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aarons grandma

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Everything posted by aarons grandma

  1. You and your wife have to have been worried out of your mind. I'm so glad everyone is safe and ya'll will be reunited tomorrow night.
  2. I know. I just started watching her a few weeks ago, so I hope I have a little more time before she tries to fly. Actually, It's probably worse for all of you who've been following this from day one. Ya'll are really gonna miss her.
  3. Is B3 on the edge of the nest on a branch? With the sun and shadows I can't tell.
  4. I know this sounds negative on my part, but my first thought was publicity stunt.
  5. Oh... I was gonna get some and try putting it around the perimeter. Maybe even some by the front door to keep solicitors away.
  6. Thank you. I have a problem with black widow spiders in the garage. My husband is constantly spraying down there.
  7. Well, you have the answer to your last statement. No, your not old If you were, that would mean all of us are.
  8. People with a buggy full of groceries in the express lane at the store. The people that zip past everyone in a construction area where the road merges from two lanes to one and expect you to let them in. That really pisses me off. Everyone has somewhere they have to be and those drivers can just sit in traffic with the rest of us. They aren't any better than anyone else.
  9. I'm torn here. It's terrible when new management comes in and just starts to let people go without even giving them a chance to show what they're capable of. Like you, my reaction would be to stop shopping there. There's one problem with that. If people stop shopping there, sales would decrease, and the lack of sales would cause even more people to lose their jobs.
  10. You did an amazing job. Everything looks beautiful.
  11. Ohhhh Dana, I would love to join in. I'm just terrible with remembering songs and artist. I can hear a song and sing along with it and not be able to tell you the name of it or who sings it. What's crazy is I know around when something came out, but that's only because I associate it with where I was living and what I was doing when it came out, but I really really appreciate you and Low's ability to always choose just the right song or songs for whatever thread you are posting on.
  12. Awww... she does look content. I'm sure she's having happy dreams right now.
  13. WOW!!!!! You did great.!!! Low made my day yesterday and both of you did today. Ya'll brought back so many memories and have put a smile on my face. Just what I needed after the week I've had so far. Thank you. BTW...the next two days probably won't be much better because we're down a person in my dept. at work this week, so.....I mean.....if you two want to continue this friendly battle....you know....give me something to look forward to...
  14. When did that stop? they still did when my daughter went to her junior and senior proms.
  15. I know this is the wrong place, but how is Coco doing?
  16. It does look that way. Dana....your up
  17. 78% right brained. Now I need to go back a read the links to find out what that means.
  18. I can't help you with any recommendations, but I will definitely be praying for you and your family.
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