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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. That's two for me. Let me cross another line, as you say. There is a DIFFERENCE between showing anger, and saying that you are angry. I can be angry, and you would never know it. You may think I am angry now, but you would be wrong again. Don't you have a job? A job that lets you post all day supporting the airport. You did say you had to work today. I must say how fortunate you are to have such an employer. My employer would, and does fire anyone wasting time on the internet. .
  2. I had a strange plant come up in my flower garden. It did look like a pot plant, but I let it grow. Everyone that visited me asked about the plant. By mid summer it bloomed overnight, with big beautiful flowers. Turns out it was a plant that Surepip gave me. I think the name of the plant is Texas Blaze or something like that. Here's a picture of the bloom.
  3. I was thinking you had already been to see G&O. You have a very gracious wife. If my hubby was gaga over another woman I'd ....oh yeah, he is crazy for Susan Boyle. Totally enjoy the show. I am excited for you!!!
  4. You go door to door, then we'll talk about the situation.
  5. Two or three people you meet on the square in Dallas is not what I call 'due diligence'. It's hoofing it on the streets, and talking to literally thousands of people. That is exactly what 'Citizens For A Better Paulding County' is DOING.
  6. You both never answered my ONE question. Have you gone outside your bubble?
  7. Done...Done.....Done.....Done....Done and done. Plus I give to the less fortunate, USO and I donate to STOP PAULDING COMMERCIAL SERVICE. You never answered my question. Have YOU polled any strangers on the airport? People are very interested in the subject, they are receptive of the information we've provided. All the supporters can say is, it take time to make a profit. Lots and lots of time. Now that they have the funds BS must need a little helper to the tune of 30-40k. What ya want to bet that job already has someones name on it? And you know you love to intimidate those you see we
  8. Oh unbiased one. When knocking on a strangers door and the door opens, I ask, may I have a few minutes of your time to talk about the airport expansion? Most said, 'what expansion?' Yes. there is proof I went door to door. We have an organized way to get get the word out. I won't go into details, but hey, you have your biased opinion. I have the informed opinion. Now go follow your playmates. They may need back up. BTW, did you ever move here to PC as you planned? If so, welcome.
  9. What do you think you are going to do RM? There is nothing you can do to prevent me from stating FACTS. You spelled among WRONG. You just got schooled by an 'uneducated backwoods hick'. So, you haven't met me. You don't know who I am. I happen to be a mighty fine woman if I say so myself. What have YOU done to better your community. Have you gone out informing people with the facts on this airport? Canvas any neighborhoods? Asking strangers about the expansion. In my view of reading your post's, the only thing you do is run that big yap of yours. Nothing new. Nothing unexpected by you.
  10. I think it's because there is so much publicity, both good and bad. You don't hear about the good cops as much as the bad ones. News loves a good cell phone video of an old homeless woman being punched in the face by a disturbed man--who happens to be a cop. I did see Fox news do a story on some Kansas City LE, playing basketball with the neighborhood kids. Those officers are hero's IMHO.
  11. Bias before. Bias during. Bias till the cows come home. I didn't need your life history, a simple yes, or no would have sufficed. All one needs to do is go way, way back in time and read your pro stance already set in stone. You must live in a bubble, that's all I can say. Well, I CAN say I did do unbiased survey's walking the neighborhoods in Paulding County. I loved talking to people in the community, not just people in my circle. Most people did not know about the airport expansion. Don't worry, I enlightened everyone I talked with. I talked with over 100 people in one day. Only two were
  12. Combs and Clarks WSB challenge won't get off the ground. BTW BB. You know so much about everything airport. You were pro from the get go. You and your friends wrote Todd to state your opinion on what? Pro? Yes, if I were a betting woman, I would lay down money that you went pro commercial service. Am I right? Was that BEFORE or AFTER you were appointed by David Austin to represent the citizens on the steering committee?
  13. There should be room for a civil debate on bad LE. While I have had nothing but good experiences myself, I had friends in Cobb who were abused by the swat team that did a no knock warrant. Long story short. My best friend attended a mega church, and started a group for people with fibromyalgia. She recommended her doctor, so, when patients started showing up at the Dr.s office with my friends recommendation, the staff thought they had a drug ring going on. The staff called the police, raided the Dr.s office and arrested my friend on 48counts. 47 were thrown out by the Judge. The police 'fou
  14. She wasn't convicted. But her partner in crime got 2 years probation.
  15. So. You know for sure he read your email? He said he got your email, read it and then denied reading the email?
  16. And how do you know that? Hear it on good word?
  17. Watertown is located six miles NW of Boston. I don't remember a waterwheel in Watertown, though I have been to many services at the church. My grand parents lived in Arlington, Mass. Now that was my old stomping ground, and I loved visiting. My dad shipped me up north for several weeks during summer breaks.... My daddy was a Yankee. Keep that just between us. Okay??
  18. That's funny. I don't care what anyone says....that's funny!!
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