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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I'll pass this around. I know how important your Dad's things were to you.
  2. OMG...I think I know your daughter Heather...she just posted about this on FB?
  3. AAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH I remember sitting in the Frankfurt airport in the mid 90's seeing red parachute pants. I thought I would die. The woman wearing them was Ukranian as I remember? Stop the madness.
  4. PLEASE say no. I didn't own or want one in the 80's and I sure as hell don't want one now. Some things need to stay in the past.
  5. Right. Because "Bitter much"? Couldn't be seen as a personal attack or anything. We need a 'tear in my beer' emoticon.
  6. Now you stop that, with you making sense and all of that stuff.
  7. It's awesome to have friends that are polar opposites from us, isn't it? I have many like that, and I love them very much.
  8. I believe so, I know before they went to the dinner she was having a fit that he had been on television. It wasn't one of the competition shows that I watch, so I don't remember for sure. I'll text her and ask her to get back on and let you know .
  9. I despise the belief system attached to any 'holy' book. But I don't despise the believers. I also don't call those believers names, or claim disgust for them or whatever, unless they are Taliban or Westboro Baptist Church types. I try not to be a hypocrite. Why can't we all just live and let live without the name calling, the disgust (which is actually nothing more than veiled hatred), the intolerance from all sides? Why?
  10. Nope, I've had a Twitter account for years, only used it twice. I have a pretty large amount of friends from FB that I am notified are following my nonexistent tweets . I kind of think Twitter is more annoying than anything, and discovered that pretty quickly so I decided not to use it. Also~ 'hashtags' make me want to hurl my laptop against the wall .
  11. At first I thought Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Then I saw your post. All I can say is I LOVE me some Eddie Izzard. so that is a definite yes for me . Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!
  12. I love my Dell computers, and I've always had a good experience with their customer service and that is a HUGE deal for me.
  13. I plus oned you even though you are a butthead. Where are my moths ... Love you too, goober butt.
  14. You also know that the only person I detest more than Romney is Obama. I object to your use of the name 'Barry' because whether he ever used the name or not (he did), your intent is to be disrespectful. I think it is distasteful. I'm not a Christian, you claim to be. I can tell you that I know from years 17+ of intense study of the book you find your belief system in that one thing you are supposed to do is be respectful of those in authority over you. Like them or not- if you believe that Bible it also tells you that those people were placed there by God. That is my main objection to ho
  15. This is my sister. Family get togethers are very interesting .
  16. Or both...I use both. My Mom taught us to read using a lot of British literature, I remember preferring colour to color, and I remember a time when most people were well read enough to know it was not a misspelling. I've also always used the spelling 'theatre' and not 'theater'. It's not pretentious, it's just the way I was taught. Spell check is stupid, btw.
  17. I use both, so I can't vote .
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