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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Part three:

    *Disclaimer: I can not nor would ever attempt to give you legal advice but I can give you my own opinion*....


    Now something in the story from the bank and your explanation doesn't match and I'm trying to put it together best I can - it 'sounds' as if the company used check# 3499 as your phone payment/electronic check number...and instead of voiding the paper copy of the check you mailed it to them as your Jan payment - could that be what happened here? But the explanation from the bank makes no sense at all because if you were asking them for backup details on check# 3459 then that is what they should have provided to you - why is the bank bringing up check # 3499 in their response to you?

  2. Part two:

    *Disclaimer: I can not nor would ever attempt to give you legal advice but I can give you my own opinion*....


    So, what 'check number' did you provide to them during your phone conversation to use for the phone payment? Did they NOT mention to you that you needed to give them a check number, because that would be odd, I would not think they at random chose one for you but perhaps they did; I'm thinking that 3499 is the number you or they chose here??

  3. So I can't EDIT either..lets see if I can break down my response...Part one:


    *Disclaimer: I can not nor would ever attempt to give you legal advice but I can give you my own opinion*....


    ...When you make a payment over the phone, it is 'usually' done as an 'electronic check', there are other ways like wire transfer, but that would be unlikely...with a phone payment/electronic check, you have to provide them a 'check number' and they process the payment electronically using the check number you provided to them...then, you are to 'void' that actual paper check because that 'number' is already used...this is assuming that you used a real valid check number, usually people use the next valid check number in their book, but sometimes they choose to use a ficticious number that they can easily recognize as an item coming through as a phone/electronic check item.

  4. HI, that's great news, glad to hear so many have a new home for the Holidays! By the way, did you have anyone turn in black lab pups in the last week or so - or anyone call looking for a mama dog? I hate that the mama is running around in Hickory Ridge subdiv lost (see my other post), she's a young one herself...just wondering where the pups can be and how no one can be looking for the mama dog....so if you hear of anyone looking for a young black lab mama she's hanging out in the Hickory Ridge Subdiv, that's around Cole Lake and Monroe Cole Road.

  5. I just had my dogs out and one of them picked up on something that I couldn't see...they went charging across my lawn with me in tow on the other end of the leash and what to my eyes should appear but something big, and then it went bouncing across my lawn, then into my yard and disappeared into the dark night...I couldn't quite make out what it was and I thought it was probably just a loose dog..but if it was a dog it was a really big one...a deer maybe... or a REINDEER scout I thought...checking the route for later you think? Yes, it's getting close little ones...almost bedtime now!

  6. Hey, anyone out there have some starving black lab pups? There is a mama black lab hanging out in Hickory Ridge, abound Cole Lake Rd and Monroe Cole Rd for a few days now..it's obvious she was recently nursing..so the pups gotta be hungry where ever they are! Mama dog has a red collar on and a flea collar but NO TAG! She is real friendly but looks like she wants to go home and is lost. Anyone looking for her?

  7. HI, I got a note in my mailbox that my mail carrier was called to ACTIVE DUTY and her last day of work is Dec 24 (many of you on here probably also got that note as you are probably on her route too!). I've lived in my house a long time, and Traci has been wonderful for the 6 years she's been on the route...always going the extra mile, she even brings packages up to the door when it's raining, instead of shoving them in the box out on the road...I don't know if she posts on here or not, but no matter, I just want to thank her for her service, both the USPS service and the Military Service that is, and ask that you all keep her in your thoughts and prayers going forward. Traci, we'll miss you!

  8. HI, I also heard that there were also several contractors injured or killed...I was thinking about that PC Firefighter that is over there, he was posting on here for awhile...I hope he is okay too. My thoughts and prayers to everyone, in this latest tragedy as well as the others that have taken place.

  9. HI Lilblk98GT- glad to meet ya neighbor! I was out krogering at the time this was goin down so I didn't know anything about it and when I read the post on here, well imagine my surprise to see something had happened in MY neighborhood, and right down the road from me...glad to hear that all was well...those cableguys, got to watch out for them huh! What a hoot, sure he told THIS story around the office and home a few times!! Guess that neighborhood watch thing they put in place a few years ago is working...although I don't think THIS was quite the intent of it!! I'm guessing you must be down towards A lane or the loop, I'm at the top of the hill, we will have to get together and meet!

  10. You just said you called a few of them FROM your home phone, was that before they called YOU at your home#...if so...that's likely how they got your home#, they too have caller Id you know...and now they have tied your home # to the SOandSO they are looking for...you may have to change both #'s now if it continues.

