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Everything posted by Mustluvdogs

  1. Idiots, buy a one-way ticket out of America. Please BS. You're making excuses for the worst of the worst. Question, why does ISIS hate Muslim children?
  2. See my post above. Thanks for making my point. Prove it. I can prove that that guy did KILL people. What is wrong with you people???
  3. Spot on. Would people who beheaded or burned to death people still do it if there were no America? Yes. I don't understand, nor will I ever understand, why anyone would go to the trouble to attempt to give these GODLESS soulless backward bloodthirsty desert dwelling snakes an out for doing what they choose to do. I DON'T CARE who or what you idiots bring up to try to make excuses for this, you are IMO, giving them an out. You are enablers, idiots, moronic, fools, misguided. If you hate yourself, hate America, fine, go join them.
  4. Mustluvdogs


    You can get the U-verse You can get the U-Verse upgrade pretty cheap the first year, then it's only a few bucks more than the dsl after the first year. Well worth it to get rid of dsl.
  5. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/02/18/muslim-leader-who-called-israel-suspect-after-11-attends-white-house-summit/ Everyone but the Obama cult followers knows how this administration feels about the Jewish people. You (the O defenders) and them would rather find anything to give a pass to ISLAM terrorism as long as Jews are the main target.
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/02/17/jewish-journalist-gets-hate-on-videotape-as-strolls-streets-paris/
  7. California, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming lynched more whites than blacks. I think everyone knows our history esp. because it's bought up quite often as a way to make sure people that weren't alive then will feel guilt. Why? That's how Democrats roll. Another question might be, should all blacks feel guilt for 'black on black' or 'black on white' crime? Or, is guilt solely for white people?
  8. Not sure if this is related to this story, but it doesn't look good. Local hospitals buy medical practices; patients forced to pay http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/local-hospitals-buy-medical-practices-patients-for/nj9My/
  9. A large part of the problem was allowing people who didn't have the good credit or down payment to buy homes. That didn't start under Bush.
  10. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/27/end-extended-unemployment-benefits-credited-for-job-surge/?intcmp=latestnews
  11. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/27/bergdahl-to-be-charged-with-desertion-ex-military-intel-officer-says/
  12. The bottom picture: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Aiyana_Jones Read why the swat team was there.
  13. You posted this, post your source.
  14. Two cops, one white one black, black cop on the right killed him.
  15. FREE tools from Mcafee. http://home.mcafee.com/store/free-services
  16. They're mugshots. The police don't have any mugshots of me. Guess why. So, looking at different people of all colors desensitizes everyone? Does that mean if a black cop shoots a white person on a target they will only shoot a white person in real life? Maybe they should use images of stick people. Hey, let's just profile police. They kill only innocent black people in cold blood. And, would have posted that article if those mugshots were of white people?
  17. If they were using only photos of whites, would anyone have posted this? Sharpton was race-baiting because there wasn't enough blacks in Hollywood.
  18. I'm amazed at the twists and turns going on. I'm not sure if it's to defend Islam or to attempt to make Christians look bad. As far as I can tell Christians had zero to do with the topic. Waco and those people weren't anything like any Christians I've ever known, which the ones I've known are kind and the first ones to offer help to anyone in need. From everything I've read, most Muslims either support this version of Sharia law, or are too afraid to speak out, although it's their place to speak out LOUD and CLEAR and if not, they are about as much to blame as the actual savages that d
  19. Obama was watching a football game while many leaders of the world was in France. His hands might be full, but not with dealing with our problems.
  20. MSNBC actually altered a picture of vandalized kebab shop in France (now this is FEAR mongering) to make it look like the bombing of the NAACP office in Colorado Springs. http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/msnbc-uses-fake-photo-to-exaggerate-and-sensationalize-naacp-bombing-chris-hayes-apologizes-after-b/question-4660744/
  21. They were born in France. Do a google search about how they live in 'no go zones' in France.
  22. Islam is the third largest faith in U.S. The number of Muslims in the U.S. has doubled since 9/11.
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