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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. What a pretty face and Jordan is beautiful, too.... . Seriously, I LOVE this pic, Postman. I would LOOOOOVE to have her for a few days. I just kept our little 2 year old neice for 4 days and we all had a blast. I had her Mimis schedule ion Day 1 so it worked like clockwork around here and she had never spent one night away from her MOm and Dad til then. I KNOW how to do babies ! Gimme that pretty Jordan! I could handle Jordan and her Granddaddy. We'd have a great time here in beautiful Valdosta. Who knows? You might just go back to Atl a Conservative.......................... ......
  2. I was thinking the VERY same thing reading your thread. IDK The Cove either but I agree the other 2 are rough. I wouldnt even remember what I ate or drank in those for having to look over my shoulder every second so that I don't die.... in a bar... in Paulding County .
  3. Participles and bull testicles have been seen "dangling" around here. You cant make this stuff up.
  4. isnt? :::cricketschirping::: Does this happen to you? I will admit it...I am a laugher . I am. I love funny things and I am an easy victim when something is seriously funny. I dont think making fun of defenseless people or anything really mean spiritied is ever funny. However, I am often the only one in the room hysterically laughing when 90% of the crowd MAY have a little giggle. "Smart" humor and self deprocating humor especially have me in tears (in a good way). What really cracks you up?
  5. I heard there was a dangling something or 'ruther in that very same cul de sac. Whut I heard, anyway .
  6. I agree! Great point and I have said the very same thing many times. Karaoke is only fun when theres alcohol. Although, I'd dance on the tables before you'd catch me singing karaoke.
  7. Ooooooooooooohhhhh! We could add details that we arent sure about, assume names and places, exaggerate everything and blow this thread UP! Wait....that's just another day in Pcom....................... ............................................ .
  8. I swear, I cannot remember a funnier thread!!! You all have me literally laughing out loud and reading your posts put loud to Will who is steadily laughing, too. I didnt even think anyone would reply. It's just a weird thing I tend to notice and no, it is NOT a huge importance in life at all, and hope I do not come off that way. I mean it all lighthearted and in fun. Subby and Blondie especially cracked me up. Subby, you know me too well. And you crazy girls about the bull testicles!!! Good Lord, yall are insane and I love it!
  9. I love that. I actually saw a woman getting onto her little girl today in teh grocery store. I know she was probably tired and very frustrated and I have CERTAINLY been there and said things I had to apologize for later. But, like you, I never want my children to think THEY are bad. Although there are bad people in this world, a child is innocent and is being molded by their surroundings. Anyway, the mother was just letting this little girl, about 4 years old, have it and in front of everybody which is demeaning. She was telling her she was bad and she was "sick of it" and wanted to "just dr
  10. We don't and that is precisely what is wrong with me.
  11. You may be going in the wrong dark areas of your mind if you do that . I tried posting the link again.
  12. as much as they do me? I see them in droves 'round here. Dangling Participles Explained Nervous tick. Just sayin'.
  13. I completely agree and admire your thoughts on this so much. To me, that is the GOOD kind of spoiled. My Mother had a gift for teaching young children and did that most of her life. She would NEVER put up with a brat. She would have them in line and quick. But, she always said that "you cannot love them too much. To spoil them with love is not like ruining them by spoiling them with only material things and attention." And, yes, she did believe that we can give them too much attention(not a baby, of course). Lots of wisdom there, I believe. She was a mature Mommy like you and me as well and
  14. lol thank you but I cannot take all the credit for that. Will is extremely easy on the eyes . How sweet, Postman. BEAUTIFUL. And yes they do look a lot alike! 2 pretty girls who are VERY loved. YOu are so sweet. I feel not so beautiful but Im working on it everyday. Watching what you eat is just no fun! Yes, most people agree with you that she looks like Will. She does look very much like me as a newborn. So much so that Will has taken my baby pic and hers to poker to show everybody LOL. He's just total mush with no apologies and so sweet. But, she totally looks like him and I love
  15. Your breakfast post and the one about her cleaning up every crumb reminds me of what mt SIL says about their dogs..."they can hear bread fold". Thinking of you . They DO round out our lives.
  16. He is a real piece of work to say the very least.
  17. I agree with both posters on the COLD water only to rinse b/c warm or hot water will begin to "cook" it. Also, a brine is a fantastic way to insure it being juicy and tender. There are a jillion recipes for how to brine online but its basically just a salt water bath.
  18. I understand. I lost my little mini doxie who had been paralyzed for 10 years(had her 13 years) almost 2 years ago after a massive stroke. I still think of her everyday and miss her so much. I even slip up and call the baby "Nutmeg"(dogs name)more often than I care to admit... . Im thinking of you and your sweet little doggie. You gave her a great home and so much love which is an immense amount more than most ever get. People who think it's crazy to grieve the loss of a dog just havent loved one yet.
  19. I can always count on her for a big laugh. Me and Will are STILL laughing about one of her posts at Christmas last year. Sending her love and I will be praying. God knows her need and thats more than enough. Love to her .
  20. I LOVE Calvary Childrens Home in Powder Springs. You wouldnt believe how nice it is from the house parents, to the 100% donated furnishings(the houses are beautiful)to just their ideal in general. It is an orphange that houses children from babies to college kids. I have done done work with them for many years. You can actually "adopt" a child on weekends. I dont know all the details but I do know it is an option and they are always looking for wonderful people to share in the lives of these children. I know that these weekends can turn into full legal adoption. I cannot express to you
  21. Try looking up ideas by Jeff Lewis. NOBODY does greys, charcoals, blues, etc better. He is amazing.
  22. OUr house was broken into and robbed last year a month after we closed on it and moved in. It was very dishearteneing. We started a neighborhood watch program with the help of our local police. I never thought these were effective but it's really amazing once you get inside them and learn how to make them work properly. If you dont have one, even if youre not in a neighborhood, I HIGHLY reccommend starting one or getting involved. The break in stats have gone down in this area since we started it last year(which were 98% during the workday hours). Im so glad your son didnt have to face the
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