept of that place to 'serve' the food to your car (even if it is outside and even if you are leaving) so a tip is probably the norm - don't like it, then don't eat there! As for any server making change instead of returning one bill, that's a smart move..cause me, had she given me only 1 $10bill, I'd have thought she expected the $10 as a tip and that she was really dumb for that thought so rather than me now ask for change she wouldn't have gotten anything! Most servers use this ploy because they figure a customer isn't going to ask for change so it ensure them something...I dont' see anything wrong with it...unless it was the DRIVE UP WINDOW...now that's ridiculous then! Smiles2U now!

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