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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. I don't agree with that. I certainly did not have to relearn each year. I've never seen a grader used to remove snow. Certainly a bit of creative thinking. Good for them.
  2. Ask now. As long as you're delicate about it, it isn't too soon.
  3. It's not a fiscally sound move. Spend all of that money on equipment that can go years without use. Then look at the "typical" Georgia snow ... here today, gone tomorrow. There are bone dry streets in subdivisions today that had 4" of snow on them before dawn this morning. (I know, not all roads are like that ... it's an example)
  4. With the financial situation as it is for most counties and the state now ... don't hold your breath.
  5. Will probably be making a short run out but not going anywhere near a grocery store.
  6. Some kinds of ice can be easier to drive on than others. That slicker than snot stuff that develops on the heavily traveled tracks is a nightmare. Move your vehicle over a little and get some texture to grab onto.
  7. Great food and a great cause ... keep the bidding going, folks.
  8. I thought it was technically a dinner for 4 ...
  9. I think I'm going to wake my 4th grader up on Monday and see how far we get through the normal morning routine before he wakes up enough to remember. Sure hope he isn't out at the bus stop for too long.
  10. Wow ... buzz-kill in the first post.
  11. It's just a few stray little flurries.
  12. That's tomorrow night into Monday morning.
  13. Ok, so it is only a few flurries.
  14. If the car was left in the roadway I'd guess it isn't likely to be there now.
  15. The economy isn't the issue with the folks over there so there must be something else going on. Maybe the harsher than usual winter is wearing people/s nerves down.
  16. It seems to be going around these days. Folks on my board/forum have gotten nastier than usual lately.
  17. I'm sure you'll find another thread/topic to get some play in.
  18. For what it's worth, the shift to "climate change" started a number of months ago ... well before all of the snow and such.
  19. Where's that missing-the-point gif when you need it?
  20. Melting nicely anywhere there is direct sun. Don't get complacent, though.
  21. I don't know about the rest of y'all but the call that I got said that they planned to release at regular time but things could change quickly and parents should be prepared. Does that make it ok to send elementary school kids home early without another call? No. That was a screw up. And to address a couple other things ... Carroll County did not close yesterday. They did early release. Why would our schools have closed at 12:30 when there was nothing happening yet? Folks would have pitched a fit about that, too. I told my son before he went to school yesterday that
  22. And I hope that people use solid, good judgment in determining true need.
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