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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Prayers to you and your step dad. I hope for a full recovery. Positive thoughts going out to you.
  2. Good point. I saw this on FB a few months ago. Watching the video was hard, but it really shows how dangerous it is for LE.
  3. I will be glad to join the challenge. Thank you for the heads up about September being childhood awareness month.
  4. So glad you had a great date with your hubby. These are the special moments that make a lifetime of beautiful memories.
  5. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://www.scribblemaps.com/getkml.aspx%3Fid%3DG01LirURQh%26g%3DE402674
  6. More wasting of tax dollars. There is no reason to build the road. My guess the folks who live around the Dallas square don't want traffic from all those people rushing through Dallas to catch their flight.
  7. I leave people to lead their own lives as they see fit. But, It just seems weird that a woman who says she is a man trapped in a female body would want to get pregnant. You know you're a man, you have your breast removed and take measures so the outside matches the feelings on the inside. Why would a "man" want to have a baby in the first place?
  8. Okay, that was cool. What a creative way to express art.
  9. Rush should be out of a job and on food stamps. He's just a pot stirring a-hole.
  10. OMG! This is so tragic. He was an amazing talent. I am so sorry he had to go through the struggles of depression. So sad.
  11. Actor Robbin Williams was found dead at his home today. R.I.P Robin.
  12. That is not unusual in the middle east. I have green eyed cousins with red hair that are 100% Armenian. I have met many people from the middle east with pure bloodlines who have green or blue eyes and light colored hair. If you notice that many of the Yazidi people have light skin, light hair and eyes. I think any Muslim woman became pregnant with an American soldiers baby would be beheaded.
  13. This is the Islamic letter "N". It is being spray panted on the homes of the Christians who have been forced from their homeland by ISIS. The letter means the houses are ripe for looting for the ISIS forces. The "N" stands for Nazarene or in other words Christian. I embrace this symbol as one of strength for all Christians being persecuted all over the world. My prayers and thoughts go out to all of the people being terrorized in Iraq.
  14. Well, that was tweet is something else. Why aren't these people tweeting these messages arrested for inciting riots in "white neighborhoods"? It's a pure hate crime. I am sure there would be an arrest if the tables were turned. At the very least there should be an investigation on such vile and dangerous threats.
  15. Who cares who's fault it is? What if anything can be or should be done to stop the genocide? Where is the world wide outcry? What bothers me is it seems when it comes down to it, the world doesn't think anything about the persecution of Christians, in the past and as we post. I am afraid it is too late for the Christians of the Middle East. The terror groups are in control and no one will stand up to them for fear of being beheaded. I believe this is the beginning of much worse things to come. Humanity is failing.
  16. Must have missed that one Pubby. Probably in one of those pesky opinion topics. I try to steer clear of those topics we talked about. Anyway, I was nice seeing you too.
  17. I have not seen anything you have ever posted that was "over the top" around here. Yeah, things need to lighten-up around here. We can all work on that. But I want you to know how much I enjoy reading your post. You have a sharp wit, your are a fine wordsmith and I appreciate your humor. You always try to lighten things up around here with your crazy funny self.
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