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Everything posted by WendyLeCroy

  1. I use the 1 cup/ 1 quart recipe as well, except I use buttermilk instead of regular milk. I also prefer freestone canned peaches in heavy syrup (Margaret Holmes brand is great, but it's halves and pieces and I have to cut the halves up.). They are the closest flavor to Granny's home canned peaches. As someone else said, this can be used with any fruit.
  2. Thanks so much ladies. He was definitely the best Daddy I could have ever asked for..and even more. He was a stern disciplinarian when we needed it, but always had open arms and plenty of unconditional love to share. I have been VERY blessed!!
  3. I am the youngest of 2 by 2 1/2 yrs, but most don't believe it. I'm not bossy..I am just picky. =P I am very responsible, reliable, and dependable, but also the one who is always trying to please our parents. I don't like to feel like I have disappointed them, it breaks my heart, even at 39 years old.
  4. I can't speak for anyone else, but my hubs went the 1st time to take our daughter to work and the second time to take her boots to her and pick up some bacon and sausage for breakfast (since it was passable when he went out the 1st time).
  5. Just wanted to pull this one back to the top since it's getting close to 4.
  6. We live almost a mile down Bobo from 381..hubby has been out to Publix twice already and it's alright. He went slow and is always careful!
  7. I know that's right. Some of them stayed the night there so they could open on time today. My DD has loved it..it's an adventure (and more $$). lol
  8. WendyLeCroy


    I was asked to post that Publix in new Hope will be closing at 4pm. Thanks! Stay safe!
  9. My hubs and 15 yo son were "drawing" in the snow last night..heh It's just one of those things that the guys here HAVE to do. **shrug**
  10. We took our corded phone to daddy's, just in case his power went out. He is on oxygen and has to be able to call in an outage. We are all keeping our cells on the charger just in case we need them here.
  11. I don't think any less of them. I don't think even they had much of a choice. They too have bosses they have to answer to. My daughter is actually excited at the thought of possibly getting to work all day and getting in OT. She is one of the very few 19 yr olds that I know that likes to work and we all know how they LOVE to spend that money..lol
  12. Publix will be open. My daughter went in at 7 and is hoping she gets to work all day. We are just a mile away and her Daddy took her in the truck. He said it's not pretty, but our end of Bobo Rd was passable. The only problem he had was in our driveway..lol..go figure.
  13. Thanks for all of the replies. We love to go out and goof off. The more laughs, the better! I did wind up giving them the okay. I had already thrown out the "buy a big bag of faves and pig out" deal, but they weren't too thrilled about that, of course. I am going to take them to Publix and then we're going to the Dallas square for some fun and laughs. Ohh I don't worry AT ALL about being the bad guy, that's my job at times and I am totally comfortable wearing that hat. When you have 4 kids between the ages of 15(twins) and 20 you learn how to say no and have them understand what it
  14. My youngest kids are 15 and desperately want to go trick or treating. I think it is too old myself, but others think I am crazy for thinking they are too old. What are your thoughts to this?
  15. Haha! More confuzzled than I was to begin with now. I think I'll go take some Motrin for ya..lol Ohh..one other thing. No comment about the cheerleading outfit or the poms?!?
  16. After some thinking..East is in the 3 way tie with Pope and Hiram, BUT we beat both of them, so would that not move us to #2..? Please correct me and explain this to me if I'm wrong.
  17. Hopefully they will get it figured out soon. I get to drive the band where ever it is next week. I think it's time to pull out my warmest football gear..lol ETA Cowbellman would definitely be the one to find out from, too. I love sitting close to him at the games..he is a hoot! I think he ought to have a cheerleading costume..what ya think?!? At least some poms to go with his bell!
  18. I have found that if you use an unopened jar of mayo and mustard when making it, itcan sit out much longer without spoiling. I also use unopened mayo for cole slaw, if we will be outside or having a big family get together (like Thanksgiving). I also let my potatoes cool after cooking them. It keeps my potatoes from falling to pieces as bad. ETA, I make my fresh the day of the event, because I don't like mine cold.
  19. I was told East will be at Douglas County.
  20. My thoughts are turning more towards a kid skipping school and knowing he wouldn't be home.
  21. Is there not something we can do to help him out?!? I don't have any outstanding bills owed and don't have more than a nickel and penny to rub together, but would gladly give him the nickel if it would help. Surely, there's many more in this county that would be willing to share their nickel, too. He has always been there for us, maybe it's time to pay back..pay forward, however you want to look at it.
  22. All of my kids are 15 and up. No, I don't have their passwords, but all it would take is a request for it and it would be given to me. I am friends with some of their friends, but only because they requested me. I like to keep an eye on things..as my youngest daughter described it "stalk" their fb..hahaha That's my job, to stalk your fb and everything else. I have only had to make a comment a time or two about postings, and only had to chill one child out about a reply.
  23. Been there and done that, Captain. My son decided to "act out" at school though. It has been 3 years now and it would seem he's learned his lesson so far. He had to own up to doing wrong, apologize, and take the consequences, from the school, the courts, and from me! While suspended from school, he got to get up bright and early to do yard work ALL day. When we ran out of legit yard work, he moved leaves from one pile to another, then back again. He had to work off the $$ we had to pay for a lawyer and from lost time at work for court, lawyer appts, etc.. (He was only in 6th grade, so t
  24. Granny let me go free with the raw veggies and fruit (except her figs), sometimes straight from the garden without washing them..lol I can remember trying raw peas, beans, corn..everything. She would let me help snap and shuck, so I tried it. I can remember PawPaw Terry taking me to the fruit stand to buy a candy bar and he would buy him a rutabaga. I would have to have a slice of his raw rutabaga before I ate my candy. He even kept his salt shaker in his truck for our little trips..lol Ohh, the wonderful memories of growing up.
  25. I have eaten raw potatoes, both Idaho and sweet, my whole life. My mom eats a couple slices of raw potato when her potassium drops and if she has an upset stomach. It seems to have some kind of benefit, for her anyway.
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