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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Spokesman for the apes said " We've given this place our best years and what do we get in return ? Peanuts lousy peanuts! " Mystery over bizarre behaviour of baboons at Dutch zoo who have been turning their backs on visitors Animals have stopped eating and have been sitting frozen on the ground Baffled zoologists have failed to find an explanation for bizarre behaviour Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2bEkfcdRz Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  2. Google is your friend, don't be afraid to use it.
  3. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcJs4qJPQ_M
  4. Maw whens dinner ? I don't know son check the petri dish and see how their com'n . First taste of test-tube burger declared 'close to meat' LONDON (Reuters) - The world's first laboratory-grown beefburger was flipped out of a petri dish and into a frying pan on Monday, with food tasters declaring it tasted "close to meat". http://news.yahoo.com/first-taste-test-tube-burger-declared-close-meat-074252057.html
  5. What red blooded American male wouldn't do to trade places with Charlie. I'd say it's probably good to be the Sheen.
  6. I was going to make an off color joke about Anthony Weiner's schnitzel but I decided not to.
  7. When Ronnie traded Iran missiles for hostages (and a little cash for his secret war in Nicaragua ) Tehran knew they were dealing with a dog that was all bark and no bite.
  8. Makes as much sense as Congress's 40th attempt at repealing the affordable healthcare act.
  9. He doesn't know he hasn't been able to see them since he gained that last 10 pounds.
  11. And they said it wouldn't last.
  12. An owner, honey didn't you know you done been liberated ?
  13. You know guard dad always trying to live out his secret fantasies through other people. *psst Better be a little more discreet I hear NC17's ole man is one helluva a badass Id hate to see you get hurt
  14. Oh that's too bad I so enjoyed sitting there for 10 minutes while the po-lece gave all the little brats the right of way.
  15. He likes to lay around house in his tighty whities. It not a pretty sight but who am I to judge ?
  16. The Falcons have already offered him a contract.
  17. More like Beenie weenie in Stradial's case.
  18. Wish we had us some homeless people in Hiram.
  19. No matter what kind of hand life deals ya we all end up under the same six feet of dirt.
  20. I know what you mean about those tight evening gowns , That's why I keep a pair of spanx around the house.
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