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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. ha ha bravo...yeah I asked if it was time to panic in the other message and yeah I asked what people's thoughts were on this gas crises hurricane thing - but I DID NOT make the first mention of bread and milk..that I won't own up to..although, it does sound like a good idea, got to go get me some - bread and milk that is, or maybe the other too :o !! :p :D :p


    I'm breating....1,2,3.....1,2,3....1..2..3....oh me oh my, I can't get past 3, now it's time to go, hee hee hee!!


    Oh I'm so glad it's FRIDAY!!!!

  2. Wow, I sympathize with the working parents, I remember when mine were young and how I'd feel! It stinks being such short notice, but, this is really serious - for him to take this measure and on such short notice - like think about it, he could have announced it and put it into effect later next week - but for him to put it into effect M and T - this is really serious , don't you think? Or do you think he's just blowing smoke? I'm asking seriously here, not joking or meaning to start a war, but really, I'm thinking that things are really bad or he wouldn't have done this on such a short notice...and if it's this bad, by the end of next week maybe no one will be going to work anyhow because they won't have a way to get there! Could it possibly get that bad? What are your thoughts??

  3. What? Really?? Statewide??? Well good for the kids I guess, but bad for the working parents on such short notice huh? WOW, I wonder if this is a first, closing schools state wide because of something that 'might' happen, not already happened, but 'might happen"...and if it is because of the fuel situation, well, for them to do this we all better stand up and take notice!! Is it panic time now, waiting for the word?

  4. Oh wow, you're giving a kudos..to me? Thanks! :blush: I've had the copyright thing drilled into my head by my professors over the years but I wasn't sure if the link was okay or not so I'm glad it is...now...~ I got a kudos ~ I got a kudos ~ nah nah nah nah nah nah ~ I got a kudos (not to be confused with Koo-ties now mind you :blink: !) Aw, I'm just so glad it's Friday!! :D :p :D

  5. Yeah, I can post the link..I just didn't want to 'copy' the story on here as they have it in big bold letters that it's copyrighted, and while others do I don't...so here's the link in case anyone wants to read it for themselves:






    Also, this is a really good link to the HOUSTON CHRONICLE if you want to keep up on what's going on in Houston Texas, and even though it's a big city paper it's still free (shhh...don't give them the idea to start charging for it!). Just a little tip there for ya'll!


    Sorry, you edited your post Armymom, but you originally asked for the link so that's what I responed to. Also, I don't know about how long he was with the Police, or if he still is, the story looks like it posted on the HC site last night.

  6. I work with lots of folks in Houston and the surrounding areas, some have evacuated but others I know are staying put, and from what I hear, there are lots of people staying put...from what I'm told there were certain zip codes that were in the evacuation route, the low lying areas, but not all of the Houston area was in the evacuation plan so there are actually a lot of folks still there. For example, one of the people I just spoke with says they are actually 35 miles NW of Houston and considered 'in the safe zone' so they didn't feel the need to leave..I would equal that to where we are in PC compared to Altanta I guess, if like this were Atlanta instead of Houston. Anyhow, I sort of thought this was interesting, as it seemed to me that the news I'm hearing here is that all of Houston and areas around it evacuated, but that's not so they say...several million yes...but certainly not the several million more that it could have been. Now I hope they are right about being safe, and I hope they are okay through all this.

  7. ..the movie was funny, but this is not!


    I found a story in the Houston Chronicle but copyright laws prohibit me from posting it here (I believe)..but it said a 10 year old boy was found inside a convenience store after his family stopped there on their evacuation route. They were in a five car caravan and went in as a group, and like the movie I guess, didn't do a head count as they left! He says he turned around, and HIS FAMILY WAS GONE! Can you even IMAGINE what that would feel like to a 10 year old???? The Police have him I belive, and he gave them his moms cell phone# but it goes straight to her voice mail! Wow, poor kid!!!

  8. Well the sun is out and shining and the smell is gone now. I do recall this same thing in the recent past months or so, but this, it was really strong last night - like it was really close, and being 2Am I thought something was wrong around here somewhere. You say 2 explosions; I don't know anything about those, but gosh, I hope whatever that was wasn't anything serious! Oh well, the smell is gone, whatever it was, so I guess it wasn't anything wrong. Thanks for the replies.

  9. Morning all, I was up at 2Am, thanks to the dogs getting me up, and there was a really strong awful burning smell outside, like wood, but I could not see anything in the area causing it (the way my dogs were acting I first thought my house was on fire!). This morning it wasn't as bad but smells more like rubber burning now; I'm around East Paulding drive and Dallas Hwy/92 area - wondering, does anyone know what it is?

  10. It's funny that you posted this yesterday as I just downloaded it yesterday morning, now that's wierd, great minds think alike? :) But anyhow, my address doesn't come up but the house down the road does (it automatically took me to them, that was strange, wonder if they know that everyone in this neighborhood gets pointed to their house!), from that I was able to move around and then zoom in and get a good pic of my house, but, it's several years old and how do I know that you ask? Because of the cars parked in the drive, I haven't owned the one since early 2003!

  11. oh, see, it's not neccesarily my driving that I'm worried about - it's how this affects everyone else and everything else...the trickle down affect is what has me really concenred because the high prices will be passed on in one form or another....but yeah, you are right - I have no control over it so why should I care I guess.

  12. I found you, on the business news forum..most of your posts hit when I wasn't in town and I never got to go back and read all of them (to many posts from a 2 week period on this board to keep up with!)..consign large size clothing, right? Ok, I'll keep you in mind - glad you are doing well, CONGRATS!!!

  13. Erin, Oh I am so sorry you had a bad recovery from your C, but not all are like that. I've known several in the last year that had C's and they had no trouble with recovery, but I do recognize that every person is different. As for your SIL, I think she clearly needs to understand the situation - someone needs to be blunt with the DR and ask questions, if she can't - and she probably can't being the one going through this - someone else (maybe you?) needs to do it with her/for her - have the DR explain why it is neccessary to schedule the C now, have them explain if there are risks in waiting to see if it turns again, and explain fully what those risks are, these are important questions that need to be understood, and then a decision can be made as to what's best. Good luck!

  14. ok, I can breathe again - Clarke Howard was just on ch2 and HE says he doesn't expect much disruption to us or the prices..and if CH says it we know it's got to be so! <_< Actually, Ch2 downplayed the entire rise in price issue so who knows what's going to happen...one says it's going up, the other says it's not..watching the news can be like watching politicians debate somedays!

  15. wow, we've had a lot in our yard too...it's not the kitchen though, but they do always want to go swimming with us, especially if it's late - we'll step in and hear 'splash' and there one of them will be...I've wondered if I kissed one of them if it would turn into a handsome prince, but I'd need a lot more alcohol in me to attempt that, and I'd need to be a lot faster too because if it is a handsome prince he sure can swim fast! Besides, I already have a handsome prince, what would I need with another!! (this is where you all say awwww!) Anyhow, I figured it was the pool attracting them but the chlorine kills them if they stay in to long..so...my advise to you is - put a pool in your kitchen! :p

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