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Everything posted by melbelle

  1. I think it's lazy. If they keep getting out, you keep putting them back, until they stop. You don't lock them in the room.
  2. Ummm... you caught me, I really know nothing about computers. I don't think I have a video card... if I do, I don't know it!!! But yes, I have done the things you said...
  3. Ok, tell him thanks! I'm going to leave it off all night, then try in the morning... mostly because I have to go get ready for Desperate Housewives!!! LOL
  4. Ok, looking on back I see a fuse type thing (red), but it doesn't look like I can switch it back and forth. Is this what you mean?
  5. Yes, it's the computer. I tried that , also I tried the power cord, it works. The light on front won't even come on, it's like it's not plugged in at all except for a tiny green light in the back. No sounds, nothing
  6. It's not a laptop, it's a desktop. (HP) It was on a surge protector with battery backup, but I did turn in on and off several times, and everything else plugged in it is fine. ....ooh... don't tell me it's gone!!!!!
  7. The night of the bad storm, my power kept flickering, so I turned off my computer. Well, the next morning it wouldn't come on again. Nothing. I see the little tiny green light on the back is on, so I am assuming there is power getting to the machine, but it won't come on..... Any ideas? All my pictures and music are on there!!!
  8. Seriously, I have not laughed that hard in a really, really long time. I'm crying!!!! Hey, I could swear some of those pics came from Walmart in Villa Rica!
  9. never mind... I guess it was fixed.....
  10. Bless your heart!! I'm in prayer for you and your husband RIGHT NOW
  11. I heard it makes a difference also that our county has been declared a "state of emergency". Maybe those days won't have to be made up at all. That's just what I heard from a fellow employee.....
  12. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really??
  13. This seems to be the latest "forward" going around on the kid's phones. Who knows? I think as an employee, I would know before some 13 year old does. I may be wrong.....
  14. Just wanted to say I LOVE your avatar!
  15. WOW. Some people can be downright nasty on a nasty Sunday morning. Why would you not have been scared?? Because nothing like that could happen to your family? Think again. Innocent people get caught in crossfire everyday. I think it IS scary, It's scary that someone can stand in the middle of a community full of children and others and shoot someone in the FACE. It should be scary. We should NEVER get complacent about a shooting. Georgia Mommy, you have a right to feel like you do. It's not fair for anyone to tell you different. It shows you have a heart. I can't say the same for
  16. My LG dishwasher has a sour smell all the time too. Wonder if it's the same problem with the drain?? We have all LG appliances in our kitchen...... won't do that again!!! had them for 2 years. EVERY one has had to be replaced or fixed.
  17. I think you are right about that. My grandpa retired from Southern Bell and says the same thing.
  18. wonder if you can put it in the fabric softener dispenser...... (not the downy ball, but the one in the middle of the agitator.Anyone do this???
  19. So the clothes don't smell like vinegar at all?? I really hate the smell of vinegar, but I would be willing to try it if I don't smell like it all day!!
  20. Oh it's in every school. You won't hear about it because the higher- ups decided it would cause panic. Trust me it's there. Steps are being taken to control the spread but it's there.
  21. You beat me to it!!!! love it!
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