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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. I can tell you do and I think that is wonderful . I feel the same way. Nothing could ever take the place of having that.
  2. Suave is FULL of very cheap ingredients. I believe you get what you pay for. It is worth it to send more on really good products. Not only are they made with much better ingredients, but they are MUCH more concentrated, which means you use less and they go further. I've been in the biz over 20 years and try almost everything that comes out. I know the chemistry of hair products and have created signature lines for a couple different salons I owned and worked with through the years. The ingredients make ALL the difference.
  3. I think it is extrememly tacky and very disrespectful. You know, most churches wont allow photographers(professionals)to take flash pics during the wedding ceremony. I dont think a wake or funeral should be any different. As far as the Presidential thing, there IS protocol for it. Photos and video arent allowed just anytime during the wake, precession or funeral. When I last visited Arlington Cemetery in DC, they have rules even there on photography, especially at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the changing of the guard. It's definitely tacky, IMO.
  4. I just read where most women would choose to be able to eat what they want over sex or having the right partner in life. I was sort of surprised, I guess. I was stuck in a miserable marriage for almost 20 years earlier in life so I guess my perspective may be a little different. I'd choose the right man for sure. Food, although fun to eat, cannot fulfill your life and too much of it is a bad thing. I have the perfect man for me. Like a couple of others already said, there is no such thing as a "perfect" man(or woman)but you can have the perfect one for you. I think that is better than
  5. Thank you! Somebody actually posted that video on my Facebook. It is so clever and very cute! Only a few more days. I'm so over it at this point...not the baby- she's worth whatever it takes. I'm just over all the being sick, feeling horrible, feeling HUGE and feeling like I dont own my own body... .
  6. That may be helpful HOWEVER, Dr John Rosemond would quickly remind you that just b/c YOU do something and its perfectly okay, it doesnt mean it is okay for her. He gives the example that he has a Harley but told his son "NO" about buying his own motorcycle at 17 yrs old. He explained to him that at his age he could not appreciate life and death nor could he handle the responsiblity. His son pitched a fit of course and stomped off saying , "well YOU have one in the garage". He said to him, "Eric Rosemond, I also sleep with a woman everynight. Doesnt mean YOU can!". You've earned the ri
  7. You know, that just made me remember and think about something. We were raised that if anyone has a personal conviction or belief about something, ANYTHING, we were to shut up about it and let them live what they believe. What business do I have infringing on someone else's beliefs or belittling them with my own views on it unless they ask for my opinion?
  8. Very true. So many do get offended if they find out that you are checking the resources given, etc. I think it's out of fear on their part. People are so threatened by other ideas or beliefs. I think it's b/c they fear your idea or belief may take away from or change theirs in some way. Silly, really.
  9. Good luck! Hope you get it. I've always heard that is a frustrating process.
  10. thanks...I will post 'em(i will not be in them if I look anything like I did after my first lol).
  11. I was raised by a very "believing" set of parents. The difference between them and many others is that they did not just "teach" us(or have other people do it). They "lived" it- taught us by example. There is a world of difference to most in people who live what they believe and just talk the talk and expect everyone else to buy it and follow. When I hit my mid 20's, I really felt the need to discover for MYSELF if I really believed what I said I did and if it was real. I always enjoyed studying history, scripture, religion(s), etc but I really delved into it in a big way. I read books, I
  12. You have been so encouraging...thank you! I have needed it . This Sunday 5pm sharp!
  13. Thank you! (non-alcoholic beer, of course...not for much longer though... ). I miss beer and sushi .
  14. I will be fat, pregnant and miserable! Downloading this baby in 5 days. That is all.
  15. Im not surprised. I went to them once with a situation that involved one of the high schools and they gave me the good ol boy treatment=nothing. I'm sorry they did thesame thing to you. I would keep calling them until I got someone who cares. Always go to the top of the chain and someone who is "elected" not hired. You get much better results. Thats too modern mumbo jumbo passive "therapist' for me in a situation like this. I would let the bullies know it is in MYSELF to stop their bullying.
  16. I mix Coke(about 2 cups)with 1 cup apple cider, 1/4 cup vinegar, 1/8 cup Dales Seasoning and 2 tablespoons of Montreal Chicken(or steak)and 1 teaspoon Better Than Bullion chicken stock starter(this is the BEST broth/soup starter...keep it in the fridge/no MSG/all organic and one small jar makes enough broth for about 2 stock pots FULL of soup/stew). Next,I sear the roast in a pan on the stove with a little canola oil til its brown on all sides(about 2-4 mins on med-hugh heat per side)first. Then, cook it on LOW in the crockpot for at least 8 hours(10 is better). Just check your liquid leve
  17. I dont know since this is my second and she's still in there . But, I know my Mother had a faster labor everytime and it is really crazy how much I follow her health/medical history...even down to the same age when different things have happened(our weight even coinsides by age). But, as far as a whole on all women, IDK. I've definitely heard stories of LOOOONG 2nd labors. All I know is that no 2 are ever the same. Going into it each time almost blind is part of the fear and the excitement, I guess . Oh, I'm glad your little doll came on out. She just needed a little coercing.
  18. Bought a Groupon that I gave to my Dad to come have dinner with you guys soon . He's looking forward to it and hasnt been there before.
  19. Me too but these people are usually followed around by "yes men". Just like Michael Jackson. They care more about thier lifestyle and job security than saying NO to the person who basically signs their check.
  20. For REAL! Thank you. I had gone and entire week without throwing up...til today... . Thanks to ALL of you for your advice and kind words. Hopefully I wont have to have petocin. I've always heard it makes things harder. Hoping it will naturally progress like it did before.
  21. That really sounds good. Do you deliver to Valdosta?
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