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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I have been in your shoes. You should get results sooner rather than later. Best of wishes for you, just know you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  2. They are as cute as you can get. Wonder what they will name the babies.
  3. The news reported that one of the motorcyclist stopped short, causing the SUV to barely hit the asshat on the motorcycle . I hope the LE catches the thugs, or better yet, some real bikers catch them and give the thugs a lesson they will never forget.
  4. The South shall rise again, to what, I don't know. LOL!
  5. I prefer aluminum foil on my windows. It's so shiny.
  6. Thank you for sharing. Animal loyalty is something so special, this touches my heart.
  7. PC was just a down to earth place to live before all the people from other counties started moving in. I am one of the enterlopers from Cobb, but that was over forty odd years ago. I loved the dirt roads and country way of life. We knew all the neighbors, the nearest was a quarter mile from us. We all knew eachother from miles around. Back then, there was no snobs around, just plain old country folk. Most had outdoor plumbing too. North, south, east or west no one is better than the other, except in ones small mind I suppose.
  8. Years ago Discovery magazine had an article about a new species of animal discovered at the antarctic. They said the animal had a hot head that melted the ice below penquins, when the penquins fell into the water the "hotheads" ate them. There were even pictures of the new creature. Well, I told everyone I knew about it. It was so exciting to read about this new species. Turned out it was an April fools joke that was put into the March issue of the magazine by mistake. Animal Planet lost credibility with the mermaid hoax with me , just like Discovery magazine did.
  9. There is a new memorial page for our deceased Paulding County high school classmates and teachers on FB now if any PCHS alumni if anyone is interested.
  10. Bonanza was one of my favorite shows. Little Joe was a big factor. I was fortunate to honeymoon at the north end of Lake Tahoe. We went on a tour where they filmed show. The Ponderosa ranch is beautiful. The log house is still there and a big tourist attraction, so Virginia City and the Silver Dollar Saloon. You can go and have a beer at the saloon. It was so cool. The scenery is breathtaking, I will never forget how great it was to see where my favorite show was filmed. In the house the characters Hats and coats they wore are hanging as they did when the the show was in production.
  11. You can't go wrong with an Apple laptop. They may cost a little more, but they are worth it. I have had mine for six years and have never had a virus or trouble of any kind.
  12. Happy Birthday. I ain't over yet, continued happy wishes for you today.
  13. I only buy Dreamfields pasta, it's delicious and is low carb. The best thing is it taste like regular pasta. Forget other pastas. Barilla has a right to express their opinion, and the repercussions that will follow.
  14. My link The Army has issued a new partial tattoo ban for new recruits. No more neck, elbow or leg tattoos will be accepted. It's a little late for such a ban isn't it, what difference does it make when you are in the middle of a fire fight? P.comers thoughts?
  15. I have wondered the same thing. I remember going on a field trip in elementary school, and seeing the real body of the Chief in a grave inside the museum at the Etowah Indian mounds. There was a movement to return him to his original resting place out of respect. Now there is a copy of his body lying in the museum. We even had access to the mounds then. I guess it's a look inside the way the Indians lived and worked so many years ago. Just like the valley of the Kings in Egypt.
  16. Just saw her on youube, couldnt' get past the first sixty seconds of the song.
  17. Never heard of her. Is she a new artist?
  18. Prayers for your family and dad. Thanks for the update.
  19. Define "old". 40, 50 or 60's and beyond? 40 is the new 30, 50 is the new 40 and 60 is the new 50. That's what I hear anyway. Chasing kid off the lawn is ageless, grass and kids are two pet peeves of mine. JK.
  20. My link I know you can get cold feet before a wedding, but this takes the cake.
  21. Dr.Daniel Moore in Marietta. He save my life.
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