  11. Hey all, I had MAJOR issues with my Bellsouth DSL connections a few months back, around June I think it was, enough to sit on the phone for about a week straight with the makers of my router, Linksys, and with the IT folks at Bellsouth because each kept blaming the other for my issues...and I have a brand new PC and a laptop and had the same issue on BOTH so it wasn't something with my equipment...finally Bellsouth gave me specific DNS addresses to connect to in my TCP/IP properties (look in your control panel - network connections)...I have not had any trouble since then...but if I take out the specific DNS addresses, I have trouble connecting, it's hit or miss...so...if you use Bellsouth and continue to have issues you might want to talk to their IT folks in support and get them to explain the DNS addresses to you and see if that works for you too.

  12. HI FB, glad to hear you had such as success with the ones that you were able to pitch to...another reason I would think that those not contacting your or signing up either didn't read your emails or mailbox info or maybe it didn't contain the same info. Just a suggestion for what was done in my hood, you might try hosting a "get together" at your place to discuss the issues and present your pitch...people are always curious to go to 'someone else's' house it seems. But I still don't see it as rude for somone to not answer their door in their own home, sorry but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one! Have a good evening now!

  13. Freebird, you really think your neighbors were being rude? If you had already emailed AND passed out mailbox notifications with your phone number on it so these people could contact you and they didn't, then what makes you think they'd want to talk to you in person about it, you already tried twice to get them involved, by golly take a hint! For the record, I do think neighborhood watch programs can be good, but it looks like your neighbors don't..maybe they are ignorent to the issues that go on in the county...I don't know what facts your literature contained, but maybe some education is needed to bring them up to speed and get them to realize the importance of what you were trying to do and why and then maybe they'd be more willing to get involved in the program.


    Anitraann, When I'm home alone I will not answer my door when someone comes to it - to do so, in my opinion, would be like running, on foot, across Hwy278, at Noon, on a Saturday, from the Kroger lot to the Wal Mart lot - you might be okay but you have a good chance of ending up dead if you do it!


    If there are two or more here someone may answer the door while someone else stood ready with the phone and the SmithNWesson or the Glock..my house, my domain - take no chances, take no prisoners! :ph34r:

  14. Baby Taz, I can't help but notice that a few times now you have said how great something in Illinois is regarding driving and the DMV. I myself hail from the Windy City, that's CHICAGO ILLINOIS, born and bred there and trust me, it's no picnic up there! I've been here a lot of years now, and let's talk about what I see when I go back to visit the family and old friends I still have there: it appears that the car makers have finally figured how to cut corners, they sell cars up there without working turn signals, because be it a brand new fifty thousand dollar vehicle or a five hundred dollar junker, NO one uses them so I'm only guessing that they don't COME with them; same with mirrors - I 'see' them on the outside of their cars, but from the way they just cut on over in front of anyone they feel like, I guess the idea of what a MIRROR is for eludes them, and we won't even talk about the INSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR because I don't think they even know they have a REARVIEW MIRROR, let alone a REARVIEW WINDOW so we won't go there; then I often wonder when they ALL went color blind, or maybe just BLIND I don't know, but they certainly don't stop at red lights and yet they DO stop at green lights, I still haven't figured THAT one out unless it's because they KNOW someone else is going to coming through the RED from the other way! So you say they have an easy DMV? Yeah, THAT I BELIEVE, but if these are the types of drivers it produces then I am so glad and thankful it's not like that here. So, give it a CHANCE here, and quit comparing this to that and whining about how great Illinois is and you'll see that it's a heck of lot better here, like a little bit of heaven on earth you might say, trust an old transplanted windbag on this one!

  15. OH my, I know I shouldn't have laughed, but I could't help it!! I guess it wasn't a LOOPLOC cover :huh: because those show they can hold an elephant...but now...are TWO cows heavy than ONE elephant...hmmm :blink: ...hey, did you get video, or really good pictures? You might try contacting the LOOP LOC company (they have a website, you can get contact info there) and see if they'd be interested in compensating you for some advertising rights - you know - the "If they had a LOOPLOC cover, THIS wouldn't have happened" angle...hey, it's worth a shot to see if you (or your mom, who did you say owns these cows and pool?) can benefit from this, no skin off your hide to try, they can't have a beef about you calling...okay...okay..I'll stop, don't have a cow! :D :p :D

  16. I think it is for the investigators on this accident to measure, mark, interview and do whatever to find the reasons for this and if negligence existed, then file what charges are neccessary. I don't think it's up to us to be the judge and jury on this driver, because LORD KNOWS, they have a tough enough time doing their job as it is - "I" certainly wouldn't want to be a bus driver, no way!

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