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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. RhondaW


    I'll definitely stick with non covenanted neighborhoods, or own property as was stated above. Fact is, I would feel more comfortable with the folks from 'Duck Dynasty' than the Trumps. Each to his own .
  2. RhondaW


    Yep, nope. Never. Did I say never? 'Undesireable people' really? Love that term. I would live in a single wide trailer with a toilet flower planter in my front yard before I would live in a neighborhood with an HOA. Yep, I'm one of those undesireable people.
  3. Thank you for letting me clarify .
  4. That wasn't my response, Dana . Maybe my stance was a bit to harsh, my wording I mean. I would 'step' into a church for a wedding or to pay my respects at a funeral. I would NOT extend that to sticking around for an evangelical, proselytizing service~ for any organized (or 'dis' as the case may be) religion. I would politely excuse myself. I just think the bickering factions of christianity on this thread are hateful, snide and disrespectful and were uncomfortable to read. I didn't know what this thread was about or I would not have opened it.
  5. I'm not a christian, and wouldn't step foot in any church under any circumstances. I just wanted to say the way that some of you are jumping down one another's throats is as uncomfortable for the reader as some of the political threads. Good job, guys,
  6. OMG I hope you gave her a roundhouse to the throat on the way out the door. Him, too . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Me, nope. Never been fired.
  7. Oh yeah, I know what you are talking about now. My friend Bill Sturm passed on in January 2011...I still see zodiac readings pop up for him in my newsfeed. That is a little weird.
  8. My nephew keeps my brother-in-law's FB page up. He 'talks' to him in postings. I think it helps him, so I am alright with it.
  9. You can do it . I quit during both of my pregnancies too! Started back literally as soon as I was finished nursing, lol. It's been almost two years without for me now. I quit before I had the vein surgery on my right leg, and I am really glad I did. I quit cold turkey because I didn't have time to wean myself off with the surgery coming up so quickly on the horizon and I knew that it would help me to heal better, etc. Now with the HRT there is even a warning on the meds "NO SMOKING", so I am a chicken and won't start back for sure while taking them...even though that crap causes wei
  10. Yes. I graduated from McEachern in 1984. It was called 'The Smoke Hole' and you were allowed with written permission from parent or guardian. I'll be 46 in 3 days. I started sneaking cigarettes out of Papa's truck when I was 12. You could get them out of any vending machine, it was not that big of a deal. Everyone dipped, I thought that was gross. I've quit several times in my life...I don't think I'll start back after this last time, especially not now with the HRT. But, I am not making any promises.
  11. An NYPD officer was arrested Wednesday at his Forest Hills home for his role in a plan involving "kidnapping, cooking and eating body parts" of as many as 100 women, according to federal authorities. The grisly details were released by the U.S. Attorney on Thursday afternoon, and included text messages in which suspect 28-year-old Gilberto Valle's co-conspirators asked "How was your meal?" to which Valle responded: "I am meeting her on Sunday," officials said. Valle was charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping, and accessing a computer without authorization. Valle alleged
  12. Visit my ginger brother in Scotland, Jim McLeod and hang with his wife Amanda and Children. Locate some of my maternal grandmother's tribe (McCarthy). Revisit Germany. Alaskan cruise. Try Absinthe (I'm skeered) . My list is short, but expensive .
  13. YES! I'm allergic to Morphine so they put this in my profile after my hysterectomy 8 weeks ago. It had the same effect on me. It didn't knock me out but by god, I loved everyone, from the nurses poking and pulling on me down to the visitors dropping in to see me at my most unattractive. That stuff is aweseomesauce .
  14. I don't care a whit about any sport, never have. That being said, I have always loved Lance Armstrong. I found him to be inspirational, philanthropic and a tireless advocate for cancer sufferers and survivors. This whole thing makes me very sad, as I'm sure it does many others.
  15. The beer thing is true, and so is the lemon juice if he can handle it. I've had them twice, after the last one several years ago I began to be much more careful about what I drink~specifically my H20 intake. I've found a good meter to be that if there is any color in your urine (sorry to have to be so specific), you are not hydrated enough. I make sure if I see anything other than very pale I increase my water intake. Mind you for the last several years I have made sure I have no less that 3 of the 33.8 ounce bottles of water daily. I generally drink more, especially if I have any alc
  16. Heather's Mom... I am SO sorry about all of this .
  17. I quit smoking almost 2 years ago...at this point in my life I have no desire to start back, but I can't say that this will always be the case. I don't like the way it looks, or smells, etc. I don't care for the 'We need to work together to help everyone kick the habit'. Maybe I am too much of a Libertarian. BTW, as my Papa has always said "There is NO such thing as a healthy dead body". Death gets us all sooner or later.
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