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Everything posted by Mustluvdogs

  1. Warming started when aerosols (us and volcanoes etc.) were reduced. Which makes Marvin correct.
  2. Back when Obama came on the scene running for President, I started checking out who he was and what he'd said and done in his life, one day I would find an article about him, the next day it would be gone. The internet is pretty much run by the left and the bigger stories that disagree with what the left is pushing is hard to find.
  3. Wow. NewsCorpse. They don't even put who's in charge on that site... lol Now if you're really interested in today's racism, go to some radical black sites. Or listen to some rap. Some of it even sounds like certain posters on this forum.
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2325502/Map-shows-worlds-racist-countries-answers-surprise-you.html THE MOST TOLERANT COUNTRIES0 to 4.9% United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Britain, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Australia, New Zealand
  5. Pubby's black brother: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/25/nebraska-senator-compares-police-to-isis-suggests-hed-shoot-cop/ This moron will now probably need protection. Who will protect him? Keep posting against the police and you assure that blacks will not become police. You assure that blacks will keep killing blacks at alarming rates. You assure that people will continue to think you're inciting hatred.
  6. And, you liberals tried and convicted Darren Brown instantly without any evidence at all. You do ignore that reality.
  7. The liberals are spending billions of dollars flying around in private jets to spread the word about the weather changing....
  8. I agree that the climate does change. I agree that Gore is richer than ever and is creating more warming than everyone on this forum (probably everyone in Paulding county) combined. Just for clarification, can someone explain why the 'global warming' mantra changed to climate change if you're all so sure of the facts? No one is a climate "denier".
  9. Think they would have let a white guy run over them? psst....get a clue race-baiters. What does this do to little black children when all they hear is how bad and racist police officers are? If they need help and the only person around is a cop.... You do a disservice to everyone. Hope you're proud.
  10. Do you 'think' that someone else should pay your debts? Do you 'think' that when people get something for nothing teaches them to stand on their own two feet? Your way of 'thinking' is why we have an epidemic of people on food stamps and other government freebies, and I'm not talking about children or people that are truly needy. Would you like to send me a 'free' check to pay my debts? Do you understand that's exactly what people (like me) who don't freeload are doing everyday? Do you understand that what the government hands out is coming out of someone's paycheck? That it doesn't just
  11. http://www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/en-US/Display/20152016/HB/170 The bill. I don't use mass transit, I think the ones that actually benefit from it should pay the costs.
  12. http://www.ap.org/Content/AP-In-The-News/2015/AP-sues-State-Department-seeking-access-to-Clinton-records
  13. http://www.ap.org/Content/Press-Release/2015/Gary-Pruitt-Sunshine-Week-column
  14. I've always thought Jr. looked way more like Malcolm X than Sr.
  15. Man arrested for the shootings. 'Claims' he wasn't targeting police. (I doubt that's truthful) He was a protester. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/03/15/st-louis-county-officials-announce-arrest-in-shooting-police-officers-in/
  16. Watched a video of a reporter talking to some protesters. A middle-aged black woman (looked like a human being but wasn't), when asked what she felt after the two officers were shot, she stated, "Nothing" and she meant it, went on to say that I guess their families feel what we feel... and that the cops that were shot weren't their local cops. Most of the protesters, when asked about did they know that Officer Wilson had been completely cleared by Holder, denied that was true. A city manager from a nearby town stated it was probably the KKK that shot the cops. Most also said that Brown did d
  17. Hell no, that's not my opinion. Anyone that is a LEGAL American has every right to vote. What I wrote seems to me to be factual, certain groups are 'helped' by the government while others are completely left out. People with signs that state Black lives matter are hailed as heroes, that's singling out only one group as if one group's lives are more important than others. We have 'non' profit groups that only help certain skin color while leaving out others. We will never be united when some pick and chose winners. You point out anything I've posted that would remotely prove that I've
  18. I'm not going to go back years to talk about racism, what would really be the point? In today's society, it seems that Democrats believe that anyone other than white people need the help of the government to be viable.
  19. http://www.kshb.com/money/consumer/lawsuit-purina-beneful-dog-food-may-be-killing-dogs
  20. Al Sharpton, who has Obama's ear, exploits the anger with lies which makes people believe that it's white people holding them back when it's him and the believers of his lies that is doing it. The truth is that Muslims have been killing people who don't agree with them forever. Not all of them, but way too many. The truth about gun control is that it's makes you a victim.
  21. I predict that this story (true or not) will get more air time than this story: http://www.examiner.com/article/clinton-foundation-donations-from-foreign-governments-on-the-increase I WIN.
  22. Are you saying he shouldn't be allowed to tell his side?
  23. We should do what Obama does. Give them advanced intelligence on what we are planning to do and when. That will keep our soldiers safe.............. treason The betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts. The betrayal of someone's trust or confidence.
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