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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Golf cart? This ain't peachtree city now so there can't be that many people having one, can there? Or is owning a golf cart as common as owning a four wheeler? I know the people down one of the roads in my 'hood have one, but I'm not anywhere near Ridge Road..and I *think* the one I've seen them on is white, not green..or maybe I should say 'had' one because I haven't seen them going around on it in quite awhile now..used to see it going up and down the road with children on it - sometimes the children were the ones 'driving' it!

  2. Hmmm...is that like in "wisteria lane", maybe it's a plot of those 'desperate housewives"! Sorry, couldn't resist! But I really don't even know where that is at, here where I'm at, my dogs usually bark and get me up at all hours if they sense something going on around my house, but I never do see whatever it is they hear, I just think their sense'ing mechanism needs lots of tuning! :) Hope they catch whoever it is doing that to you.

  3. I was driving to Ft Lauderdale the Wed after Katrina hit the gulf..I saw convoy after convoy of Electric Company Bucket trucks . They had just finished assisting with fixing the damage over there on Coast that Katrina caused Florida from her first hit, and they were now headed over to the gulf area to assist with the damage of the the gulf hit. It was some sight, I never saw so many bucket trucks before. Bless their hearts, I'm sure the folks around there have to appreciate what they are all doing to help them!

  4. West Cobb? Oh no - intruder alert - intruder alert! :p Hey, at least now you know you can honk at someone out here in walmart and not get a ticket, maybe you can be our tester to see how that goes at the new one when it opens. :lol: (just kidding with you)

  5. So do any of you really know the full story, no, you only know the story the guy told and I can bet that he's not telling the whole truth - most people that get tickets rarely do! Yeah, he could be that fraction of a fraction that is actually telling it like it is, but my gut feeling is that it's more than this. So let's give this cop a little credit here, he really may not be the jerk in this story!

  6. yeah, I'm sure your kids do know it's not directed at them but it still gives the doofus one the pleasure of seeing someone 'else' reprimanded for an action they caused, instead of they themselves getting called on their action...again...this is just my opinion, if what you do works for you and the others that said it, fine, that's your methods and your opinions on this, no war intended here! Peace!

  7. Hey, that's not fair to YOUR kid, to keep putting them in the middle of 'if you do this, dress like that, say that, etc etc"...chances are your kid already knows the limits because you are a good parent so don't keep harping on them because some other kid was a doofus! Direct whatever comment you need to make to the one that deserves it, and leave your good kid out of it.

  8. I'm really glad that H Rita didn't hit the Houston area refineries as that would have been devastating for a long, long time. H Rita didn't hit those refineries, but the pipeline was still shut down last week in anticipation of the storm, and as of yesterday, Sunday, I heard that it was only operating sporadically as it will take it awhile to get fully operational again. This isn't the last hurricane we'll see, this season or next, and this isn't the last of the gas woes, for cars or heating, so toughen up folks, it's going to be a long winter.

  9. Hi, it sounds like it's going to be a rough ride back so be careful..fill up some gas cans in Dallas to take with you as you probably won't find any on the way back right now. I hope your apartment made it and that life goes back to normal as quick as possible for you!

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