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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Yes. And the band played on.... I guess Obama never watched The Titanic. He's the is THE threat to America.
  2. Please apply! You would be perfect for the job. Not to mention you would add class. I would hire you for my assistant if I needed one. I do need a maid though.
  3. I agree. The only thing I can think of, the AA has done since receiving control is the job opening for an assistant. Guessing BS need help. $30-40k salary. I wonder who he lucky person will be..
  4. Ha! what do you know. I taught you something today.
  5. You did you said, 'lay person giving a legal opinion' is paramount to breaking the law. That was the context as I read it in your post. Now you want to fill in the blanks.
  6. Liked my "chasing your tail" line I see. You are still out of your mind.
  7. You are out of your mind. Maybe you are unable to understand legal documents, but don't blame the working man. Expressing opinions on legal issues/documents, is not practicing law W/O a license. What an absurd statement. Ever hear of open records or FOIA? It's the OPINION of the Court that counts after all.
  8. I have been doing intensive research on the subject for some thirty years now. I have not yet concluded whether cannabis is harmful or not. I can't remember anything on my research. I gotta run, I'm feeling hungry all of a sudden. JK
  9. The zombies these days have learned that human flesh is much tastier. But there nothing more frightening than having your brains eaten by an OG zombie.
  10. You are so full of it. There are many wise people other than yourself in the world. Of course you have encountered people needing assistance, you worked for an Lawyer. How many cases do you know of that people took care of all by themselves and prevailed? Documentation? Oh, I know, it's you work environment that makes you think you anyone outside your circle is too obtuse to understand contract language. Or is that just you, being you?
  11. I hope Christina like the smell of sewage. The stinky fields are ripe this morning.
  12. Forward the "research" to me too if you don't mind. I'll find someone to read it to me.
  13. I am not speaking for the group, but I could care less whether you believe me. Your mind is already made up. It wouldn't matter if you had everything laid out for you. Blind, bias attitude's such as yours is a waste of my time. That goes for your posse too. I like this post!
  14. We're a grassroots organization. There is no dictator that I know of calling the shots. I get SOME of my info off of https://www.facebook.com/savepauldingco
  15. Hug beats handshake. I think we hugged twice to be exact. Maybe pubby will remember. I would love to meet you. You are such a sweet person.
  16. The horrors of the coming days will prove to the world Turkeys government has no qualms about ISIS slaughtering the Kurds. ISIS is doing Turkeys dirty work. When the Kurds are dead, those tanks lined up on the border will turn their turrets toward ISIS.
  17. Glass half empty? Mines half full.
  18. Well, not to brag....but I ran into pubby the other day at SAM's. I got a hug.....soooooo BOOM!
  19. If YOU want to know who hold degrees and have a higher education other than high school, why don't YOU ASK THEM? It is not my position on this board to enlighten you on that, or any other personal question. I am not a public official. Nor do I sit on any committees making decisions that I believe to be a sham. Right out of the movie, "The Flim Flam Man." Not bad for four days. Getting the word out. Thanks for the link.
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