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Everything posted by pinkcaddi4me

  1. There is an update on the link. I'm not sure of the accuracy.
  2. That is fantastic. I can only imagine how excited the kids are for mom to come home.
  3. I gave up. I can't even explain the issue we had with the second house we put an offer on. We decided to stay put fix up our house and pay it off quick.
  4. According to the dealership, the autos that were lease vehicles take longer.
  5. It is 30 days. However, the dealer ship will send you a new one if the paperwork hasn't gone through yet. FedEx visited us twice with new paper tags from the dealership.
  6. Duh!! There is a huge one at Lithia Springs HS in November. It is a 2 day event.
  7. Mrs. Jack Russell has one for Aug. 6th for Hickory Heights Baptist Church.
  8. Mrs Jack Russell is heading one up for August 6th.
  9. I don't know that Charlie's Angel is an active member on the board or not. I can contact her via Facebook.
  10. There is a Breast Cancer Fundraiser at one of the churches in Acworth on June 11th. I wanted to have a booth there but my daughter is trying out for competitive cheerleading that day. I can get you the info if needed.
  11. I would be grateful if they lowered diesel, too.
  12. Paulding Gymnasics has a summer camp from 7 am - 6 pm. There is a fieldtrip everyday. Their number is 770-445-5525.
  13. Please. I started it because I am nosey. It's not often you see what appeared to be the entire Hiram police force along with the sheriffs department with lights on at an intersection that didn't involve a wreck.
  14. From what I understand they are keeping the graduation test per say. They will take a portion at the end of each year instead of juniors having to remember what they learned their freshman year. Not to mention, testing on a subject they don't take until their senior year. HHS hasn't given the juniors their test results yet. According to the staff, it doesn't matter whether they passed or failed because they have more chances to take it.
  15. This is why I think standardized tests are BS. So, what's wrong with letting the students walk at graduation but not give them a diploma until they pass the test. The test the juniors took this year had subjects they studied their freshman year and some they haven't had yet.
  16. I talk to myself so much my daughter tells me to stop. I say no quit listening to my conversation.
  17. Apparently, Kroger isn't the only company they hit. I got an email from the direct sales company I work for and they were hit, too.
  18. My kids love the casinos in Tunica, MS...Well, they like the food at the casinos since they are too young to gamble. lol
  19. I feel your pain. My 16 and 13 year old girls are tiny like your daughter about 85 lbs. They prefer the jeans from the stores you listed. I've taken them all over for clothes and we always end back up to those brands. My oldest likes Forever 21.
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