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Everything posted by Mustluvdogs

  1. People seem to say that about all the terrorists after an attack. The outrage by the 'good' Muslims about terrorist attacks is deafening, although I can't blame them because they know some other 'good' Muslims might cut off their head if they speak out.
  2. No way, was a Christian who hates Obama because he's black. In all seriousness, I hope recruitment places are now allowed to be armed. Praying for all involved.
  3. The name of the Chattanooga shooter.
  4. Good news for polar bears: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2015/07/11/Earth-heading-for-mini-ice-age-in-just-15-years-scientists-say/2751436649025/ Bad news for seals. (Polar bear food)
  5. Don't be so stupid. Tuition costs hurts the ones that need it the most. Just shows that the 'don't tell me the truth' Democrats can't comprehend facts.
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/07/10/study-blames-college-tuition-arms-race-on-schools-addicted-to-federal-aid/ Whenever the government gets involved, costs sky-rocket.
  7. Aetna just bought out Humana. I bet in a few years we'll only have a couple of insurers to choose from.
  8. Is the state going to help me pay for my family's healthcare, which has went up over $250 a month more? Are teachers (who work way less hours, weeks) more privileged than people who work 12 months a year? Suck it up people who voted for Obama. I'm sick and tired of 'special' groups getting 'special' interest. Mine NEVER went up as much as they did after Obamacare, several hundred more per year. If yours went down you must be getting a subsidy, if not, post some proof.
  9. That avatar is Obama sucking on a joint.
  10. Do you know that those people at the bakery HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT THEY CAN NOT SPEAK ABOUT THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE???? I know about 'The Raw Story'. A bunch of whiny babies post there about how nothing is their fault and how to blame others because they suck. Typical gimme stuff for just being alive.
  11. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/07/06/state-silences-bakers-who-refused-to-bake-cake-for-lesbians.html Welcome to the new Nazi Germany. The land of the fascists. Stand with them or be silenced.
  12. By a POS that should have stayed deported except for the interception by the liberal 'sanctuary' city San Francisco. Where's the protests? Where's the outrage from the left? Oh wait, it was a white woman not killed by a white cop. http://abcnews.go.com/US/san-francisco-woman-shot-killed-strolling-pier-father/story?id=32210463
  13. From one of the founders of Greenpeace: http://www.ecosense.me/index.php/key-environmental-issues/10-key-environmental-issues/208-key-environmental-issues-4
  14. This isn't a 'could be' theory: http://polarbearscience.com/2013/07/15/global-population-of-polar-bears-has-increased-by-2650-5700-since-2001/ http://polarbearscience.com/about-2/ The sky is not falling.
  15. Damn her. If only she was a democrat, she could have sneaked off to an aboortzion clinic, had that baby sucked out and avoided all the snarky, ugly, hateful remarks like a good liberal would have done. What a coward.
  16. More prominent because of people like you, who decide you should be the harbinger of pointing out the FEW bad cops instead of pointing out there are bad people in EVERY category.
  17. http://www.livescience.com/24553-what-is-thc.html Yes, alcohol sucks too. We would of been much better off if it had never been available, as well as pot.
  18. Stupid Stupid Stupid! Evidently some of you have never been around people who do hard drugs or even smoke a lot of pot. Do you want to see kids laying in parks with a joint in their mouth? Hell, we already have a big problem just keeping kids (and adults) off the internet day and night. Colorado had a huge drug problem even before legalizing pot, can't imagine how bad it is now. http://www.drug-rehab-colorado.com/drug-problem-in-colorado.php Do you want someone working on your gas lines under any influence that alters how they think? Watching your baby? Driving the bus or cab you or
  19. There are good black people, good Muslims, good women, good whatever. When people like you pick out mostly the bad, you're no better than the bad ones. And, yes, you mostly pick out the bad, just not the bad 'other' people such as Muslims, women, blacks.
  20. Now gays can vote about other issues instead of just one. Might be good news for Republicans.
  21. Quick! What happens if someone is breaking into your house and they have a gun? Quick! What if your wife is being carjacked by a pos with a gun? Quick! You see a person getting beat up by 2 guys, what do you do? That's right, nothing, you think Hitler did the right thing when he ordered all guns to be confiscated.
  22. How'd that work out for Vermont? Subsidy is another word for taking someone else's money.
  23. Well, there's still plenty of American flags for the left to burn.
  24. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/household-income-is-rising-but-still-short-of-prerecession-levels-2015-05-28?rss=1 Current incomes stats.
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