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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. $$$$ Do you understand now.
  2. Don't you think it's about time for a 2nd opinion ?
  3. Yea she pretty much got the shaft didn't she. But that's the price you pay when your job depends on ratings and advertising dollars. The Food Network had to cut their losses before it started to affect the rest of the channel. It's all about the money. It's always about the money.
  4. I owe my Soul to The Company Store .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRh0QiXyZSk
  5. Mighty tall words from a group that was about to string up a recent poster for using the "C" word.
  6. More like an hour ago. I thought maybe a transformer blew somewhere but I never lost elect.
  7. I was outside working when I heard a loud explosion in the Dallas Nebo Rd area. Then a few minutes later I the sound of sirens. Just curious if anyone else heard it besides me and knows what happened.
  8. syndactyly ..... Does not prove you are a Witch but does explain your fascination Ducks. * Sorry you already pointed that out in your post, I really have to start reading these things beginning to end !
  9. A good TP is essential but never underestimate the importance of a diet rich in fiber. That and something nice to read like Sunday's newspaper.
  10. In a World of stress, terrorism and political unrest some issues stand at the top of the list. A good affordable TP should be a Right not a Privilege for the few. Thank you Wally World for standing by the common man. Walmart's White Cloud toilet paper is tops You're standing before a wall of white in the toilet paper aisle of your local retailer, thinking: How much difference can there really be between brands X,Y and Z? So you go with the cheapest, or the one you know best, only to be reminded later that, actually there's a big difference between good and bad TP. http://shopping
  11. Skunk or Flower ?... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54sZ8TFFAmY
  12. Calling glassdog a half wit is sort of like a big compliment for him.
  13. The old Home Depot crowd never was known for their good taste, take those big box orange stores for example.
  14. Back in the Day the Sheriff was not just a Law Enforcement officer he was your friend, like Barney say's ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcKevtSHtAw&list=PLAA3B6A98B84E2873
  15. She wanted to get her foot into the door of the Prince's Palace. *Same reason a woman leaves her toothbrush at you house.
  16. People find all sorts of ways to relax, some play golf and others dress up as cowboys and ride horses.... http://www.wiwfarm.com/reagan.html
  17. No Republican would ever admit Reagan was a drug smuggler. But the CIA has admitted to turning a blind eye to cocaine coming out of Nicaragua to help fund the Contra rebels. Some have even said the CIA may have even assisted them. But people shouldn't hold Regan too accountable after all he was really just an actor playing the role of POTUS..... In secret congressional testimony, senior CIA officials admitted that the spy agency turned a blind eye to evidence of cocaine trafficking by U.S.-backed Nicaraguan contra rebels in the 1980s and generally did not treat drug smuggling through Cen
  18. Lincoln kept the Nation united, Teddy Roosevelt gave us the Parks system, FDR led us through the Great Depression and WWII. Lyndon Johnson ended segregation. Looking back they all had their moments. Even "I'm not a crook" Richard Nixon ended the war in Vietnam and opened up relations with China. Probably the most overrated President was Ronald Reagan, who left the Nation with massive deficits, put air travel at risk with his dictator like firing of all the Air traffic controllers and who had a total disregard for the American Constitution by conducting an illegal and unauthorised guerrill
  19. You Can't Put it in Head first ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egsdc7tZ_xc
  20. Rupert Murdoch files for divorce from his 3rd wife. Rumors of an affair with Ann Coulter cannot be confirmed.... Murdoch files for divorce from wife of 14years While her 82-year-old husband runs one of the most powerful media conglomerates in the world -- one that includes 20th Century Fox, Fox television (including Fox News and FX), Sky news service, HarperCollins publishing and many newspapers including the Wall Street Journal, Britain's Times and several publications in his native Australia -- Deng had stayed largely out of the public eye. http://www.cnn.com/2...orce/index.h
  21. Maybe you should just accept who wears the pants in your family. Sounds as if you've been dominated by women all your life, perhaps some sort psychological therapy is in order. Your welcome
  22. Love means never having to say you're sorry..... Sorry.
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