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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. This is so ridiculous!!! Are you people serious? Postman, youre exactly right. I'm laughing out loud here thinking of how many times Jesus quoted other people who preceeded him and didnt always say to whom the credit should be given for the original. He actually quoted from 24 books in the Old Testament. Here are some of them: My link
  2. Postman, that reminded me of this and I found it again just for you. If you havent seen it, please take the time to watch. Its about 20 but so worth it. I think you'll be inspired! Mike Rowe talks about dirty jobs, the people who do them and how they affect our economy and future.
  3. So now we are going to throw out all wise quotes from history? I wasnt aware using them to make a point was a bad thing. That sure will make most non-fiction books a lot skinnier and quicker to read so we can all get back to more important things like American Idol and Army Wives. Here's a good one just for you... "No comment" is a splendid expression. I am using it again and again. - Winston Churchill
  4. Thers nothing sweeter than a big ol man who turns to total mush with a baby.
  5. That is the best picture. I love it! I know nothing could make you happier or more proud and you SHOULD be!
  6. Good question! Ill ask him when he gets home from work in a couple hours. The lyrics will make him smile his big, signature smile(like an Osmond).
  7. Hey , you know, I was ONLY bringing it to Pcoms attention . Its all about the laundry...I'm pretty sure. He sure is pretty. I will never understand women who like men who arent "manly". Keep Brad Pitt...pfft.
  8. Thanks for that, Postman. I love that song and pretty much any other Springsteen song. Thanks for the reminder. I hadnt heard that one in awhile.
  9. Love these quotes, Postman. I agree. God can and will help us but we have to do our part, too. We only see the horizon. He sees past the horizon to what we can be if we do the work.
  10. For my Pcom Loves Mike Ladies....click here and bascially anything that is dirty. No, I do NOT mean it like that! You bunch of filthy minds.... .
  11. Hey, its all about conserving and cutting down on packaging. I see your strategy.
  12. I worry about my children and their children, too, Postman. I think that is just part of being a parent. It is something that becomes part of almost every songle you do and each decision you make. I certainly do not want my children to "take" anything FROM anyone or more than their share. However, if my kids work longer hours, spend more time getting educated, etc than other kids out running the streets, barhopping and who knows what, then I dont think they should be forced to "share" their hard earned earnings. I would hope(and pray) they will share it willingly, out of generosity, not
  13. I like Sharpton. I dont agree with about 98% of what he says and he is completley nuts but he has carisma and I love that. I also like Limbaugh and I LOOOVE Boortz. For me, its about conviction. Im willing to listen to any good argument. I think it stretches the mind. Postman, YOU have carisma, too!
  14. Postman, I can see the points you are making and agree with them in part. Times ARE rough and we are in a deep recession. We all feel the strain on our own bank accounts and it HURTS. However, I was raised by 2 parents who always had more than enough but NEVER excessive. They were always generous no matter how much criticism they received for it at times. But, they lived beneath their means- that was their secret. Will and I live the same way. Holy moly, I have ALWAYS worked! I have even had 2 jobs for the last 3 years and now Im a stay at home Mommy. We live in the city, close to everyth
  15. "Men" by Aveda. Theres also a soap/shampoo bar to use with it. Sexiest cologne EVER. Has woodsy, spicy, musk notes. Yum. Its about $45-$55 a bottle. Reason 109 that I love you! ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
  16. There is no way Im clicking Play. I have two girls under 9 yrs old(step daughters), a grown man and a 3 month old baby to schlepp around a theme park today(Wild Adventures in Valdosta). That song in my head may just push me over the edge.
  17. There should be a warning on irons for that...or maybe on tube tops. Thanks for that. Got a good laugh already this am! We frequented that Picadilly with our parents and grandparents way before the days of Town Center(seventh circle of hell). I loved going there. And, I worked in the Akers mill shopping center for 8 years before we moved the salon. We were back beside the movie theatre. :lol:
  18. Thats funny . I ate there 2-3 times a week from the time it opened til it closed b/c the salon was just up the street beside Publix.OH! I just realized my first job was in the same shopping center at Baskin Robbins(wherePlatos is now). I was 15. You were probably a toddler or not even born yet...
  19. I'm sure those same men who found it "offensive" are quite interested in vaginas in real life. You can say "G*# Damn", "a$$" and "sh**" on network tv now but a few prudes are offended by the name of a body part that half of the population has? This is why I vote Libertarian. You won't find them wasting time talking about things like this that do NOT matter. BIG government is now telling us what we can and cannot SAY. BTW, check The Postmans words of wisdom found in my signature below.
  20. I agree! I love The Postman and I enjoy reading his posts and topics. He DOES make ya think and thats a good thing !
  21. I agree. 98% of them are total scam artists.
  22. Well THAT was a let down. I thought it was going to be a few pink flamingos shoved into the mailbox.
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