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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. " Give me more speed Mr. Scott" " Captain if I give you anymore she'll fall apart !"
  2. A Planet Made of Diamond, Twice the Size of Earth http://abcnews.go.co...-size-of-earth/
  3. Maybe it's just because I was born and raised in the South, which by the way will rise again, but I believe this country was built on honest descent. Our forefathers even foresaw that the day could come when the people would disagree with their government and wrote into law the right to peaceful protest. The right to a Constitutional Convention and our freedom of the press guaranties these rights. So before you start lining up everyone in front of a firing squad remember people have fought and died for these very Freedoms.
  4. To be safe always check with a thermometer to a temp of 170.
  5. You might have a problem if : You signed a petition to secede from the United States and their is a black SUV parked in your driveway that doesn't belong to you.
  6. Racked with unpaid campaign debt Mitt Romney has taken a job at local gas station. "Hey Lady you want I should check the oil ?"
  7. It was reported the US paid Egypt an extra 250 million dollars in aid to broker the cease fire. Israel is becoming a very expensive ally.
  8. Top Ten Celebrity Turkeys, who's your favorite ? http://omg.yahoo.com/photos/2012-celebrity-turkeys-slideshow/donald-trump-photo-451380074.html
  9. What if their never really was a Osama bin Laden ? ! ....
  10. Their was this little red head that lived across the street and one day ...........what, oh never mind !
  11. Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best and Andy Griffith my favorites ! Back then everything had a happy ending.
  12. Last night on the TV series Revolution they were playing Led Zeppelin in the background. For a brief moment I was a kid again.
  13. When I was young my parents thought the Beatles were of the Devil, now you hear their music riding up hotel elevators.
  14. I wouldn't mind taking a yoga class, they say it's good for old folks, keeps em limber.
  15. Try Ga. Dept of Labor's website http://www.dol.state.ga.us/
  16. Voltaire - on his deathbed in response to a priest asking that he renounce Satan said, " Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies."
  17. I hated my washer too, so I divorced the old bag !
  18. If you didn't have a Hell how would you know Heaven was so much better ?
  19. Yes they are but it's all in Spanish now.
  20. From what I can see here it wouldn't hurt you to loose a little anyway.
  21. Today I awakened to a mailbox full of Black-Friday specials, Thanksgiving sales and One Day only deals. Just makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.
  22. Kitten or Cat for Christmas, hummm ? ........I think I'll stick to a Ham or Turkey, but older cats are tough and stringy. I would go with the kitten.
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